2: The Challenge

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Your POV:

I love my sister Neytiri, but she can be... insane. The entire clan was enjoying a meal at home tree when she spotted the sully brothers, twins Jake and Tom. Neytiri always had a thing for Tom, he was nerdy, inquisitive, and romantic, while I always had a thing for Toruk Macto. His energy was dark, intoxicating, and sexy.

"I'll go flirt with Tom if you go flirt with Jaaakkkee," mimicking how she thinks I talk about him. 

"I don't know if I can do that. I mean what do I even say to Jake," this plan was ridiculous and I had never been the type to strike up casual conversation.

"No no no. Don't say that, I bet he drools over you when you aren't looking," she gave me an encouraging wink as I finished my food and Neytiri cleaned the rest of hers.

"Ok," she started, "here's the plan, after everyone has finished eating and going to bed we are going to intercept them and ask if they want to stargaze."

 I listened thoughtfully and tried not to let myself wonder about everything that could go wrong.

"OK, only if you do it with me. You have to promise because I won't be pranked by you again!" As the older sister her pranks weren't only tiring but embarrassing for me.

"Fine," She said reluctantly, "I promise." 

She made a funny face whenever she was serious.

Everyone began to finish their meal and move to where their families rest, Neytiri grabbed my arm and pulled me hard after the twins. 

"Ouch!" I said.

Neytiri scoffed, "Come on, no one likes a wuss!" I groaned as she let go of my arm and I followed her. We were running a little too fast after them, and she suddenly threw her arm out and I tripped over her.

"Ow," I groaned.

"Shut up. Shut up." She whispered to me. The twins were right in front of us chatting and laughing. Jake looked so good. I wanted him. I was staring at the way his smile turned into a grin when he was around his brother. They were cracking up about something and I wondered what it was.

"Okay, I'm going to talk to Tom, and then you'll follow right behind me, okay?" She asked me, it looked like they were making their way to the firepit, and as they slowly sat down I realized it was the perfect opportunity.

"Okay, I'm ready. Please don't embarrass me," she gave me a squeeze on the shoulder and she began her walk over to them from the bushes we were hiding behind.

I was panicking as I followed right behind her. They saw us and stopped their conversation with a decisive nod shared between them, which made me wonder what was so secretive they were scared we would overhear. 

Tom was clearly infatuated with my sister; how his eyes lit up when he saw her made me think there really was something there.

"Hey, Tom!" Neytiri shined a bright smile and snuggled right against him on the bench he was perched on. He leaned into her and bumped her shoulder with his as they both giggled.

"Hey, I was hoping I would see you tonight," He looked so happy to see her. That bright smile he was sharing with his brother returned. 

"I hope you don't mind if I brought my sister," she lowered her voice but I could still hear her. She winked at Tom and smiled back at me giving me an encouraging head nod. Throughout the whole exchange Jake was looking at me with curious eyes, his gaze lingered on my face and moved down my body inspecting what I was wearing as he shifted in his seat. 

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