Shots Fired

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Lupin's POV:

"How the hell did this happen?" I asked, looking at my father. "How?!"

He took a deep breath before speaking. "There were trader's among us that we couldn't sniff out. It was a mistake."

A 'mistake'? A 'MISTAKE'? How the hell was that a mistake?!

"Over 100 people died! 100! Do you not know how fatal this is? How many mafias are about to wage war?!"

He thinks this is a joke because in his time, things like this happened all the time. But this isn't his time. It's mine. He doesn't understand (or care at this point) what could happen if the other mafias wage war on us.

We are the most powerful, yes. But a war with hundreds of mafia's? Even with our allies, we couldn't possibly come out on top. Not against that many without using our role in the governments and exposing us to the public. In which case there would be no point to fight.


8 years ago;

"Lupus, what makes us so scary? Why are people so scared of us?" I asked my elder brother.

I've never gotten it. I didn't get why people were so scared of my family. I mean my dad wasn't the nicest, I know that. But he isn't completely evil. And my mom was just a bit crazy. Nothing to special either. And the rest of my extended family doesn't even matter. Lupus was cool though. The best at everything he did. So I guess I get him.

He looked at me with his big blue eyes.

We looked so similar. But I have a softer face. He's more handsome though. That's what people say about us at least.

"Well, we have a lot of people that aren't scared of doing bad things. And people fear that." He explained. "But yk, we also are the smartest people. Me and you. The next generation, we're gonna take off. Expand over to places the people before us never thought of."

I smiled. I understood what he meant. I get it now.



I sighed.

I've just gotten out of a meeting with adding additional security around all the bases. For safety measures.

"Sir?" I heard a knock.

It was Jemima. What does she want? I mean I don't mind- but why would she be here?

"Come in." I said.

The door opened & she was still so breathtaking. She looked majestic. I know her family is a bunch of good looking women but she takes the cake. I mean- like- just wow.

"I wanted to check up on you, sir." She smiled a little. "I thought you might be stressing so I brought you coffee and food."

That's so thoughtful.. She's so thoughtful.

I cleared my throat. "Thank you. I am a little hungry. Do you want to stay and eat it with me?"

I hope she says yes.

Please say yes.

"Yeah, you're the boss and I don't mind." She gave a slight chuckle.

Her smile is so memorizing.


Kiara's POV:

My heart was racing.

What if they can't save her? What if she was already dead? What would I do without Sunny? I've never been truly without her. And what about her baby? And her husband.. how devastated will be if he loses his child and wife? I can't possibly imagine his pain and fear right now.

My dad isn't doing any better. Yelling at everyone. He got himself kicked out of the hospital. Honestly that was really embarrassing, but I get it, he's scared. (I think. I really don't know what he's feeling)

Isa was shot in her arm. She's going to be fine. Our mother is with her. From what I can tell she's still in shock. She isn't talking, she's breathing heavily and is spacing out.

Carla's here too. I wonder how she feels? I mean Sonya is her twin after all. Last time I saw her she was calling Porter. I didn't know they were even close.

Porter couldn't be here because there was a meeting with all of the mafia heirs. Don't know what about but Raul was with him. Don't really care though.

If Sunny dies.. what will be life be-

"Kiara?" A voice interrupted my thoughts. "Are you Kiara Morganstar?"

"Yes, that's me."


Lupin's POV:

The heirs in here was the Waters: Maxi & Lexi. They were okay. I don't deal with the much but they don't seem to annoying. I think they're engaged? There's a incest thing in that family.
The Morganstars: Raul. He was very boring and seems to get mad to quickly. I get why he's the heir, but he isn't heir worthy. He's also my fiancé's older brother. One of so many I cannot care to remember. Good dude though.
The Carter's: Porter. He was a really okay dude. Funny and really smart. Very loyal. He's married to Sonya Stormborn, one of Kiara's elder sisters. He's expecting a child soon. I think he'll be a good dad. Better than my father was. But anyone can be a better father than that man.
The valentine's: Valentina. She's a brat. I really cannot stand that girl. Really nothing more to say about her.
The Gomez's: Miguel. He's what you'd expect of a mafia heir. Spoiled, undisciplined, entitled. There's nothing else to say about him. He's just another npc in my world.

Honestly there are a lot more that I don't care to mention.

"How many casualties?" An hair asked. (Porter or something of the sorts was his name) "How many people did we all loose?!"

"Watch yourself, Porter." Ah, see. I got his name right. "You forget who you're talking to."

"No need for all of that, Zayden." I said calmly. "We all lost people & going through a lot of emotions. But, Porter?"

"Yes, sir?" His back straightened.

"Never speak to me like that again."


Fuck! Why the hell was this happening now? How did he get loose? It's an embarrassment to the Hernández empire.

One of our most trusted allies betrayed us out of the blue. At one of our most crucial moments. I have to make a alliance. Immediately.

"Hey, Zeydan?" I called.

"Yes, sir?"

"Set up a car. I will be going to my fiancé's house." I told him.

"Sir?" He asked. "At this point of time? Is that really a good idea?"

"Are you questioning me?" I raised a brow.

"N- No, sir. My apologies. I'll do it right away."


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