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As Khushi and Poorvi entered the empty hall, a sense of unease settled over them, their eyes scanning the vacant space for any sign of their family members. Poorvi's voice trembled with apprehension as she voiced her fears of encountering more drama, her desire for peace palpable.

Poorvi: "Do you think they went to RV's house? I don't want any more drama."

Before Khushi could respond, Prachi's arrival interrupted their conversation, her innocent inquiry drawing their attention away from their concerns.

Prachi: "What are you two talking about?"

Quickly, Khushi improvised, fabricating a story about Diya's prospective marriage to deflect Prachi's curiosity. As they inquired about Vishaka and Manpreet's whereabouts, Prachi informed them of their trip to the temple, leaving Khushi and Poorvi alone with their thoughts once more.

Alone in their shared anguish, Poorvi confided in Khushi, her disappointment in RV evident as she expressed her disillusionment with their relationship.

Poorvi: "RV isn't the caring person I thought he was. I thought he understood what hurts me, but he doesn't seem to care. I don't want to go back there."

Meanwhile, in RV's domain, Deepika's proclamation of closure regarding Poorvi and RV's marriage echoed through the room, her words a chilling reminder of the finality of their actions.

Deepika: "The chapter of Poorvi and your marriage is over."

As RV ceremoniously cut the cake, his facade of celebration belied the turmoil within, his longing for peace unfulfilled despite the semblance of victory.

But amidst the festivities, Monisha's congratulatory words struck a discordant note, her praise tinged with a bitter undercurrent of resentment.

Monisha: "You've fulfilled your promise by leaving Poorvi and exacting your revenge. Congratulations."

However, RV's moment of triumph was short-lived as a sudden interruption shattered the illusion of his victory. A mysterious caller beckoned him to the garden, their identity cloaked in secrecy.

Curiosity piqued, RV ventured into the garden, only to be confronted by Khushi, her fiery determination evident in her words as she challenged his intentions.

Khushi: "You think you can torture my sister? Not in your wildest dreams."

RV's indifference to Khushi's accusations only fueled her resolve, her demand for him to stay away from Poorvi resonating with an unwavering conviction.

Khushi: "Stay away from my sister, legally. You won't come within 200 meters of her."

But RV's arrogance remained unyielding, his dismissive retort met with a swift response from the lawyer bearing a restraining order.

As Khushi asserted her authority, RV's façade crumbled under the weight of her determination, his plans thwarted by her unwavering resolve. And as she departed, her parting words hung heavy in the air, a stark reminder of her unwavering loyalty to her sister and her fierce determination to protect her at any cost.

The next day dawned with a sense of urgency as Dadu's call stirred RV from his slumber, his voice laced with a firm insistence that Poorvi return home by lunchtime. RV, caught off guard by Dadu's sudden possessiveness, assured him that he would handle the matter alone, his mind racing with apprehension at the thought of facing Poorvi once more.

Meanwhile, Poorvi confided in Diya about the magnitude of her recent altercation with RV, the weight of their disagreement evident in her weary demeanor. Despite Diya's attempts to console her, Poorvi remained resolute in her decision to maintain her distance from RV, her focus squarely on Diya's impending meeting with a potential suitor.

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