Preggers (Korea x busty!reader)

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You woke up on a strange bed, in a strange room with a strange man next to you. A strange, naked man. A hot, strange, naked man.
The events of the night before hit you like a train.
You were at Alfred's party. You got drunk. You met him. You drank some more. You went up here. You had sex.
Fuck. What this guy's name? Fuck.
You got up, looking for your clothes as quietly and as fast you could. But you weren't fast enough.
You found your dress and were looking for your bra, when you heard a soft groan from the bed.
"뭐?(what?)" The man with brown hair opened his eyes and looked around.
"어디에...? 똥. (Where...? Shit.)"
You locked eyes with him, covering yourself up as best as you could with your dress.
"I-I'm sorry." You ran into the en-suite bathroom and locked yourself in.
"Fuck." You heard him through the door.
You sat down on the toilet and waited.
You stayed there for what could have been minutes, but could just as easily been hours. Point is when you slipped your dress on and got out of the bathroom he was no longer there. There was however a small note on the bed side table.
'I'm sorry. Pretend it never happened?
-Im Yong Soo'
So that was his name.
You found your bra under the bed, wonder how it got there, and slipped it on under your dress. You gave up looking for your underwear and decided to go without.
You went downstairs and saw a sleepy Matthew, wearing only an oversized T-shirt and boxers, making pancakes with a boxer clad Carlos (Cuba).
"Morning Mat, Carlos." You said and passed through.
"Morning (y/n)" they said.
You passed through the living room to see Alfred and Ivan sleeping on the couch.
"Morning sleepyheads." You whispered, passing them by.
"I'm gonna go home. See ya 'round boys." You shouted at the door, before leaving.

*timeskip cos I can*

a week later school started again and you found it very awkward when you saw that Im Yong Soo was taking a few of your classes.
You tried to avoid him at the beginning, but after a week you had started to talk to him. He was nice, a bit pervy, tried to 'measure' your breasts a bit too often, but he was nice.
He loved his family and cared for them more than anything. He was funny and cute and great company.
You started to like the guy.

*timeskip again cos why the hell not*

It had been a couple months since then. Your period was very, VERY, late.
You were starting to get worried. When you told your friend Mei, a sister of Yong Soo's, she had asked you about your sex life. Questions including when the last time you had sex was. When you asked why she told you to get a pregnancy test.
Doing as she said you took the test. It came back positive. Well. Fuck.
You stood in your bathroom looking at the test in your hands, slightly shaking. He had to know. The only possible father was Im Yong Soo, he had to know. But how were you ever going to tell him? This isn't an easy every day subject and such a bombshell can't be dropped casually in any conversation.
You can't just walk up to him and say 'hey you remember that time at Alfred's party, when we had sex? Yeah I'm pregnant.'
It would be much easier if the two of you were dating, but seeing as you were just barely friends it was going to be an incredibly hard conversation to have.
You took a deep breath and steeled your nerves.
You first texted Mei.

'Hey Mei!'

'Hey (y/n)! What's up?'

'You remember when I was saying that my period was late and you told me to get a pregnancy test?'

'Yes... Are you?'

'Image sent.'

'Holy crap. Who's the dad? You gotta tell me.'

'Promise you won't tell?'

'Course! Now who is it?'

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