Chapter 7

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Luke and I got out of the car to sort things out
"How about, I go inside and distract Rhonda while you sneak in from the back window, it'll take you straight to my room" I said
"Okay but, what if Rhonda catches us?" Luke asked
"It's fine we just gotta-"
"Gotta do what?" A familiar mature British voices said behind me. I knew it was Rhonda.
"Luke? Is this you?" She said looking surprised. Luke nodded his head.
"Wow...I'm impressed.... but if this is what you did to have my blessings, I'm sorry, you're still not accepted and NEVER WILL!" She yelled. I looked at Luke in a concerned way.
"It's okay Rhonda, why should I care what you think of me? It's sad to know that I did all this for you and you still decide to treat me like shit, I don't care anymore. You can't do anything to keep me away From Paige" Luke replied as my eyes filled with tears.
"Go away" Rhonda said quietly
"Gladly" Luke smirked and walked away. I smiled while watching him leave, I know what his plan is.
"Get inside Paige I am very disappointed in you!" Rhonda yelled. I walked into the house and Rhonda shut the door.
"I never wanna see Luke again.." Rhonda narrowed her eyes
"You know what, I never wanna see you again." I smiled. Rhonda laughed
"So you're going to try to escape me?" She continued laughing
"Well THATS NOT POSSIBLE" she yelled and wiped the table with a belt.
"Listen here now, we have a deal... If you even try to leave this building, you and the rest of the girls will get the beatings" said Rhonda pointing the whip right at me. the girls slowly came out of the room looking terrified, except for Adrian.
"See... Paige not only are you putting yourself in danger, you're putting the rest of the girls in danger... look at all their faces" I looked up at every single one of them. I didn't care, all I wanted was these girls back home from where they came from.
"Not only am I regretting everything you say but I really don't give a fucking shit of what you're saying" I replied
"See that girls? She's making you guys have to pay the price!" Rhonda suddenly slapped me across the face.
"I've had enough of you treating me like shit" that's when I finally slapped Rhonda back. I turned my back and walked upstairs to the room. all the girls followed along.
"Way to go miss 'I Can Do Anything!' Said Adrian walking into the room
"Shut the fuck up Adrian!" Yelled Katerina
"Why don't you Katerina, you fucking loud mouth" Adrian yelled back at Katerina. Adrian turned her head back to me
"What was that all about? Again in 5 years" she got all in my face. she turned away and chuckled, then turned back to me
"I never thought you could be that freaking dumb until now, come on what's going through your head? Fucking naïve" That's when I snapped at Adrian
"Get out of my face Adrian, the last thing I need is you and your bitchy mood coming at me 24/7 like what the fuck? Is there ever a time when your not a bitch?" All the girls looked at me with wide eyes
"I'll be a bitch when I want" Adrian responded. I swung a fist at Adrian and missed
"Bitch don't even-" Adrian swung at me too. I stopped her fist and kicked her. we both began fighting and that's when Sky and Stella stepped in to stop us.
"Break it up you two! This is unnecessary at this time!" Yelled Sky
"Paige!" Luke yelled from the window. All the girls looked towards the window and saw Luke standing their.
"Luke!" I ran and gave him a hug. Everyone looked at me weird
"In case you guys didn't know.. this is Luke, he was here 5 years ago when Rhonda dissed him and now he's back to save us" I said. they all had smiles on their faces. Adrian crossed her arms and stood at the back of the room
"We have to get out of here....Adrian, please, you're the only one who isn't in this" Adrian rolled her eyes
"Please Adrian... it's either you stay here and live by Rhonda's rules or you go back home to your family" I said. Adrian schooled her head.
"Guys lets go, Luke and I will help you down" I said as all the girls stayed in their order. Luke jumped out the window and bought out the ladder for the girls to go down one by one.

Soon we got to the last girl. Luke was waiting at the bottom for me. I took one glance at Adrian and said
"You leave me no choice but to leave you here with Rhonda"
"That's fine, I don't really have fucks to give" she replied
"Okay then... don't ask for food when you're hungry, don't say you can't do the workouts cause you're sore, and most of all... don't cry when you get anorexia" I said as I was about to go down the latter
"You coming?" Luke yelled from outside
"Just a sec!.... Feel like coming now?" I smirked and went down the latter, leaving Adrian to think about her decision.
"Okay guys lets go! Sky, Stella, you take one group of the girls in each car, make sure we have every single one of them here!"
"Not so fast" we all saw Rhonda standing I front of us holding a whip and the worst part was that Adrian was with her. I looked at Adrian feeling disgusted and traded.
"I tried warning you paige, oh I tried but you don't seem to get anything through your thick head" Rhonda laughed
"Don't hit the girls, hit me" Luke stood right in front of us.
"What are you doing?" I whispered
"Great, you two Luke" Rhonda held the whip up in the air but suddenly, Adrian stopped it.
"Guys go! Run!" Adrian yelled
"What are you doing Adrian? I thought you were on my team" Said Rhonda
"I guess Paige was right, I'd rather be somewhere else" Adrian kneed Rhonda a couple times. She tried running towards her car and suddenly Rhonda grabbed her leg and climbed on top of Adrian, punching her.
" me!" Adrian stopped Rhonda's fists from hitting her and strangled her on the ground.
"I'm not your little puppet anymore" Adrian took her last punch on Rhonda and left to my car.
"You got everyone in?" She asked
"Yeah, we're all in" I replied.
"Good" Adrian rushed back to her car and closed the door. Rhonda appeared at the door
"You're not going anywhere!" She beat on the window.
"Ugh, go away you freak!" Adrian opened the door on Rhonda's face, making her wipe out.

We all drove away. No more starving, sorrow or Rhonda. we were free. all the girls were asleep in the back, and safe, like I've always dreamed. Luke and I were Heros, and if it wasn't for us, we'd still be locked up in the large room doing workouts. Luke was driving while I laid my head on his shoulder. It felt so good knowing that I didn't just only save myself from anorexia, but I saved others, hope they recover and stay healthy their whole life.
"How do you feel now that you might not ever see Rhonda again?" Luke asked. I smiled and looked up at him
"Might? More like never"

The end :)x hope you guys liked it. I make short stories that explain a lot. comment what you guys think

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