I Don't Wanna Go

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Kiara's POV:

My brother must have thought I was joking. There was no way in hell that I was going to that ball. He was delusional for even being at my door right now.

"Get the hell out of your room and get ready. We don't have long, Kie." Rul said. "You need to hurry before you make father angry."

He was right, I didn't want to make him angry. When he got upset, he got violent. Or sexually violent. I try to steer clear of him when he's like that. So when he's even just a little bit drunk, I lock my door, because he always comes to my room first, and I know he has a bit of alcohol in his system already because he was nervous.

"Okay." I sighed. I should've known better.

I know I could never get my way even if I really tried. It's sad, but it's the truth. That's just that things are in my life.

I looked at the dress in the bag over on my hook, hanging up. I still don't know why I have to get engaged so early? What the fuck did I do to him? I've accepted my fate, so why be sad about it? From what I heard my sister say about it, it's a dark blue dress that shows off my breast, and little diamonds making a necklace to go with it. It sounds beautiful, a dress fit for me.

I got my phone and dialed the twins.

"Can you guess who I'm marrying?" I asked in a joking manner.

"You're not getting married yet." Maxi laughed.

It was nice to hear him hear laugh. Smoothing even.

"Right, stop being delusional. I know you're ready to know and all but you still got a few years left." Lexi joked.

That joke would've been funny if I was joking. I probably would've laughed at it. But the thing is, I'm not joking. Nothing is funny.

"I'm marrying Lupin Hernandez. I don't think I have to explain." I said. "But can we talk about something else? I really don't wanna cry again and I need to get dressed in a few hours."


After the twins and I got off the phone I got in the shower and went down stairs for my hair and a little makeup.

"So, miss Kie, how do you feel about meeting your future husband? It must be scary." My hair dresser, Nora asked.

Nora had always done my hair. Everyday for the last 14 years. To think that she won't be doing that anymore.. will she even have a job here? I've always found comfort in my hair dresser. She was like the older sister I needed. Always comforting me, making me laugh, not letting me be lonely. She has always made me feel loved. She was only 29. Started doing my hair when she was just 15. Her dad knew my mom's sister. She was a family friend. Always there at every family event, sitting at the main table across from me.

If my earliest memories weren't with Rul or Xiver, they were with her. She put me on with some of my now favorite shows like Grey's Anatomy, Alex & Kate, MHA, Naruto, Revenge, and so many more. Honestly I don't know where I'd be without her. She has literally been here for every step of the way. Not to mention that she's super pretty. She made me realize that I was into girls when I was like 11.

With her beautiful blonde hair, blueish-green eyes, small lips, perfect white teeth, big round eyes, and those long legs.. and that laugh.. she be turning me on with it.. Nora is really my soulmate. My true love. What will I do without her everyday?

I lifted my head up to look at her. "It's not scary, it's terrifying, Ria." I shook my head. "I don't wanna go. Not now, not ever."

She gave me a small smile and kissed my forehead.

I blushed at it.

"I've known you for all of your 14 years of life, and not once have you not found a way to make the best out of something. You're strong, Kie. Real strong. I know you're scared. I would be too. But if you steer clear, make friends, and be yourself, I'm sure you'll be fine. You got this."

I needed that. I do have this. She was right. I'm perfect. Everything else might not be, but I sure am.

"Thank you, Ria. You always know how to cheer me up." I thanked her. "And please never put 'miss' in front of my name when talking to me. It's weird, y'know."

She laughed. "Yes, miss, I'll be sure to remember that." She joked.

"Keep going. I dare you."


After I showered and my hair got done, I put on my dress and necklace. And my god was it beautiful. The softness, the color of the dress, the design details, everything about it was amazing. This is one of the best ones yet. Sonya really did her thing with this one.

There was a card with it too.

'Dear little sister, I made this dress age appropriate, but also to show of your breast as you can see.
I know this must be hard for you considering who you are marrying. It's going to be hard. From what my husband has told me, Lupin is an asshole. But he keeps to himself.
Porter said that he'll be doing business personally with Lupin. So I think we'll see each other often. I'm pretty excited to see you after so long. How long has it been, little sister? 2 years? I think I'll see you at the ball. If we get to talk.
Anyways, I'm glad I could make this dress for you. I do hope it's soft enough. If you're still feeling scared, imagine how scared I am at becoming a mom. Yep, I'm pregnant. You're gonna be an aunt again.
I know life hasn't always been great to you, but I think you can make the best of whatever will happen. You always do. I love you so much, sweat sister.
Love Sonya.'

I wiped my tears. That was so beautifully written. Im glad there's a chance I'll get to see her when I'm in that potential hell-hole. And after two whole years. Sunny has always been the most like me. When father told her she was to marry Porter she got over it pretty quickly. She said 'I knew it was coming. No point on crying about it.' And did what she had to do. She ended up falling in love with him and he with her. They've been trying for kids since 2 years after their marriage started. And that was a long time ago. (Well for me it has)

Life has been so unfair to us. So I'm so happy she got her happy ending. She's going to make the best mom ever. Better than her mom ever was to her. And Porter isn't bad. I don't know him that well, but from when we have talked he's a pretty good guy. He definitely loves my sister and wants the best for her. Not to mention he comes from the Carter mafia. 7th biggest in the world.

I looked at the time. 7:43. Just 7 more minutes.. I can redo my makeup and head downstairs afterwards. I'm ready. It's time. I need to be like Sunny and accept my fate. Even though it probably won't have a happy ending, I can still make the best of what I get.


I came down the stairs looking good and being ready to go. 7 of my siblings were waiting; Rul, Sia, Isa, Mallory, (Mal) Apollo, (Ape) Val, and John. (Johnny)

Isa looked the best if I'm being honest. Her dress was a short, light pink, diamonds covering it, masterpiece. Sonya DEVOURED with that one right there. She made it so it showed off her ass, crazy.

Everyone else looked boring. Obviously because it didn't matter if they looked the best or not.

"You look amazing, Kie." Said Mal.

She made me smile. Most times she acts as if I don't exist. And she's always honest. So when she says something, you know it's true.

"Thanks, Mal. Are we ready?" I replied.

Just then mother and father came out. "Yes, let's go."

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