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As Poorvi's world crumbled around her, she found herself standing face to face with RV, her heart heavy with anguish and betrayal. With trembling lips, she demanded answers, her voice thick with emotion.

Poorvi: "Why, RV? Why did you marry me? Why did you do this to me?"

RV met her gaze with a mixture of defiance and remorse, his words laden with the weight of their shared history.

RV: "You know the answers, Poorvi. You know everything. These questions should be directed at Monisha."

With a heavy sigh, RV recounted the events that led to their fateful union, his tone tinged with regret and justification.

RV: "I married you for your family's honor, Poorvi. When the neighbors were casting aspersions on your character, it was Ashutosh who suggested I marry you to save face. I was with you that day in the cottage, and I did what I thought was right to protect you and your family."

But Poorvi's heart still ached with the sting of betrayal, her eyes pleading for a semblance of understanding amidst the chaos of their tangled emotions.

Poorvi: "But you were engaged, RV. You made a commitment."

RV's expression softened momentarily, his voice filled with a mixture of regret and resignation.

RV: "Yes, I was engaged. But if I had revealed that truth, it would have brought even more humiliation upon you and your family. We know the truth of what happened that night, Poorvi, but the world would not have understood."

As the weight of their conversation hung heavy in the air, RV's admission cut Poorvi to the core – his confession of his affection for Monisha serving as a bitter reminder of the fractures in their fragile relationship.

RV: "Yes, I like Monisha."

As the chilling words escaped RV's lips, Poorvi's heart constricted with a mixture of pain and resignation. She had anticipated this moment, had braced herself for the inevitable abandonment, yet the finality of his declaration still sent a shiver down her spine.

RV: "I'm leaving you right here, Poorvi."

With a heavy sigh, Poorvi met RV's gaze, her voice steady despite the tears that threatened to spill from her eyes.

Poorvi: "Thank you... for leaving me."

RV's expression softened momentarily, a flicker of regret crossing his features as he attempted to justify his actions.

RV: "If you ever come to my place, you'll understand... I'm not entirely in the wrong."

But Poorvi's resolve remained unshakeable, her gratitude for his departure outweighing any lingering doubts or regrets.

As she turned to walk away, a small, insignificant detail caught her eye – her dupatta, caught in the car door. With trembling hands, she disentangled the fabric, a silent reminder of the tangled web of emotions that bound her to RV.

Meanwhile, Monisha's impatience grew with each passing moment, her anxiety palpable as she fretted over RV's delayed arrival.

Monisha: "RV should have been here by now. Poorvi's house is just 20 minutes away."

Deepika attempted to assuage Monisha's concerns, urging her to trust in RV's intentions.

Deepika: "Just give him some time. He's doing what you asked of him. He's not a machine, Monisha."

But Monisha's frustrations boiled over, her resolve wavering as doubt crept into her mind.

Monisha: "We always listen to each other. I'll wait for five more minutes, and then I'll call him."

Marriage to Love (Kumkum bhagya)Where stories live. Discover now