Russia X Bullied!Reader

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"Waste of space!"
"Just do yourself a favour and kill yourself!"
You sighed as you got your daily verbal abuse from the barbies that infested your school.
You turned around, and started walking away, trying to ignore them, but they grabbed your wrist.
"Where do you think you're going? We're not finished with you yet!" (Bitch/n) stated as she yanked your wrist, pulling you back and making you hit the metal lockers behind you.
You stared, emotionless, as your back came in contact with the cold metal and (b/n) slapped you.
"Do you have anything to say before we start?" She asks in a sickeningly sweet voice, with a close eyed smile.
"We wouldn't listen even if you did so let's start, shall we?" She said opening her eyes and sending you a bone chilling glare.
You didn't say a word as they started to hit you, looking for a reaction.
You just stood there, emotionless, gazing at them with dull (e/c) eyes, unfazed by this.
'Why?' Is the only thing that passed your mind throughout the whole session.
You did nothing to them. Why would they treat you this way?
The bell rang and they left, leaving you bloody and beaten on the floor.
You sighed and got up, feeling around your stomach and diaphragm area, checking for any serious injuries. You went to the bathroom and checked your appearance. You had a swollen eye and a busted lip. You sighed once again and went to class.
"What happened (l/n)?" Asked mr/mrs (teacher/l/n)
"Nothing mr/mrs. (T/l/n) I just fell..." You said, forcing a smile.
"Well do you want to go to the nurse?"
"No thanks, there's no need."
"Well, take your seat then."
"Yes sir/miss"
You sat down in the only open seat, next to a large student.'Must be the new kid' You thought.
You would have listened to the teacher if you had not noticed a small piece of crumpled paper land on your desk.
'Y are u even here?' You sighed, balled up the paper and threw it back.
Soon though another piece found it's way to your desk. This time you could clearly see that it came from the broad-shouldered guy next to you.
'R u ok?' You looked at the message, shock clearly written on your face.
You quickly wiped the expression off your face and wrote 'I'm fine. Don't worry about me.' You passed the note back and the answer was almost immediate
'No u r not. I can tell.'
You looked at the stranger with wide eyes.
'Y do u care anyways? U don't even know me.' Was your response.
'I'm Ivan. Now u know me who r u?'
'Y do u want 2 know?'
'Cause we r both alone'
You looked at him, not quite believing him.
'I'm (y/n)' He looked at you and smiled.
"Now I know you, da?" He whispered in a deep Russian accent.
"BRAGINSKY! (L/N)! Pay attention during class!"
"Yes miss/sir!" You responded in unison.
The rest of class went by fine, as they usually do. A few nasty notes and a couple of spit balls but nothing too bad. It was the small time between classes that scared you.
And you were right to be scared. The jocks came to have their own turn with you.
"Well if it isn't (y/n). She looks like a mess." Said Allen, part of the little group which openly kicked your ass with no reason.
"But then again when doesn't she?" He asked his little group.
"Stop this." Said an accented voice from behind you.
"Oh and what are you gonna do if I don't?" Allen asked, grabbing your hair, pulling you to him and squeezing your face, allowing you to see your 'saviour'
"Let. Her. Go." Ivan demanded, a dark aura surrounding him.
"What if I don't?" Allen taunted.
Ivan punched Allen square in the jaw, making his head turn and probably dislocating his jaw.
"Fucking soviet PIECE OF SHIT!" Allen yelled, balling his hands into fists and raising them.
A deadly look passed through his eyes as he raised his fist and sent it straight to Ivan's stomach. Ivan, however, didn't budge.
A dark aura surrounded Ivan as he looked down at Allen with a close eyed smile.
"You will stop, da?"
You could do nothing but stare at the tall, frightening Russian as he, not so peacefully, defended you.
"There will be consequences." Is all you heard before Allen pushed you towards Ivan, making you tumble on him.
"Are you ok, sunflower?" Ivan asked, looking down at you with his mesmerizing amethyst eyes.
"Y-yes, I-I'm fine." You say, stumbling on your words and taking a few steps back, realizing that you had ended in his strong, firm chest.
"thank you..." You whisper, as quiet as a mouse.
"You are welcome!" He said, an adorable, innocent smile on his face.
An uncomfortable silence settled between you until the bell rang, signalling the start of another hour.
"Well, I guess I should go. Bye." You say, turning around and waving at him.
"Wait! (Y/n)!" He shouted, pacing after you.
"Yes, Ivan?" You say, stopping and looking at him.
"I am your friend, da?" He asked, shocking you. 'Is he my friend?' You asked yourself. 'How do people even define friends? How can you tell if a person is your friend?' You continued to ask your mind, however, you responded with a simple:
"yes. We are... Friends." The last word slightly strained, it being new to you.
"Great! That means I can talk to you, da?" He questioned, smiling widely.
"Of course!" You reply, a small, shy smile making it's way to your lips.
*^* Ivan's POV *^*
"Of course!" She said, a small smile gracing her beautiful, rosy, plump, kis- NO! I CAN NOT THINK OF HER LIKE THAT! I JUST MET HER! Besides, she wouldn't like me the same way.
"W-We should get to class, da?" I asked, hiding my face in my faded scarf.
*^* your POV *^*
"Y-yeah, we should. Bye, Ivan."
'Damn he's adorable!' You thought as he visibly reddened and hid his face in his scarf. You waved and left, to find your next class.
*~* timeskip bought to you by Mr. Pipe, for all your pipey (?) needs *~*
The day went by rather fast and there were no notes nor were there shoves in the halls.
The home bell rang and you lazily grabbed your things, put them in your back pack and started heading out.
While you were leaving you noticed your new friend waiting for you at the gate.
You smiled and picked up the pace.
"Privyet sunflower!"
"Hi Ivan!" You greeted as you came to his side.
The two of you just stayed there, chatting about nothing and everything all at once, till he offered to walk you home.
As the two of you walked you made idle chit-chat.
" that's why I love my scarf so much!" Ivan said, an adorable smile on his face.
"Oh ok! I get it!" You answered happily.
"Well if it isn't the slut and her customer."
"Allen, you will leave, da." Ivan stated, the 'da' more of an order than a question.
"Ooooh I'm shaking in my boots." Allen said, getting a nailed bat from who-knows-where.
Ivan took a pipe out of his jacket
"You will leave." Ivan repeated, venom dripping from his words and a terrifying dark aura surrounding him.
"No. I said there would be consequences and here they are." Allen said, lunging at Ivan, swinging his bat towards Ivan's head only to have it blocked by Ivan's pipe.
Ivan bought his pipe down, trying to hit the shorter american's head. Allen jumped back, narrowly dodging the attack.
Allen dove back in and would have hit Ivan if he was fast enough. Ivan punched his stomach area, surprising him and drove the pipe where the sun don't shine, making him bend over, covering his family jewels.
Ivan grabbed your arm and stormed off, dragging you with him. His grip on your arm was tight and starting to hurt.
"Ivan! Ivan! Stop! Please! You're hurting me!" He stopped and looked at you, seeing your wrist for a split second before letting go, shocked by what he had seen.
Scars. And lots of them. Pale, straight lines covered your (s/c) wrist.
You pulled your sleeve down and looked at the ground, unsure of what to say or do. You knew what he had seen and you were scared. Scared of what he might feel. Scared of what he think. Scared of what he might do. 'Will he hate me? Will he think I'm a disgusting thing? Will he leave? Will he-' your train of thought was interrupted by the very being that started it.
"Why would you do this?!?" He asked, pulling your sleeve up and grabbing your wrist.
"It's just that... I..." You fumbled, looking for the right words.
"It hurts and I, I don't know how to deal with it, okay?!"
"Since when?"
"Since dad died."
"Your father is dead?"
"Yeah. And since he died mom completely ignores me."
"I... I don't know what to say. I am very sorry for your loss."
"It's ok. You didn't know."
He sighed and crouched down, so he was at your eye level.
"Next time you feel like doing this," he gestured to your scarred wrists.
"Or anything like this call me, da?" He said, looking you straight in the eye.
"Yes, Ivan."
"Wait, I'll give you my number." He fumbled in his backpack, took out a piece paper and scribbled his number on it.
"Here! Now you can call me! You do have a phone, da?"
"Of course I do, ya big teddy bear!"
"Teddy bear?"
"Yes. Teddy bear. You call me sunflower I call you teddy bear."
He chuckled and you smiled an adorable, close eyed smile.
"Let's go, da?"
"Da!" You mimicked.
You started going home, him by your side, when he gently grabbed your hand.
You looked at his hand around yours and blushed, tightening the hold on his hand.
The rest of the walk home was calm and quiet and when you got home you thanked him and walked inside.
It was quiet. As usual. You walked straight to your room, knowing any attempts of communication with your mom would be met with her expertly ignoring you.
The moment you laid foot in your room you plopped onto your bed an took your phone out. You went to the contacts and saw two of them. 'Home' and 'Mom'. You took out Ivan's phone number and added it to your contacts. 'Ivan ^.^'. You decided to text him.
'Hey there teddy bear! (This is (y/n) by the way.)' He answered quickly.
'Hello sunflower!'
'Hey Ivan, can I ask you something?'
'Of course!'
'Why do you care so much? Why are you my friend? Why did you give me your number? Why?' There wasn't any answer for a few minutes.
'Because, (y/n), you don't see what you possess, a beauty calm and clear.  Your presence flooded my sky and blurred my darkness, like a chandelier.'
'But I'm not perfect.'
'Your shattered surface, so imperfect, is all that you believe. But I don't care. I saw a girl that was alone and thought we could be alone together.' You were shocked by his answer and once you got over it you answered:
'Hey teddy?'
'Da sunflower?'
'Thanks.' You then turned off your phone and had a nice nap.
*~* timeskip bought to you by the asshat that is Allen *~*
A few months had passed since then and for once in your life things were going great!
The bullying had stopped, your grades were high-ish (let's face it 70% was a pretty good score for you). You had Ivan and he had you.
People didn't like him 'cause he was scary but you thought of him as a big, adorable, cuddly teddy bear.
People didn't like you 'cause you're different but he thought of you as his adorable little sunflower.
Everything was perfect. Or it would have been if you had not started developing feelings for your best and only friend. You had all the cliché things, rapid heart beats, stomach flips, butterflies and all that stuff.
But today. Today was special. Today was your birthday. The only day of the year where your mom would say hi, psssh yeah right.
It was a beautiful morning. You walked out and noticed a box by the door.
You picked up the sandy brown letter on the top.
"For my little sunflower,
You opened it and read:
"Happy birthday sunflower!
I hope you like the gift.
You looked at the box and picked it up, bringing it inside.
You brought it to your room and unwrapped it, revealing a sunflower keychain with a smiling face. It was adorable! Under the keychain was a sky blue sweater, probably hand-knitted by the large russian. You immediately put the sweater on and noticed a black, leather bound book, at the bottom of the box.
You picked up the book and opened it. The first page read: 'my favourite moments recorded with my sunflower ^J^'. You sat down on your bed and flipped the page. There was a picture of the two of you out of school, the day after he kicked Allen's ass. Then there was a silly selfie the two of you took at the park and a picture of you sitting by the window in a café. You flipped through the book only to see every single picture of you he had ever taken, some you had no idea of. He even had one of when the two of you were hiding from his psychotic sister!
You looked at the pictures with tears threatening to spill from your eyes.
The very last page read:
'My dearest sunflower,
Every moment I spent with you is my favourite.
I cannot choose only one because I loved every single second with you and I want you to know that I will never leave you. I will always stay by your side. Through thick and thin. Because I am your friend. And that is what friends do.
But I have a problem. I want us to be more than friends. I want to hold you and kiss you and I want you to know that I love you. With all my heart.
(Y/n), my sunflower, will you be mine?'
You looked at the book, tears freely running down your face. You bought a hand up to cover your open mouth and set the book down before scrambling out your room, slipping your shoes on, grabbing the keys and running out the door to your friend's house.
Once you got there you were out of breath and a disheveled mess but you mercilessly pounded on that door till Ivan opened it.
"Ivan!" You screamed as you hugged him, surprising him.
"Sunflower? What is it?"
"Yes! A thousand times yes!" You said, words muffled by his shirt.
"Yes? What? Sunflower I don't understand."
"My birthday present. Yes. I-I will be yours..." You said, as red as beet.
Realization dawned on him as a large grin spread across his face.
"Of course ya big teddy bear!"
He gently cupped your cheeks and pulled you in for a sweet, loving and caring kiss.
Now everything was perfect.
School was good, your mother's ignoring didn't bother you anymore and, best of all, you had Ivan and he had you.

The end.

Hahahaha yeah right! Here it is: the extended ending.

Ivan cupped your cheeks and pulled you in for a kiss to which you immediately answered.
Meanwhile, across the road, the hyperactive american known as Alfred Foster Jones was observing the scene from the window.
"Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaatttttt?!?!!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! How did that commie bastard get a girl before I did?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!!"
"I don't know Alfie. maybe he noticed her?"
"my point exactly..."

Heeeeeeyyyyy my lovely little kittens!
Please don't kill me!
I know this took awhile but I have been suffering from a severe case of procrastination.
Also I'm home! I've been home for a while buuuutttt yeah...
ANYWAYS! Sorry for all and any mistakes! If you notice any please notify me so I can fix them! Uuummm constructive criticism plz and that's all. Yeah.
Oh and I thought that one of my friends would really like this so Tarty! If ya like this please tell me!

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