Before The Ball pt. 2

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Lupin's Pov:

I woke up at 4:20 a.m. and did what I do every morning.

I had a lot of things to do in the morning.

One of which was to wake up that early in the morning. I don't know why I have to do this every morning, but my brother and father did it, so I guess it's natural to be a early riser even though I'm a night person.

I woke up, got in the shower, brushed my teeth, (I don't eat breakfast) said hello and goodbye to my mother, and went to my mafia headquarters.

By the time I got to my headquarters it was 5:15.

The new recruits were already there and they looked terrified.

Which I didn't blame them.

If I was meeting the world's most lethal mafia king I would be scared shitless too.

All were scared.

All but one.

A girl- Jemima- she looked at me with something in her eyes- but it definitely wasn't fear. Maybe lust. Or curiosity.

I looked into her afterwards of course.

Jemima Corles.

She was 17. Her father was one of our mafia's legal board members. She was born in America and moved here 3 years ago because her mother had passed. Her favorite things to do consist of 9 activities. Skating, swimming, running, eating, watching TV, knife play, working out, sleeping, and finally; visiting her mother's grave so she can talk to her.

I got all of that in an hour.

But back to what happened.

"Is this all that you have?" I said as they all just stared. "Introduce yourself's and your families."

"I'm Lucerys Kaiser Rushmore." A boy stepped up. "I'm the youngest son of Jaherys Rushmore. The 4th seat on the elite assassin team. I'm 15 years old, sir."

Oh, yes, I know who this kid is. His father is my favorite hit man on the team if I am to be honest. I'm pretty sure we met once at a ball. But he was about 6 feet shorter and 20 pounds heavier. He has a twin I think. Or maybe he was one of the older brothers that my brother knew? I'm not really sure.

I do know that I have to play nice in a way. Say I know their parents and that they are good workers and all of that. But I'm not going to do that if I'm not sure. Anyways, I'm sure these kids are from important families. So I think I'll be just fine.

"Yes I know your father. A good fighter. Trained my older brother when we were kids. I'm glad I can see his son shall be following in his foot steps." I said, reaching out my hand.

He took it. "Thank you, sir. I'll be sure to relay the message."


A boy that looked similar to Lucerys came forward.

"I'm Jacerys Kaydin Rushmore." He said. "2nd son of Jaherys. Next in line to take my fathers place in the elite assassin team. Your team, sire."

I knew it. He had a twin. I thought so.

"And what do they call you?" I asked.

"Jace, sire. They call me Jace. And my younger brother Luke."

Normal. Not surprising. It's a good façade. To have similar names in the family. Or just repeating them.

"Next up."

"I'm Jemima Corles. My father is Jackson Corles. I'm of the Odysseus family." She said, confidently. "They call me Jem."

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