Whatever The Hell I Want

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Lupin's Pov:

Growing up as an heir to THE biggest mafia in the world was a pain in my ass.

Not to mention I was always compared to my older brother Lupus.

Growing up being Lupus's younger brother was never easy.

He was always the best. The better fighter, the better heir, better looking, the better son, the better man. No matter what I did I could never live up to him. Because in the mafia and regular world, he was a God. He was truly what prince charming reborn was supposed to be.

He was kind and gentle to most. That was until you crossed him. Then he would go to war. He was never very good at controlling his anger issues. But he would've been a great leader, and that's all anyone cared about.

I've always been the smarter brother. Yes, Lupus was smart, but I was always smarter. Which is something that I was better than Lupus at. So it was truly a win. Not that anyone noticed.

I've never had good control over myself. I've always acted out. Never knowing how to control my emotions. And it's not like anyone tried to help. They all just called me the "devil reborn," and all that good stuff.

Lupus was 16 when he died. I was 12. I became heir after that, then became head of my mafia not even a year after that.

Everyone thinks that I killed my brother, but I didn't. Despite what everyone thinks or how I speak about him, we were close. He was my only brother. My only sibling. People told me when I was born Lupus said to kill me. But even my mother told me that wasn't true.

He taught me how to use a sword, a gun, and how to fight. He taught me about girls and how to be kind and show mercy. Taught me the ways of the mafia world. He also told me that if anything happened to him I was to protect our mother and mafia, no matter what the cost.

So when he died I became cold. I only cared about two things. My mother and my mafia. I lost my soul doing what my brother was supposed to do. Living up to what he would've wanted me to be. Or at least what I think he did.

My full name is; Lupin Lorenzo Fer Hernandez. Lupin is after my grandfather, Lorenzo after my uncle, Fer after Lucifer, and my family name.

Lupus on the other hand had gotten the better name. (Because he always had to get everything better.)

Lupus Roe Prince Hernandez. Lupus after my father, Lucas, Roe after my other uncle, Ray, Prince, because, even then, he was the mafia's prince, then the family name.

Lupus was better known as Prince Dez. He was called that because it was a short version of our last name. While I was (and still am) called Lord Saye. Because, you know, named after Satan and all that.

I called Lupus; Roe. Because unlike the rest of the world, he was my family. My blood. Even when the world didn't (still doesn't) think so.

My mother and I had never had a very close relationship. But she never told me anything was wrong with me or that I needed fixing. She just wasn't really there. She just exists.

With my father, I don't know much about him either. Just the things Lupus used to tell me. He had always preferred Lupus over me and he made it known how much of a disappointment I am. Even after Lupus died. He told me that it should've been me and not him.

I have my best friend's. Their names are; Jackson Grey, (JJ) and Micah Grey. (Leah.) They're American twin's.

We've been friends since diapers. Their family is in the legal business. So they're not apart of any mafia. But if the Grey clan did claim a mafia, it would be ours.

Me and JJ didn't get along when we were kids'. He had everything I wanted. But then I grew up and realized I was stupid. That was  when we were about 11. Unlike JJ, Leah and I had always been close. She's the sister I never had. I had never liked her in any romantic way. I've always been how JJ is with her. Protective.

I have a heart. A big one. The thing is that I don't put anything before the things I love. I protect them no matter what. And that's why people call me cold. Why they call me heartless. It isn't my fault I love too much and too deep.

I have never had a girlfriends of any sorts. I have whores, yes, but never a lover. I've never had the chance to feel romantically about someone. It's just sexual. That's all it always is. Making a connection with a girl- or anyone- has never been my strong suit. I just deal with whore's who want something from me.

So all of that being said, when my father told me I was to be married, it came as a surprise.

Her name, I think, is Kiara.

Wait- yeah- Kiara.

Kiara Stormborn. Of house Stormborn. They're just the 2nd biggest mafia in the world.

From what I heard, her father was an asshole. He didn't give a shit about his wife or kids. That's why he kept having bastards. To "keep the blood line strong," is what I heard.

I've also heard that Kiara is very beautiful. That she's an angel sent from God himself.

It's set that we meet at the next ball. The biggest ball of the year. The Winter formal.

Funny enough, the Winter's don't host it. We do. Well- my father does. I want no parts in party planning and all that boring crap.

I'm not sure if I will love her or whatnot, but I don't think I'll try either. If we're meant to be, then we will be.

Until then, I'll continue hating everything about life.

I can't wait to meet my future wife.. I guess.

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