PART 2 : Purvi 'mystery

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RV stood in the dimly lit room, his gaze fixated on Poorvi's sleeping form. His mind churned with conflicting emotions as he recalled the promise he had made to Khushi - to leave Poorvi after their wedding night. With a heavy sigh, he closed the window and increased the AC temperature, a subtle yet deliberate attempt to trouble Poorvi. "You have to suffer due to Khushi," he muttered to himself, the bitterness in his tone betraying the turmoil within.

Next day in meeting hall

Meanwhile, in the bustling world of business, Armaan prepared for an important meeting, unaware of the storm brewing in RV's heart. His employee informed him of RV's impending arrival, prompting Armaan to remind him to address RV with respect, now that he was his sister-in-law's husband. As RV entered the room, Armaan's curiosity piqued, attempting to place the familiar face amidst the sea of business associates.

Armaan: "You seem familiar. Have we met before?"

RV approached him with a sly smile, introducing himself while subtly hinting at the complexities of life.

RV: "Life has a way of bringing unexpected encounters, doesn't it? We may not have crossed paths in previous business meetings, but fate has a funny way of making its presence known."

As the business meeting commenced, tension hung thick in the air as RV and Armaan engaged in a fierce bidding war over a coveted hotel property. With each bid, they pushed the limits, shocking everyone in attendance. Finally, the auction reached a staggering 100 crores, leaving the room buzzing with anticipation.

RV's victorious smirk spoke volumes as he revealed his true intentions, turning the tables on Armaan and the hotel owner.

RV: "I've made my decision clear - I won't let anyone win, especially not at the cost of my pride."

With a flourish, RV sealed the deal, acquiring the hotel for 100 crores and securing his triumph over Armaan. As Armaan graciously accepted defeat, RV's satisfaction was palpable, a testament to his unwavering determination.

Armaan: "Victory and defeat are mere facets of the business world. I've learned much from you today, RV. This is simply another lesson in the art of negotiation."

Despite the triumph in business, RV's personal life remained fraught with tension and uncertainty. Deepika's arrival with clothes for Poorvi only served to exacerbate the situation, her taunts and insults cutting Poorvi to the core.

Deepika: "RV is such a catch, isn't he? Shame that not everyone can measure up to his standards of beauty."

Poorvi's heart sank at Deepika's cruel words, her insecurities laid bare for all to see. With trembling hands, she attempted to compose herself, the weight of expectations bearing down on her fragile shoulders.

Meanwhile, amidst the celebrations of Poorvi's muh dikhayi, Harleen found herself thrust into the spotlight, her singing talents unexpectedly showcased before the gathered guests. As Harman and others marveled at her performance, the atmosphere crackled with anticipation, a fleeting moment of joy amidst the chaos of familial obligations.

Harleen: "Perhaps it's time for the men to step aside and let the ladies shine. After all, we have our own desires and wishes to fulfill."

With laughter and music echoing through the halls, the intricacies of family dynamics played out, each moment fraught with its own complexities and contradictions. And as the night wore on, the bonds of love and loyalty were tested, revealing the true depths of each character's resolve.

Inside Purvi and Rv Bedroom

As Poorvi's head throbbed with pain, she was consumed by a whirlwind of images flashing before her eyes. In the midst of her dizziness, she found herself transported into a series of scenes, each more puzzling than the last.

In the first image, she saw a young couple dancing together, their laughter filling the air with joy and happiness. The boy's eyes sparkled with affection as he twirled the girl around, his love for her evident in every movement.

Next, the scene shifted abruptly to a more sinister setting. Poorvi watched in horror as the same boy confronted a group of armed goons, his bravery evident as he stood his ground. But before he could triumph over the assailants, tragedy struck - a speeding car careened into him, shattering the illusion of safety.

As the dust settled, a drunken girl stumbled out of the car, her actions a stark contrast to the chaos unfolding around her. Poorvi's mind reeled with confusion, the pieces of the puzzle refusing to fall into place.

Just as quickly as the visions had come, they vanished, leaving Poorvi disoriented and shaken. Deepika's voice cut through the haze, pulling Poorvi back to reality as she urged her to join the festivities downstairs.

Poorvi's heart raced with uncertainty as she struggled to make sense of the cryptic images that had invaded her mind. Who was the boy in her visions, and what connection did he have to her own life? With more questions than answers, Poorvi could only hope that the truth would soon reveal itself, unlocking the secrets hidden within her subconscious.


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