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In the dimly lit room, RV's voice cut through the tense atmosphere like a knife. His accusations hung heavy in the air, suffocating Khushi with guilt and disbelief. "How could you do this to me?" he demanded, his eyes burning with betrayal.

Khushi's heart pounded in her chest as she struggled to find the words to defend herself. "I didn't—" she began, but RV's voice rose, drowning out her protests.

"You lied to Armaan, to the police, to everyone!" RV's voice cracked with raw emotion. "Do you have any idea what I went through? The agony, the humiliation..." His words trailed off, lost in the weight of his own pain. As RV recounted the nightmare of his imprisonment, Khushi felt a wave of remorse wash over her. She had never intended for things to spiral out of control like this.

In the flashback, Harleen's concerned voice echoes as she questions RV about Khushi's absence. RV's reassurance is cut short as the police arrive, their handcuffs sealing his fate. Khushi's silent entrance punctuates the memory, her silence a deafening confirmation of RV's accusations.

Back in the present, RV's gaze pierces Khushi's defenses. "Armaan took pity on you and married you," he continues bitterly, "but do you have any idea what I endured? My family suffered, Khushi. I spent agonizing days in jail, every moment feeling like an eternity."

Khushi's eyes brim with tears, her resolve crumbling under the weight of RV's words. "I never wanted this, RV," she whispers, her voice barely audible. RV's phone interrupts the tense moment, and he answers with a forced calmness. 

The conversation takes a sharp turn as RV's phone rings, interrupting the tense exchange. It's Poorvi, his wife, oblivious to the turmoil unfolding on the other end of the line.

RV: "Poorvi... She trusts me, Khushi. She believes I'm her guardian angel. Little does she know, I'm nothing but a pawn in your twisted game. Now I going to destroy her life to get revenge on you. "

Khushi's expression softens momentarily, her guilt evident as RV continues to unravel the truth behind his actions.

RV: "I loved you, Khushi. Despite everything, I still loved you. But you killed that love when you betrayed me. And now, you'll pay the price." The gravity of RV's words hangs heavy in the air as he recounts the moments that led him to this point, each revelation more damning than the last.

Poorvi calls RV again. RV says Poorvi might be missing me and says today is our wedding night.

Khushi: you will not do anything with her. You don't have any rights over her.

Rv: She is my wife. I married her today in front of whole world and society. I can do whatever I want to do with her.

Khushi : You don't have as you have no feelings for her. She says Poorvi is very innocent. She doesn't know about all this.

RV: "You think you can escape the consequences of your actions? Think again, Khushi. I'll make sure you suffer just as much as I did."All she had wanted was to protect her sister, Poorvi, from RV's manipulative grasp.

But RV's revelation cut deeper than Khushi had ever imagined. She had been blind to the extent of his deception, his cruelty. And now, as he spoke of his plans to ruin Poorvi's life, Khushi's heart shattered into a million pieces.

"You used Purvi," she whispered, her voice barely audible above the tumult of emotions swirling within her. "You used all of my family in name of marriage and relationship ". 

RV's expression hardened, his gaze unwavering. "I did what I had to do to survive," he spat, his words laced with bitterness. "And now, it's your turn to suffer."

But as RV turned away, a flicker of doubt crossed his features. Had he truly won this battle, or had he only succeeded in pushing Khushi further away? And as Khushi watched him leave, a steely resolve ignited within her. She may have been betrayed, but she refused to be broken.

As the echoes of RV's footsteps faded into the night, Khushi vowed to fight back. She would not let him destroy her family, her sister's happiness. And with every step forward, she drew strength from the flicker of hope burning bright within her heart. For even in the darkest of times, love would always prevail.


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