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Kiara's Pov:

Do I love all of my siblings the same? Of course.

Except Raul.

Raul is the hardest and meanest out of all of my brother's. He's 7th born, but since he's the only true born son of our father, he's his heir.

Raul has always been cold and distant to everyone. Everyone but me. He's always had a soft spot for me. Even though he was brought up being told "never love," and all of that stuff, he loves me, protects me. No matter what.

I have 17 (18, one's dead) siblings in all, but since there's only 4 of us true borns, the others have our mafia's bastard name: Ackerman.

In our real order it goes; 1. Havier, 2. Javier, 3. Navier, 4. Xavier, 5. Apollo, 6. Aries, 7. Raul, 8. James, 9. John, 10. Sonya, 11. Carla, 12. Vel, 13. Valory, 14. Mallory, 15. Lona, 16. (which is where is true borns starts) Isabella, 17. Mikasa, 18. me, Kiara. And I had a younger brother named Pablo, but he died a few years back. (And that's not even all of my family, just my siblings.)

Our mafia law's are; 1: mafia is life, 2: mafia over love, 3: mafia rules are law.

When I was a kid me and Mikasa were close. Not as close as me and Raul but close. She taught me about boys and how I could hide them from our brothers. She taught me how to put on makeup and took me to my first party. But that all changed when I was 13. (Granted, I'm only 14, but still.) She was 15 and she had this boyfriend. His name was Tony.

Tony was American. That was the biggest problem in their relationship. He wasn't Spanish so our father wouldn't approve. And we knew that because Isa (who was 17, almost 18) had a boyfriend that year. Father had him killed. He said, "If he isn't Spanish or from a mafia then he isn't right," and all that bull crap about the rules.

So with that, Mikasa and Tony had to hide. They were together for 7 months. I found out about 3 months in. So one day when they were meeting, Isa saw them kissing. She took a picture and showed our father. She also told him that I knew about it. (And I did. But still... no need to snitch) He asked me about it, and since I was (and still am) scared of him, I told him everything I knew.

Our father killed him that same night.

And because of that, Sia never forgave me. Or anyone for that matter.

Unlike me and Sia, due to the 5 year age difference, Isa and I have never been close. She's never liked me and the feeling was mutual. We would fight and argue, but after the Tony thing we just didn't talk. I mean, I think we only ever talked in front on others, and that was for good press.

Pablo was only a year younger than me. We had a good relationship. I would help him with his girl trouble and he would protect me. (At least he thought so. But I was always better and stronger at everything.) When he died, he was 12. It was a couple months after the whole Tony thing, so Sia took it harder than everyone.

Well except me. I was destroyed. My favorite sibling had died. My little brother. My savior and hope. My protector and knight. And my best friend. Everything was really dark for the rest of that year. I was so depressed. That was until Maxi and Lexi Scar helped me get out of it.

Those to twin's brought light back into my life. Joy and happiness. I knew I didn't have to worry about any relationship problems considering Maxi was gay and Lexi was straighter than a line. We were inseparable. "The good three," they would always call us. We weren't trouble makers or anything. We kept to ourselves and everyone left us alone. Just the way we liked.

They were from a rich and powerful mafia. They're called the "Scar Bloods." They're called that because when they turn 13 they get a scar. A scar that will be noticed and forever. The Scar Bloods are the 3rd biggest mafia in the world. So my friendship with the heir's of they're mafia made my father happy.

I had never made my father proud. Or at least I don't think I did. So when my father said he was proud of me for making a good alliance like that, I was overjoyed. Even if that wasn't my intention. I was glad I could do something right for once.

My mother was a hard worker. She was always doing something or traveling. I never saw a lot of her. (I met her when I was about 6) Raul and Xavier basically raised me. Some of my earliest memories were with them. So me not being close with Xay never made since. But I guess it's because he's the exact copy of our father.

Either way, we're not close. So it doesn't matter anymore.

The real problem was when I found out who I was engaged to.

I had heard stories about the mafia king. He was the king of all king's. He was a God in the underworld. He was the head of the most powerful mafia. He was apart of the Hernandez clan. Lupin Hernandez. More known as the devil.

He was known to be ruthless. To be cold. Everyone said he loved nothing. It was said that he killed his own brother. From what I know he's 14 too. He became leader of his mafia when he was 12, and even before than he was cold and heartless. (At least from what I heard.)

His father would be leader-regent until he turned 18 than he would stay out of their mafia business. Or be killed. Whatever Lupin decided to do. I've also heard he was cute. But I'm not sure. It could just be rumor. Who knows.

I've lived in this world for 14 years. That's a long time for some of us. So I guess I'm thankful.

My name is Kiara Natri Faith Stormborn.

Me, Sia, Isa, and Rul all have names of our faith and people our parents cared about that were now dead.

We're somewhat Christians. So Faith is my middle name. For Sia it's Hope. Isa is Grace. And Rul is Mercy.

With our other middle names though, that's different.

For me it's Natri. I was named after my mom's best friend Nathan. Sia is Alexa. Our dad's first love. (Which is probably why mom has never showed affection towards her.) Isa is Alona. Named after our mom's first love Aline. (Which is definitely why dad literally never talked to her.) And Rul is Antonio. Named after mom's dad and dad's grandfather's.

So it's really; Kiara Natri Faith Stormborn, Mikasa Hope Alexa Stormborn, Isabella Alona Grace Stormborn, and Raul Mercy Antonio Stormborn.

Everyone in my family knew they were to be engaged at 16, then be married after they finish college. It was a law.

Rul is 23 and isn't married, but that's different. He's heir. Our father said he wouldn't do to Rul what his father did to him.

Isa 20 and is engaged to Zach Scar. Thanks to my friendship with the twins, our mafia's are ally's.

Sia is 18 and engaged to Rikon Winters, heir to the Winter mafia. The 4th largest in the world.

Even my half siblings are engaged or married.

Me? I was not sure who my father has me set to marry. Not that I have a say-so anyway.

But I definitely could've waited to find out.

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