What The..?

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Kiara's POV:

I sat there, looking at the text message.

What does this mean?

'He's not coming.' Is all it said.

'What the fuck..? Who's number is this? And who's not coming?' I replied.

Is this some kind of joke? I'm not understanding this. I've been out here for about an hour and neither Lupin, or Sonya, has arrived yet. So I've just been sitting out here, doing nothing but checking the time, waiting for one of them to show up.

And so far, that still hasn't happened.

How the hell are you 'on the way' and still not here yet? And how the actual fuck are you hosting a ball and still haven't arrived? This doesn't make any sense.

I texted father, 'Is Lupin not coming?' I asked.

I won't say that I wouldn't be glad if he wasn't, but who the fuck was that?

I sat back and waited for a response. It would probably be a few minutes. He doesn't really check his phone often.


8 year's ago;

"Hi, daddy." I smiled. "Whatcha doing?"

He looked at me with a small smile. "Nothing, my love. Just some boring ol' grownup work. Y'know how it is."

"So you know the Scar heirs, right?" I asked.

He looked surprised that I asked.

"Yeah, I know them. They're around your age." He told me. "Why do you ask?"

I smiled widely. "Well, we met last week because our nanny's took us to the same park. And I went up to them cause I was board. And we was playing and stuff, and when we was leaving I asked if they wanted to have a play date and the nanny said she'd ask."

He looked at me with another shocked look. I guess Tera forgot to tell him about it?

"And their parents said yes so they're on the way. All of them. And it's to late to say no, so.."

Father had a big smile on his face when I looked up at him.

"This is great, love! I'm so proud of you."

I grinned from ear to ear. "Why, though, daddy?"

"Because, you've given us an amazing opportunity." He told me. "Now go. I'll be down there when they are here, okay?"

"Okay, papa."


President day;

'No, he's not. I just found out. How do you know that?'

Well if it wasn't my dad, then who was it?

'I didn't, just asking'

I went to Sonya's message. 'Where r u?' I texted.

I remember the first time me and the twins actually hung out. I preferred Max over Lexi because I could relate to him more. I wasn't in to Barbies and girly toys, I would've rather ran around outside with a football or playing Fortnight.

Lexi was so much more girly. As a little girl, I couldn't understand why she was into all of that girly stuff like dresses and makeup. It seemed like no fun. Now I can relate because I'm older and a lot more girly. But I still play sports and is into video games. It's just that me and Lexi connected more as we grew up.

And I'm not saying that me and Max stopped being close, I would never let that happen. He's my boy best friend, my first real friend. My day one. We were on the same soccer team in middle school. I also helped him with robotics and he helped me with basketball.

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