Before The Ball

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Kiara's Pov;

The Winter ball was nearing and my father still hasn't told me who I am to marry.

It's been 3 months since my 14th birthday and my father has waited patiently to tell me who my finance is. He said he was gonna do it today, before we went to the ball, but I'm getting impatient. I want to know who.

But for now, while I'm waiting, I'm getting ready.

I still don't know why I'm getting a fiancé so soon compared to my siblings.

There was a knock on my door.

"Kie? Father wants you before you start getting dressed." Came Isa's voice.

I sighed. "Okay. I'll be right there." I said.

"Now." She told me, smirking.

"I said I'll be right fucking there, okay?!" I yelled.

Okay, so maybe I'm a little nervous to find out. But that was totally normal. Sia and Isa were both scared and yelled at everyone all day. So it's not such a surprise that I'd be the same way.

And I'm really yelling at her because we're still not close and she's always wanting to piss me off.


I sighed again. I can do this. All of my siblings went through it and survived. It should be the same for me.


I headed to my father's office. It was bigger then my closet, which was really big.

"Sir?" I asked, as I opened his door.

God I hate coming in here.

You can do this. Don't be scared. It can't be anyone too bad, right? Just relax. You'll be fine.

"Kiara, yes. I wanted to tell you who you will be marrying." My after said.

Okay. This is it Kiara. Don't chicken out now.

I mean- I can't chicken out if I wanted to-

You're not helping yourself.

Right. Be calm.

"And who will that be, father?"

He looked at me seriously.

"Lupin Hernandez." He spoke.

Oh. Cool.

Wait, what?!

"L- Lupin Hernandez?!" I asked in shock.

There's no way. Lupin Hernandez was ruthless.

He's the king of all kings.

Why the hell would it be him of all people?!

No. Absolutely not.

"We need them, Kiara. And you do not have a choice in the matter. You will go impress him, and that's the end of it. You will move in with the Hernandez clan and after college you two will be married and you will have his children." He said sternly. "Is that clear?"

My put my fist into a ball.

"Yes, father." I said, then walked out of his office.

After his office door was closed I ran up to my room.

It was no way in hell that I would ever marry that cold-hearted killer.

And for my father to even try and make me do that- God I hate him.

I fell down as soon as I closed my room door.

I have to calm down. I have to make my breathing slower.

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