Somebody's Watching Me

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Kiara's POV:

"Introducing the Stormborn clan. Roman Stormborn and his children!" A speaker announced as we walked through the door. All eyes were on us.

We walked around, slowly splitting up. My father told me 'when Lupin Hernandez gets here come right to my side,' so I'm very excited for that.

"Maxi and Lexi!" I smiled. "I've never been so happy to see you."

"This might be the last time we see each other for who knows how long." Lexi said. "Do you think we'll go to the same high school? Will you even be able to go to school? Omg.. that's so sad to think about."

"Will you shut up? Damn. You talk to much. Pissing me off." Maxi complained. "Hey, Kie."

I laughed. He's so moody.

"If being a sassy boy was put into one person it would be you, Max." I continued to laugh. "Sunny is coming. Have you seen her yet? It's been forever and I'm really excited."

Lexi made a shocked face. "No, we haven't, but are you serious? It's been like 2 whole years! This is so fun! I missed my sister!"

"Our sister." I corrected. "I wonder if she got a baby bump yet."

The shock face came again. "Showing?!" She yelled. People turned to look at us. "She's pregnant?!? No freaking way! After like 6 years together? I cannot."

I giggled. "I really hope she has a girl. She's always wanted a daughter. She is the best I swear!"

This is so fun. To think that-

No. No bad thoughts. This is a semi-happy day.

I can't say that it'll be all bad. I'm going to see my big sister.

"So, you're brother.." Max started.

"Ape is still straight and a 26 year old adult." I told him. "Stop trying to make him a child modester. It is not okay."

"But he's so.."

"A grown ass man. He's so a grown ass man." Lexi teased. "But he is fine!"

"Lex!" I said on shock. How the hell didn't I know she thought of my brother like that? That's so nasty. "You are disgusting."

Apollo wasn't ugly, but he wasn't attractive. Maybe that was a biased opinion because I can't think of my brother like that, but like, what is so great about him? He's a 6'3, 26 year old, brown eyes, medium lips, a wide mouth, a big forehead, he's buff, he's lowkey built like a table. What's so good about that?

And they really trying to get my brother a case. Like we are not doing that. For sure not.

Now Maxi and Lexi on the other hand.. I'm down bad for them. (Not in the romantic/sexual way, they are just so fine)

Lexi with her short brown hair, green eyes, small teeth that matches her lips, long legs, long neck, perfect figure, soft voice, huge ass, like god damn..

Then it's Maxi, even though he has a girly name doesn't mean he's not 'manly' or whatever. He's 5'9, brown eyes, short brown hair, his lips are a little bigger than Lexi's but they match better with his perfect white teeth, he has a deep voice and a strong build, and he's muscular arms..

I think both twins are gorgeous. But they are very weird at times. Like sometimes I think they are Jeffery Dahmer's spawns with the way the look at people. It's just so creepy and unnerving for some reason.

But that's just how the Scar clan is. Weird.


I never knew what it was like to be an only child, that's why I don't understand Valentina Valentine. The first born child, granddaughter, niece, cousin, daddy's little girl. She's such a brat. She's always been like that though. Never has been told no, from my perspective.

She talks to much. Why is she always in someone's business? I mean like come on, I get you're the only hair if one of the most powerful mafias in the world, but she's really not all of that. If the valentine's didn't have all of their connections they wouldn't be shit. So for her to be such a bitch to almost everyone she meets is so crazy to me.

But she won't be an only child for much longer, since her little brother is on the way. So I guess that gives me pleasure to know that she won't be the center of everyone's attention. Maybe that'll give her a reality check.

"Kie, are you with us?" Lexi asked, staring at the rest of the group.

We had slowly joined up with other kids our ages for the past 2 hours, its about 13 of us now. I think I'm the youngest among the group. What I do know for sure is that 7 of them are bastards. 3 came from the Waters clan, so it's surprising that this is the first time we've met.

Then out of the other 4 are from different families that I really just don't feel like explaining because we'll likely never see each other again. So there's no point of trying.

"Where else would I be?" I smiled.

"Up her ass." June Waters said. She was one of the only legitimate children with us right now.

I liked her sense of humor. It was similar to Sia's. In a small sense. She was a pretty boring person though, she couldn't hold a good conversation. And when she could, (if you could call it that) it was all about her. All I hear is 'me, me, me.' Like please shut up.

Then her best friend Alison isn't any better. The only difference is that at least June is Spanish and is actually apart of her own mafia. I've never even heard of Alison's family. 'The Johnson's.' You mean the most basic American family ever?

I swear to god I hate both of them so much. I had met June one time before this. It was when Sonya got married. He's June's cousin. First cousins actually.

"Please, shut the fuck up." There. I finally said what needed to be said. "We don't wanna hear you speak. You're annoying. So, for the love of god, shut the fuck up!"

People started staring again. Yeah, so maybe I'm more nervous than I originally thought. But at least she's quiet now.

"Well, um, if that's how you feel-"

"On everything I love I'm going to kill you the next time I hear you speak." I snapped again.

Yeah, that's probably going to be a problem..

"Oh, Kie, that's not.." Max started.

"Yes, I know." I interrupted. "I'm gonna go my own way until Sun gets here."

And with that I walked away.

It was honestly for the best. I can't deal with a lot of people at the same time. And all of them joking around like we're all good ol' friends. It just pisses me off so much.

First having to deal with Valentina's bull shit, then the Winters, all of the stairs and random people wanting to talk to me, my sister not being here, the fear of meeting my fiancée for the first time, all of it. It's just too much.

I literally hate everything about today. Actually- fuck that- this week. This week is just not it. It's just been so shitty.

So time away from everyone and everything is good for me.


I walked around until I found a spot to get on the roof. I went through a small bedroom window on the 7th floor and climbed the rest of the way to the top. If I wasn't so small I probably would've fell. So at least I know no one will be able to get me.

I can also here all of the people being announced at the door coming in.

Sonya texted me like 20 minutes ago telling me she was on her way. Father also texted me telling me to be at his side when Lupin gets here. But who knows if he'll even come so-

Anyways, Sunny should be getting here at any time so I guess I'll just wait her out.

Hopefully she gets here before Lupin does.

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