Canada x runaway!reader

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FYI: (y/n) = your name
(Y/f/n) = your full name
(F/c) = favourite colour
(C/n)= cute nickname
~~~~~~~~~~~On with the story!~~~~~~~~~~~~
You ran. Your legs ached. Your lungs were screaming for air. But you ran.
You ran. Your eyes stung. Your vision was blurry. But you ran.
You ran. You had no idea where to. But you ran.
You slowed down. You looked at your surroundings. White snow. Cold snow as far as the eye could see.
You stopped. You dropped to your knees.
"Is this how I go? Die of hypothermia in the middle of nowhere? With no one to notice? Huh. Sorry mom. I guess I'll break our promise. I'll be seeing you sooner than thought."
You fell. The dark was so alluring. You fell to the temptations of sleep.
You were warm. You opened your eyes. Fire. you were lying down on a couch, next to a crackling fire, covered by multiple blankets. You observed the flames as they played with shadows and lights on the wall. You looked around. you were in a stone room. there were two doors. one on the far left, the other on the right.
The door on the left opened.
A blonde man walked out. He had shoulder length wavy hair, with a weird curl sticking out. He had glasses covering his rare violet eyes.
"oh! you woke up!" He whispered, you could barely hear him.
You looked at him, studying him.
"are you hungry?"
You nodded.
"I'll warm up some soup then, is that ok with you?"
You nodded, once again. He left through the door he came from. He came back shortly after with a steaming bowl in his hands, a spoon in the bowl.
He put the bowl down in front of you.
"do you mind me asking you a few questions?"
You shook your head as you eyed the food, not trusting it.
"ok. here goes nothing. why were you in the forest? especially dressed so lightly!"
You looked down.
"I... I was running away..."
*^* Matthew's POV *^*
"I... I was running away..."
"from what?"
"..." She didn't answer.
It was normal, I guess, you don't normally tell a complete stranger your life story.
I got up to let her eat. She grabbed my sleeve.
"Th-thanks." she said lightly blushing and staring at her soup.
I looked at her shocked, not expecting her to stop me just to thank me.
"you-you're welcome." I blushed. DAMN STUTTERS!
*^* your POV *^*
"you-you're welcome." he stuttered. You blushed even more at his adorable stuttering.
You picked up the spoon, blew on the soup and impatiently ate it.
Once you finished you decided to do something you weren't aloud to do at your (random relative)'s house. Singing.
"Yesterday I died, tomorrow's bleeding. I fall into your sunlight.
The future's open wide, beyond believing...
(I dunno all the lyrics)
...And I've lost who I am and I can't understand why my heart is so broken rejecting yours..." You finished. there was clapping.
*^* Matthew's POV *^*
I heard singing. It was beautiful. I went back to the living room. I saw the girl, looking at me with tears in her (e/c) eyes. I clapped.
"that... that... that was beautiful..." I mumbled quietly, not speaking loudly, for fear of stumbling in my words.
She looked at me scared.
"Please don't hurt me! I beg you please I won't do it again! Please, please-"
"why would I hurt you? that was beautiful, uuuuuhh, I don't believe I got your name ..." I blushed realizing my mistake.
"(Y/n), you?"
"I'm Matthew!"
{*^*} timeskip + your POV {*^*}
You woke up on the couch and smelled something delicious. You got up and followed the scent to the kitchen, wich was the door to the left of Matthew's living room.
You saw Matt cooking something on the stove.
"What are you cooking?"
"Ah! (Y/n)! you scared me! I'm making pancakes"
"Can I help?"
"sure! can you get the maple syrup and put it on the table please? It's in the cupboard."
"Ok" you did as you were asked
"Now what?"
"Could you get the the forks and plates? The forks are over there, the plates there." He said pointing drawers and another cupboard.
"Ok" you set the table and just as you finished he was putting the stack of pancakes on the table.
you started putting pancakes on your plate and eating them (obviosly).
"Hmmmm pankekeyzzzzz. Those were great! Thanks Mattie!" He blushed at the nickname you gave him.
"no prob (c/n)" now it was your turn to blush.
You both went back to the living room.
"Um (y/n)?"
"Yes Mattie?"
"I don't want to kick you out but shouldn't I bring you home?"
"NO! Please! Don't bring me back, please please please." You said with teary eyes.
"Why, what happened?"
"... Well... I, my mum, my dad..."
*~*flashback 5 years old*~*
You were in the park with your mum, she was pushing you on the swings,you were laughing
"Higher, higher mum! Higher!"
She gladly did so, as you laughed.
It was getting late and you were getting tired.
"Let's go home sweety. It's getting late."
"Ok mummy"
As you were crossing the road in front of your house you didn't look and things went fast.
You heard your mother yell your name, then there was a loud honk, a shove, an ear-piercing scream, then time slowed down. You saw your mother being pushed across the road by the indescribable force of a truck as it hit her.
You heard an inhuman scream. The scream wouldn't stop. The scream was yours. You ran to your mother, as pools of blood started to surround her. You grabbed her hand
"Mummy, mummy! Wake up mummy! Wake up! Please wake up! Mummy! Wake up!" You pleaded through your sobs. The driver quickly called an ambulance and soon enough your mother was in the hospital.
YY^YY 2 years later YY^YY
Your mother was out of her coma and discharged. you were happy and would spend as much time as possible with her.
YY^YY few months later YY^YY
You were shopping with your mum. Though it was something you would do often you were still happy, holding your mum's hand as you walked through the isles looking for everything you needed.
You were waiting in line when you heard a loud noise.
"EVERYBODY GET DOWN!" Some masked men barged in with guns.
They grabbed your mother and put a gun to her head.
"NOBODY DO ANYTHING OR THIS CHICK GETS IT! YOU!" He pointed to the cashier.
"PUT ALL YOUR CASH IN THIS BAG." The frightened cashier did a she was told, but before she finished there was a BANG and your mother's body fell to the floor as blood quickly rushed out her head.
No. It wasn't possible. You couldn't lose her again. Not so soon after getting her back. You screamed.
"Mum! Mummy! No! MUMMY!" You burst into tears, screaming.
"C**p! Run!" The men ran away as you were left once again crying over your mother holding her hand
"(Y-y/n)... Promise me something..."
"Yes mummy"
"Promise me you will live a full life."
"Yes mummy I promise, I promise but please don't leave, please don't go, please" you sobbed.
Your mother said her last words on that floor.
"Goodbye (y/n)"
Your mother drew her last shaky breath.
YY^YY Back to present YY^YY
You burst into tears as you told him about your mother.
"what about your father?" Matt asked
TT^TT Flashback 14 years old TT^TT
As you grew you looked more and more like your mother and your father couldn't take it.
You came back from school.
"HEY DAD! I'M HOME!" You shouted into the house.
No one answered. You walked into the living room, nothing. Kitchen, nothing. You went to your fathers study, he was there. He had a gun to his head. he saw you.
"I'm sorry, kiddo" He said before pulling the trigger.
"NO! DAD! NOT YOU TOO!" You immediately called 911 but it was too late. Your father died on the spot.
You cried at the funeral. while you were weeping at your fathers grave, the others were deciding who got to keep you. It ended up with (random relative).
(Relative) was horrible. He/she didn't want you. He/she stuck you in the basement and fed you only when he/she remembered to. Every time you tried to escape he/she would beat you mercilessly and send you back to the basement without food. You lived the life of a mouse. You never had any clean clothes, barely had any food and you weren't aloud to make a sound. You were forced to stay there for years, five long, painful years.
But one day, you'd had enough. You ran
*~* present*~*
"... And you know the rest" you explained through tears.
"Shhh shhh it's alright. It's alright" Matt said, hugging you.
You let it out and sobbed in his chest as he rubbed soothing shapes into your back.
In a few minutes you calmed down, but you didn't let go of his red hoodie.
"Shh shhh it's okay, (y/n), it's okay"he soothed you.
You let go of his hoodie and hid your face in embarrassment. You couldn't believe you let an almost stranger see you break down.
"how about some movies and ice-cream, eh?" He asked softly.
*^* Matt's POV *^*
I couldn't believe it. I'd never thought I'd meet someone with this kind of life. But here she was. How could people do this?
"how about some movies and ice-cream, eh?" Alfred (USA) said this was the best way to cheer up sad girls.
"Y-yes, please"
*^* your POV *^*
"Y-yes, please" you could really use a distraction now.
(\_/)*spongebob's narrator*
(='.'=) lots of movies and ice-cream later
(")_(")... look at that! It's a rabbit!
*^* Matt's POV *^*
"*yaaawwwnnn* thanks Mattie, I needed that." she yawned, cuddled up to me.
"n-no prob, (c/n). I'm taking you're feeling better...?"
"Much better." she looked at me. no scratch that, she was staring in my violet eyes with her own, deep, (e/c) pools.
I blushed as I stared back. She got closer and blushed. She got closer and closer until our faces were only inches away. She was a red that would put Tonio's tomatoes to shame. She closed her eyes and closed the distance between us and kissed my cheek. My face was burning and I was pretty sure I was redder than a maple leaf in autumn.
"ah, uh, um, eh w-w-w-what?"
*^* your POV *^*
"Much better." You said. You stared into his beautiful violet eyes. You could feel yourself heating up as you got closer. he blushed. Damn he's adorable when he blushes! You kept getting closer. You realized what you were doing and stopped. It was too late to turn back, so you changed direction. You kissed his cheek and he got redder than his Canadian flag hoodie.
"ah, uh, um, eh w-w-w-what?"he stuttered. You got even redder than you were.
"Uh, um, that was to, um, say thanks, for, you know, saving me and everything..." you trailed off wondering why you did that.
"Uh, o-ok..."he stuttered.
There was a knock.
"I-I guess I should get that..." He stated
"Y-yes, ok."
*^* Matt's POV *^*
"Y-yes, ok" she stuttered. damn she's adorable.
I went to the door. The knocking didn't stop.
"I'm coming, I'm coming, calm dow!"
I opened the door.
"HEY BRO!" Alfred glomped me.
"he-hey Alfred... w-what are you doing here?"
"I CAN'T VISIT MY LIL' BRO EVERY ONCE IN A WHILE?!?! You're mean." He pouted.
"it-it's alright, Alfred, I just wasn't expecting it."
"Who is it Mattie?"
"no one (y/n)! just my brother!"
"(Y/n)? Who's that dude?"
(Y/n) walked in.
"Who? Oh! H-hi. I'm (y/n). You are?"
"I'm Alfred! But you can call me THE HERO!!! HAHAHAHA!!!!!"
"Ok, sure thing 'hero'."
She went back to the living room and plopped down on the couch.
"Damn bro, she's CUTE!"
I flushed.
"Nice ta know ya finally got laid dude!"
"w-what!?!? no!!!! I just found her knocked out in the snow!!!"
"But you gotta admit, she is cute"
"Soooooo when you gonna take her home?"
"I can't!!!"
"Huh? Why not? I know she's cute but..."
"she was abused."
"Oh. But she's gotta stay somewhere..."
"yeah. I guess I'll keep her here 'till she finds her own place..."
"Ok. Sounds cool man!"
"oh! I almost forgot! I'm going to take her shopping, wanna come with?"
*^* your POV *^*
The boys came into the room.
"Watcha so hyper 'bout?" You asked
"We're gonna go SHOPPING!!! Oooooh!!! I gotta take you to the game stop and the ..." you tuned Alfred out as he continued his jabbering.
You looked at your thin, but, thanks to Mattie, clean white t-shirt.
Being bored you sang on the ride and Alfie cheered you on, saying you were wonderful.
The shopping was fine. you got a warm (f/c) jacket, two pairs of jeans, a few shirts and nice warm shoes.
"would you like to get some hot chocolate before we go home?"
"Awwwww hell yeah!"
You went to Starbucks
"would you like to drink it on the way home?"
"Take out please."
"ok. you comin'?"he asked.
"Nah I'mma wait here."
"ok" he went inside to order your drinks. You leaned on the wall waiting for Matthew, watching your surroundings carefully. (relative) worked at a Starbucks. The possibility of meeting him/her here was very slim but it was always there. You kept an eye out and you spotted those distinct (r/h/c) locks. you looked down, trying to not draw attention to yourself. Trying. And failing. Miserably. The moment you noticed him/her, he/she noticed you.
"Crap!" You mumbled to yourself.
You turned around and were about to run but you felt your hair being pulled back.
"GYAAAAA!!!!!!" You screamed. people shot you weird looks but didn't interfere. (r/n) started to pull you away.
"m- MATTHEW!!!!!!!!" You screamed, hoping he'd hear you.
*^* Matt's POV*^*
I was waiting for my turn.
"GYAAAAA!!!!!!" I thought one thing only: (y/n)
I tried looking outside, to see what was going on. I couldn't see anything.
"MATTHEW!!!!!!!!" Now I was sure. that was (y/n).
"(Y/n)? (Y/N)!" I shoved my way through the crowd and as soon as I was out I saw (y/n)'s hair being pulled.
She was crying. she was weakly trying to fight back.
"Who the fuck is Matthew?!? Your new fuck friend?!? You've been out fucking you BITCH!"
My rage was overwhelming. I didn't hear anything after that. I got beside (relative) who was about to slap the beautiful girl.
"matthew" she whispered.
I snapped.
I have no idea what happened the next few moments but one second I was boiling with rage, clenching my fists the next (relative) was on the ground, missing a tooth and I had a bloody fist.
*^* your POV *^*
You were crying, trying to get your hair back. you looked up. (relative) was about to slap you.
"matthew." you whispered. He was your only hope. you looked up again and saw Matthew snap. he grit his teeth, he clenched his fist and punched (relative) square in the jaw. (relative) lost a tooth.
"STAY AWAY FROM HER." Matthew said, raising his voice to a menacing talk.
(Relative) left running and screaming profanities.
You were shocked from his out of character actions. You would have expected that from Alfred but not from Mattie.
"let's go home." He said sweetly, going back to his normal quiet tone of voice.
"Matthew..." you tackle-hugged him to the ground.
"Oh Mattie I was so scared, I didn't want to go back to that hellhole! Not after finally leaving! Not after falling for you!"
You blushed, covering your mouth.
"you fell for me? me?"
You nodded, blushing heavily.
"let's go home..." he said getting up.
"...pancake" he finished, hugging you.
You looked at him. He was redder than ever. you nodded and the two of you headed home, hand in hand. the unspoken message getting across clearly.
'Je t'aime.'

~~~~~~~~EXTENDED ENDING~~~~~~~~
***A few weeks after the incident***
You and Matthew were on the couch, kissing passionately, better said, making out.
Your hands were tangled in his blonde locks, one of his on your chin, keeping your head up, the other on your waist keeping you in place.
Your tongues were fighting for dominance. you raked your hands through his soft, fluffy hair and decided to do something you weren't aloud to do. You pulled on his curl. He moaned in your kiss sending pleasure through your body.
You were so entranced by him and he by you that you didn't notice the door open.
"DUDES! I saw what you did bro! It was ama-oops I didn't know I was interrupting something... hehehe..."
"DAMMIT ALFRED!" You shouted.
"IMMA GO NOW BYE!" He shouted as he ran away, fearing your rage.
"Soooo mattie... shall we finish what we started?"
... And just like that you were pregnant...
*~* a/n*~*
Ummmm so I gotta thank my dear friend Giulsssssss for both keeping me motivated and for giving me inspiration...
Uuuuuuh sorry for any and all mistakes...
Aaaaaaah constructive criticism plz...
Aaannnddd that's about it, yeah BYE MAH KITTIES

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