PART 8: Purvi Game have started

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As the clock approached 6, Vishaka's insistence on auspicious timing filled the room with a sense of urgency. Diya hurried to fetch the bag while Divya, anxious about Poorvi's departure to her new home, voiced her concerns. Vishaka intervened, urging them to set aside their worries and embrace the bond of trust and love. Prachi, ever the peacemaker, affirmed her faith in RV's ability to care for Poorvi and urged them to bid farewell with affection.

A tender moment ensued as Poorvi embraced Prachi, the warmth of their bond offering solace amidst the impending separation. With the hour drawing near, RV and Poorvi prepared to depart, exchanging final glances of farewell with their family. RV's gaze lingered on Khushi, sensing her tension and anger, a silent acknowledgment of the rift between them.

Outside, Dadu's restlessness was palpable as he awaited their arrival, his concern for Poorvi evident in his anxious demeanor. Harman's arrival brought a momentary distraction, but Dadu's focus remained fixed on the door, anticipation mounting with each passing moment.

As the doorbell rang, Dadu hastened to answer, his heart leaping with joy at the sight of Poorvi standing before him. Relief flooded the room as his worries dissolved, replaced by an overwhelming sense of happiness at her safe return.

Harman's inquiry into RV's decision to bring Poorvi back sparked a tense exchange among the family members. Vaishali and Harleen expressed their confusion and frustration at RV's seemingly contradictory actions, questioning his motives and the sincerity of his intentions.

RV, however, remained composed as he explained the complexities of the situation. He acknowledged the influence of family dynamics and external circumstances that had led to Poorvi's return, emphasizing the need to navigate delicate relationships and honor commitments made in the face of unexpected challenges.

Harleen's skepticism lingered, her words laced with suspicion as she recounted RV's past declarations and perceived inconsistencies. RV, undeterred by her doubts, maintained his composure, understanding that his actions would be scrutinized but steadfast in his resolve to handle the situation with integrity and purpose.

Amidst the tension, Dadu intervened, urging for calm and understanding. He reminded the family of the importance of unity and support, emphasizing the need to trust RV's judgment and stand by him during this tumultuous time.

As the discussion continued, RV's steadfast demeanor and unwavering resolve hinted at a deeper complexity beneath the surface, suggesting that his motivations and actions may be driven by a combination of duty, circumstance, and perhaps, a desire for redemption. The morning sunlight filtered through the curtains, casting a warm glow across the breakfast table where RV and Poorvi sat with the rest of the family.

RV: Good morning, everyone! What a beautiful day it is today.

Poorvi: (Maintaining her composure) Yes, indeed.

RV: (Turning to Poorvi) Shall we have breakfast together, my dear? After all, we're now a happily married couple.

Poorvi: (Gritting her teeth) If you insist.

(They sit down for breakfast. RV deliberately leans in close to Poorvi, attempting to make her uncomfortable.)

RV: (Playfully) How about feeding me a bite, darling? It's a husband-wife tradition, you know.

Poorvi: (With steely determination) I think you can manage on your own, Mr. Rajvansh.

(After finishing breakfast, they retire to their bedroom. Poorvi notices RV's laptop and picks it up.)

Poorvi: Do you keep all your case files on this laptop?

RV: (Nervously) Yes, please be careful with it.

(Poorvi pretends to accidentally move the laptop towards a glass of water.)

Poorvi: Oops, looks like it might slip!

RV: (Panicking) No, wait! Please, don't do that!

Poorvi: (Raises an eyebrow) How dare you touch my waist and lips in front of everyone earlier?

RV: (Attempting to deflect) It was just acting, you know, for the sake of the family.

Poorvi: (Firmly) Apologize and promise you won't do it again.

RV: (Reluctantly) I'm sorry, I won't repeat it.

Poorvi: (Handing him a piece of paper) Here are some ground rules: no touching without permission, no public displays of affection, and so on. Do we have an agreement?

RV: (Forcing a smile) Of course, dear. Anything for you.

(As Poorvi walks away, RV silently vows to teach her a lesson for challenging him.)

Poorvi emerges from the bathroom, her demeanor strong and unwavering, as she proceeds to organize her belongings in the shared cupboard. RV, ever the controller, confronts her, demanding that she keep her clothes elsewhere. Unfazed, Poorvi meets his gaze squarely and questions his assertion.

"Why should I?" she challenges, her voice firm with resolve.

"This is my cupboard," RV retorts.

With a steely determination, Poorvi asserts her rights, declaring, "This room and this cupboard are as much mine as they are yours. I will use it too."

RV, taken aback by her defiance, can only offer a feeble rejoinder, "Let's see for how many days."

As RV retreats to the washroom, Poorvi reclines on the bed, her composure unwavering. When he returns, expecting compliance, Poorvi remains resolute, her words laden with strength and self-assurance.

As RV made his insincere apology, Poorvi fixed him with a steely gaze, her voice firm with resolve. "Do you truly believe that I would lower myself to asking you to share a bed?" she questioned, her tone laced with incredulity. "I have no such expectations from you."

RV, caught off guard by Poorvi's assertiveness, stumbled over his words. "I... I'm not interested in such matters," he stammered, offering a half-hearted apology in response.

Without missing a beat, Poorvi took charge, seizing the pillow from RV's grasp and pointedly declaring, "Then I suggest you make yourself comfortable on the couch." With a determined stride, she settled herself onto the bed, refusing to be cowed by his attempts to manipulate the situation.

As RV retreated to the couch, he requested Poorvi to switch off the light. But she met his request with unwavering defiance. "Anyone who has an issue with the light can take care of it themselves," she retorted, her voice carrying a note of defiance. "I have no objections to sleeping with the light on."

RV complied with her demand, extinguishing the light as Poorvi closed her eyes, her resolve unshaken. In that moment, she demonstrated her strength and independence, refusing to yield to RV's attempts to assert dominance over her.



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⏰ Last updated: May 28 ⏰

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