Austria X Singer!Reader

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You took a deep breath. You were about to go onstage. It was your first show. You were sweating and you kept running your hands up and down your silky black dress to wipe the sweat off. You were anxious. What if you got the pitch wrong? What if you forgot what keys were which note? What if-- "ladies and gentlemen, please welcome (y/n), with 'Of Love and War'." You heard the announcer call. Well fuck.
There was applause, probably to be polite, you weren't well known and were only the opening act to this show.
You walked on stage and walked over to the piano sitting in the dead centre.
You sat down and took another deep breath before gently pressing down on the keys, starting the song.
You played, it was obvious you were trying at first, but soon muscle memory took over and you began to sing.
The piano took a sharp turn, the sounds becoming aggressive as your voice grew louder. You had closed your eyes, trusting your muscle memory to take over the piano, as you focused on keeping your voice clear and strong.
The piano grew angrier, more aggressive, almost violent, while you kept singing somewhat sweetly. Your voice started growing weak as you neared the end of the song, but your hands kept playing, going faster, louder, until your voice was barely heard and you stopped singing, letting your fingers do a last dance over the keys. You let your fingers rest on the keys, just for a second, before you got up and bowed, leaving the stage as the announcer walked back on.

*^* Austria's POV *^*

The first composer took the stage. A beautiful (h/c) woman. She was wearing a beautiful shiny black dress and her hair was spectacular. It was immaculate.
She sat on the piano's stool and took a deep breath, positioning her hands on the keys, before she gently pressed them, starting a mesmerizing melody. She started singing and I couldn't take my attention off of her. Elizaveta tugged on my arm, but I was too taken by the voice and piano clashing to take notice of her. It was beautiful.
The sounds she created told a story of two beings interpreted by her voice and the piano, they were in perfect harmony, until the piano took a turn, becoming aggressive, slowly drowning out her voice. It was then that her music became fluid, not mechanical, but instinctive. She kept singing, sweetly, gently, delicately, but the piano sped up, growing violent as her voice started growing weak until it was completely drowned out by the piano. The piano kept going, growing gentler, until, it too, fell silent.
By the end of the song, Elizaveta was quite irritated, tugging on my arm, and calling my name.
"Ja? Vat is it Elizaveta?"
"I'm bored. I'm leaving."
"Ja, you have keys, right?"
"Of course!" What is it just him or did she get even more annoying?
The woman, (Y/n), got up, bowing quickly before leaving the stage. I needed to know more about her.

*^* timeskipperoo *^* also your POV *3*

About a week after the concert you had run into a rather handsome man at the grocery store. He seemed rather shocked to see you, maybe you knew him...
"Hey, are you okay?" He blushed slightly and pushed his glasses up his nose.
"J-Ja, I'm fine, just surprised." He had the cutest accent.
"Do I... Know you?" you asked.
"Nein, I-I went to a concert of yours, (Y/n)." You blushed, looking down and fiddling with your shirt.
"Well, you know my name, it's only fair that I know yours, is it not?" You said, smiling.
"Roderich Edelstein." He said, holding out his hand.
You took it and shook it, smiling widely.
"Nice to meet you, Roderich!"
The two of you chatted while you finished getting the groceries, eventually, you had to go your separate ways.
A few days later you ran into him again when you were at the park. He was sitting on a bench, looking at the ducks in the pond. You sat next to him.
"Hey, Roderich." You smiled, looking at him.
"Hallo, (Y/n)." He seemed thoughtful.
"Soooo. What are you doing here?" You asked, trying to start up a conversation.
"Contemplating divorce."
"You're married?"
"Ja, but it was a political marriage. Zere is no love involved."
"Oh." An awkward silence fell while you both looked at the ducks.
"Vat are you doing here?" He asked after a while.
You smiled and took some papers out of your bag.
"Composing." You grabbed a pencil and held it on your lap, over the paper though nothing came to mind.
"Or, at least trying to."
He chuckled softly, looking at the pond. You looked at him, seeing the light reflecting off the pond and onto his face and started lazily scribbling some notes on the lines. The way his glasses caught the light from the pond and the way his little cowlick resisted the laws of gravity had given you some inspiration. You would have to play this later, see how it sounds.
As you wrote he peeked at your sheets.
"I zink you should change zat fa into a sol. It vill be sveeter."
"Oh. You think so?"
"I know so."
"Let me test this, then."
"How far is your studio?"
"About a ten-minute walk."
"My house is closer. Five-minute walk, if you're slow."
You looked at him. Was he really inviting you into his home?
"Unless you'd rather go to your studio."
"Nah, it's fine!" You smiled. It was not a good idea to follow this man, which you barely knew, to his home, but you got up and motioned him to show the way.
He smiled, getting up and fixing his glasses.
"Right zis vay." He started walking and you walked next to him. He exited the park and took a left, straight into the fancy neighbourhood. Turns out, his house was the first on the street. He walked through the magnificent driveway and opened the large wooden doors.
"Velcome to my home." You were almost gawking. If it was grand on the outside, it was magnificent on the inside. The ceilings were high, the floors of polished marble and the walls were decorated. It was as if you had walked into a baroque painting.
"It's beautiful..." You mumbled to yourself as you gazed at portraits hanging from walls. One of the said portraits caught your eye. A man with milk-white hair and blood red eyes. He seemed to be a recurring theme as he popped up in various other paintings.
"Come on, (y/n), zis vay." He said, walking up the shiny stairs.
You followed close behind, not wanting to get lost in the mansion. He walked down the hall and opened a door, revealing a room with ceiling high windows, letting plenty of light in the spacious room. There were various instruments, including, but not limited to, violins, violas, Clavicembalos, a couple of harps, but the one piece that caught your eye was the beautiful grand piano sitting in the dead centre of the room.
You walked up to it, running your fingers along it gently.
You sat on the bench and pulled up the fallboard.
"Can I...?" You asked hesitantly.
He nodded and you started playing the few notes you had scribbled down, noting that a Sol really did fit better than a fa. That man was magical.
"How was that?" You asked, looking up at him.
He was standing, holding his hands at his sides, looking at you.
"Zat vas gud."
"Thanks." You smiled, running a finger through your (h/l) hair.
He was smiling and something about that seemed to make your heart skip a beat.
The door opened. A beautiful woman walked in. She had long, wavy auburn hair with a pink flower in it. Her eyes were a pretty shade of green and the green dress she was wearing was hugging her in all the right places. She was stunning.
"Ah. (Y/n), zis is Elizaveta, my wife." Roderich said, gesturing to her.
She bowed slightly.
"Pleased to meet you." She said, flashing a blinding smile.
"The pleasure is mine." You said, standing straight and slightly breathless. Her beauty had left you speechless.
You absently wondered why Roderich and Elizaveta didn't love one another.
"Eliza, can you sing?" You found yourself asking.
"Ja." She said, tilting her head curiously.
"Why?" She asked you.
"Well, the piece I'm working on is supposed to be accompanied by a singing voice, but I can't concentrate on writing the music if I'm singing..." You said, rubbing the back of your neck.
"You want me to sing for you?" She asked, smiling hopefully."If possible, yes." You said, sitting back down on the bench.
She walked up to the piano and stood next to it, keeping her back straight.
You played the few notes you had written.
"This is what I've got for now, can you sing along to that?" You asked. She nodded.
You played them again and she sang along. She stopped and you played a couple few more notes. Roderich made a couple comments and suggestions.
You played the page of music again and Eliza sang along. Roderich commented.
This went on for a few hours. You had scribbled down a full page of music and were quite happy with the help when the clock struck one. You could not believe that lunchtime had rolled around so quickly.
"vould you like to stay for lunch, (Y/n)?" Roderich offered.
"I would love to!" You answered, smiling widely.
"That is, of course, if Eliza is okay with having me." You flashed a grin at her.
She smiled back.
"Of course it's okay (Y/n)."
You smiled and got up, patting some imaginary dust of your skirt.
Only then did you notice a small child hiding by the door.
You smiled and waved at her. She looked down and played with her skirt.
Eliza turned around.
"Oh, Feli, what are you doing there?" She asked, bending down slightly and smiling.
"Eh-eh..." She looked at you and turned a bright red, before running to Eliza in a hurry and whispering in her ear.
"What do we- Oh. Well we should ask our guest shouldn't we?" The little girl held on to Eliza's skirt tightly and mumbled something into it.
"Feli wants to know what you'd like to have for lunch, (Y/n)." She smiled and gently nudged the cute child at her side.
You chuckled, smiling.
"Whatever she wants."
She grinned at the ground and mumbled something else.
You looked at Eliza. She chuckled.
"What was that?" You asked, bending down to get closer to the girl, so you could hear her better.
"You're very good, miss, (Y/n)." She whispered, barely audible.
You smiled widely, blushing slightly.
"Thanks." You chuckled out.
She smiled and ran out quickly, her little dress ruffling after her.
"Sorry about zat, she is quite shy." Roderich said, fixing his glasses on his nose.
"She's adorable."
"You're not zee only one who thinks zat." Eliza said, chuckling slightly.
"There's zis little boy, Ludwig, who is head over heels in love with her."
You giggled, "that sounds absolutely adorable."
"It is." She says, smiling. The smoke made her light up. You absently wondered why there was no love in this marriage, she seemed to have everything a man could want.
You smiled and turned back to the piano.
A short while later the little girl came back in, announcing that lunch was ready.
You ate together happily, talking to Roderich, Elizaveta and Feli.
After lunch you and Roderich went back to the music room, Eliza was playing with Feli. You played for hours with Roderich, reaching a satisfying length to your song.
As the time passed you started getting tired. By the time you looked out the window the sun was setting.
"Damn, it's getting late, I should go home." You said, watching the sunset.
"Ja, I'll valk you home, if you don't mind. it's dangerous for a woman to walk home alone in the dark."
"Thank you, Roderich, that's very kind of you." you said, smiling at him.
You gathered your stuff, and set out, saying bye to Elizaveta and Feli.
He walked you home in relative silence, walking next to you, a hair's width away.
Once you got home you were about to say your goodbyes, when he grabbed your sleeve.
He cleared his throat and looked away.
"You can play at my place whenever you want." He was rubbing his neck awkwardly.
"Thanks, Roderich, can I come tomorrow then?"
"Of course." you smiled, turning back to your door.
"Guess I'll see you tomorrow then." You opened the door and looked back at him. He was smiling widely.
"Tomorrow, for lunch?"He asked.
"Sure." You replied.
"Goodbye, Roderich."
"Goodnight, (Y/n)." You watched him turn around and start the slow walk home.
You walked in and closed the door behind you, before sighing happily.
It had been a while since you've had a day like that.
You made yourself a quick dinner and went off to bed, after washing up.
You were going back tomorrow and just couldn't wait.
The next day you woke up earlier than usual. You ate breakfast and got everything in order. At lunchtime you were at Roderich's. You ate with him and played.
When you finished the song you were previously working on you started a new one. You weren't usually this fast, but the man really helped find what fit well and what didn't. By the end of the day you had eaten lunch and dinner with him, and he had walked you home again, inviting you over the next day as well.
Weeks passed like that and you found yourself arriving earlier and leaving later everyday. You were becoming great friends with Elizaveta, and very close with Roderich. In all honesty you were starting to fall for the Austrian man.
He had told you about the man so often featured in the paintings adorning his walls, a certain Gilbert, whom he loved very dearly, who had went MIA in a war years ago, when they were still young men and Roderich was not yet married.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2018 ⏰

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