America x rich!reader

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Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhh the end of school. Just what everyone's been waiting for. The parties, the sun, the water, and most of all if you're a high school male the chicks in swimsuits, if you're a girl, the pectorals of the guys is one niiiice view.
Back to the subject of parties, you almost never threw them, 'cause no one really knew you. BUT! This being your last year you decided to make yourself known. You've been spreading invites all over the school for who knows how long. You didn't really care who came. You just wanted an AWESOME party.
'The party is three days from now' you thought to yourself.
'Better check my list again and see if I'm missing anything'.
You got home and started checking in your kitchen for all the junk food, and most importantly, the booze. You had ordered TONS of german beer and made it so that the bottles said : "SPATEN,
All in caps. You also ordered french champagne, russian vodka and rum, you think you also got sangria but you can't remeber. Yup, being rich as hell sure does have advantages.
*^*America's POV *^*
Finally school finished! I let out a "WOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOO!" as soon as the bell rang, signaling the end of the school year. I was throwing a party at my place in the evening, and I'm planning on going to most, if not all, the parties people were throwing.
I got home and started taking the stuff out for an AWESOME partae!
-_- timeskip to morning after party cause I'm lazy-_-
Yup. The party was a sucess. Everyone's left or passed out. Gil's (Prussia) snoring on the couch, still holding a beer, Franny's (france) on the floor sleep talking nonsense and Tonio's head is on the table mumbling something about 'his adorable little tomato' wonder what that's about.
Artie's (england) who knows where and the others are, well, having fun in some rooms. Can't say it was a bad party but I've done better. Oh well.
I look at my calendar 'Hmmm the closest party is two days from now. (y/n)'s party. Not many people knew her but she invited everyone so it's gotta be AWESOME! Well nothing to do but wait for it.
-_-timeskip bought to you by a little rude alien, sorry he's not gonna be here + your POV *^*
This was it. Today was the day. The pool party. You put your two piece camouflage swimsuit on and just as a nice touch a pair of short-shorts. you let your hair loose and got your servants (yes you've got servants you're rich as hell rember? FYI You're about as rich as Tamaki's family from ouran high school host club) to decorate the house and get the tables, food and booze everywhere.
'This will be the best party of the year' you were sure of it. You had music blaring through the whole house, drinks and snacks were everywhere and you set up a karaoke machine in case someone wanted to sing.
'And now we wait.' you thought to yourself.
As people started to arrive, you climbed onto the stage and took the microphone
"Hello people of heta high! I welcome you to my humble home! Knock yourselves out guys! Oh and you can sing if you wanna! I got karaoke all set up!"
You chose to sing (f/s) and started singing just to get things started.
*^*Alfie's POV*^*
I reached the place and there were already lights and music everywhere! I got in the HUGE house, it was more of a mansion than a house really.
I saw (y/n) on a stage. She was singing (f/s). She was wearing a camouflage swimsuit top and vibrant (f/c) short shorts. Her eyes were shining as she sang the chorus of her favourite song, without a care in the world. She was wearing her beautiful (h/c) hair down, a nice change from the ponytails she always had.
I look around and see my friends Mathias (Denmark) and Gilbert (Prussia) talking by a table. I walk over to them.
"Hey guys! This a pretty cool party, huh"
"Ja, have jou seen ze pool? It's AWESOME! Not as awesome as me but still awesome and look at zhe beer! It's pure German beer!"
"Ja! Is she got every tipe of snack known to man! isn't this awesome?!?!" (sorry about the accent i don't know how to type it FYI is means and in danish)
"she really outdid herself this time, huh" I mumbled more to myself than anything else.
"Hey Alfie! Glad you could make it!" A feminine voice surprised me.
"Y-Yeah. Glad to be here (y/n)!" I blushed at my stuttering, silently cursing my crush on her.
*^* your POV *^*
You were singing the chorus to (f/s) when you noticed your favourite blonde walking in.
You finished singing and walked over to him as somebody took the microphone from your hands.
"Hey Alfie! Glad you could make it!" You said, startling him.
"Y-Yeah. Glad to be here (y/n)!" he said blushing.
"Awwwww, how cute! He's blushing!" You thought to yourself only realizing you said it out loud when you saw Al blushing harder and heard the annoying snickering of a so called Prussian.
"Soooooooo let's go to the pool, 'k? I mean it is a pool party hehe he hehe" You laughed akwardly, trying to cover your own blush.
"Sure, cool, let's go." He said, heading off.
"Hey wait for me!" You yelled after him.
-_- Mini timeskip bought to you by flying mint bunny-_-
You were having tons of fun between playing Marco Polo, volleyball (well volleyball-ish, it was kinda hard getting the ball when you're in water) and just swimming around when someone *coughcoughFRANCIScoughcough* decided that it was a good idea to play truth, dare or drink and you Alfie, Arthur, Matthew (Canada), Gilbert, Ludwig (Germany), Feliciano(north Italy), Lovino(South Italy), Antonio and obviously Francis were playing.
You started by daring Gilbert to confess to his 'birdie', then him daring the already drunk Feli to make out with his brother (Ludwig).
The game went on and a bunch of shots in (of pure concentrated grappa, may I add) you, Arthur and pretty much everyone was drunk off their ass.
"Alfred truth or daaaaareeee" Slurred a completely drunk Arthur, that just gave a certain Frenchman a lapdance.
"DARE! 'CAUSE I'M BRAAAAAVVVEEEEEE!" Yelled the also drunk american.
"I dare you toooooooo kiss, no make out with the girl you loooooveeee. I know she's heeeeereeeee" Said Arthur.
This piqued your interest as you have had a small, ok fine, a huge crush, on the hyperactive being known as Alfred F. Jones.
You looked at Alfred as he turned 50 shades of red. He looked at you and got up, walking towards you. He sat down next to you and gently took your face in his hands and kissed you. You eagerly kissed back, tangling your hands into his hair, accidentaly brushing his gravity-defying cowlick, making a small moan erupt from him as he got passionate and hungrily licked your lips asking for entrance. You denied, not knowing where this would bring you. He grabbed your lower cheeks making you gasp. He took the opportunity to slip his warm, wet muscle in your mouth. Your tongues fought for dominance, a fight that Alfred clearly won. The passionate make out lasted until the urgent need for air made you break apart, panting heavily.
"This is so totally going on youtube!" cried Feliks (poland) as he held up a camera and ran off.
"Wha-wait. What? That... Does it mean you love me?" You asked, The alcohol not allowing you to completely comprehend the things happening around you.
"Y-Yes." Alfred stated, tomato red.
You threw yourself at him, kissing him once again. When you pulled away you were both blushing and you laughed your ass off wondering why you didn't notice that he shared your feelings.
'Yeah. This was definitely the best party ever' You thought to yourself as you hugged your newfound boyfriend.

Hahaha just kidding here's your extended ending :P
-_- timeskip to morning after-_-
"Urgh. Damn my head hurts. What happened last night?" You asked yourself, holding your pounding head. You looked around and noticed a head of blonde hair on the pillow next to you.
"AAAAAAAAAH!" You screamed as you fell of the bed, succeeding in waking the blonde.
"Aaaaaaarrrrrrgggghhh myyyy heeeeeaaaaaddddd" he croaked out.
"Huh? where am I?" He asked, looking around.
"(y/n)?" He asked spotting you on the floor, rubbing your bottom
"Do you know what happened last night?" He asked you.
"Nope. Not a clue." You said getting up. Walking towards your desk which held your head ache pills. Once you reached your desk you spotted your phone. It was open on the notes application and it said:
'Dear (y/n) and Alfred,
how was your first time together? *nudgenudgewinkwink*
I know you won't remember what happened last night so watch this'
There was a link. You clicked the link and it brought you to youtube. The title of the video was: 'Drunken truth or dare may lead to...'.
"Hey Al, I think you might wanna see this." You said starting the video.
"What? Oh ok." He said getting up and making his way to you.
You both blushed when Arthur said 'I dare tooooooooooooooo kiss, no make out with the girl you loooooveeeeeee' and the heated make out commenced.
"Well, that was. Wow." You said blushing.
"Hey dudette, have you noticed what you're wearing?" You heard a blushing Alfred say.
You looked down at yourself and blushed when you noticed you weren't wearing anything.
"Why don't you remind me exactly what happened yesterday, hmmmm" He said huskily.
You looked at him confused then blushed, realizing what he ment and shily nodding.
"BOOYEAH!" He yelled, jumping on you.
This was gonna be hell to explain to your parents...

HEY MAH KITTIES! Sorry for any and all mistakes, I know this sucked, feedback is apreciated and all the usual blah blah blah...
Hey look at that! it's been less than a month since I last updated! *le gasp* I AM POSSESED. But whatevs.

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