PART 6: Purvi Prince Charming

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Poorvi was reading book in her room. Suddenly one photo felled down from the book. The photo of Tiger. She start to have some flashes. As Poorvi picked up the fallen photo of her beloved tiger, she was suddenly engulfed by a flurry of memories and emotions. The image of her Tiger stirred something deep within her, igniting a cascade of flashes and reflections on the qualities she longed for in her ideal partner.


Lost in her musings, Poorvi began to articulate the qualities of her prince charming, each characteristic imbued with a heartfelt longing and a fervent desire for a love that transcended superficialities:

As she spoke about her prince charming, her voice carried a hint of longing and determination, each quality she listed a testament to her unwavering desire for a love that transcended mere appearances or material wealth

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As she spoke about her prince charming, her voice carried a hint of longing and determination, each quality she listed a testament to her unwavering desire for a love that transcended mere appearances or material wealth.

Constant Smile: "He should have a smile on his face always," she declared, her eyes alight with fervor. "No matter the challenges we face, his smile should light up my world like a thousand firecrackers."

Unwavering Attention: "His eyes should be on me always," she continued, her tone unwavering. "I want to feel his presence, his attention never wavering, assuring me of his unwavering commitment."

Mutual Respect and Love: "I'll give him the respect and love he deserves," she affirmed, her voice soft but resolute. "And in return, I expect the same. His past, his financial status—it doesn't matter. All I ask is for a promise that he'll love me as deeply as my parents love each other."

Shared Responsibilities: "I'll cook for him every single day," she stated, her expression determined. "But on weekends, I want him to cook for me. A marriage is about equality, about understanding each other's likes, dislikes, and needs."

Shared Interests: "I love flying in aircraft and engaging in air activities," she confessed, a spark of excitement in her eyes. "I want him to share in those passions with me, to participate and embrace the adventures we embark on together."

Friendship Above All: "He should be my friend, not just my husband," she emphasized, her voice tinged with emotion. "I want to be able to confide in him, to share my deepest thoughts and emotions without fear of judgment."

Love, Respect, and Loyalty: "I don't need his money or his fame," she concluded, her words filled with sincerity. "All I want is his love, his respect, his support, and his loyalty. Those are the foundations upon which our marriage will thrive."

As she spoke, her vision of her ideal partner painted a portrait of a love that was pure, unconditional, and unwavering—a love that she hoped to find and cherish for a lifetime.

Flash back end....

As she stared at the photo in her book, a flood of emotions washed over her—a sense of familiarity, of connection, that she couldn't quite explain. Who was he, this mysterious figure captured in a single image that seemed to hold so much significance?

Questions swirled in her mind as she studied the face before her. Was he a long-lost friend, a forgotten acquaintance from her past? Or perhaps he was someone she had yet to meet, a stranger whose presence somehow felt inexplicably intertwined with her own life.

As she pondered the enigma before her, she couldn't shake the feeling of deep connection that seemed to bind her to the man in the photograph. It was as if she had known him, intimately and profoundly, in another lifetime—a connection that transcended time and space, defying rational explanation.

With each passing moment, the pull of the photo grew stronger, drawing her into its depths like a magnet. She found herself inexplicably drawn to him, her heart yearning for answers to the questions that plagued her mind.

What was it about this man that stirred such a profound sense of longing within her? And why did she feel as though her fate was somehow intertwined with his?

As she grappled with these questions, she couldn't ignore the undeniable truth that something extraordinary was unfolding before her eyes. Perhaps, she realized, the answers she sought lay not in the photograph itself, but within the depths of her own heart—a heart that seemed to recognize him, even when her mind could not.


As the evening unfolded, tensions simmered within the household, the echoes of the neighbors' taunts still lingering in the air. Prachi, ever the voice of reason, urged Poorvi not to dwell on their hurtful words, while Vishaka contemplated the possibility of relocating to a new neighborhood altogether.

Divya suggested a change of scenery, proposing a move to a different locality, but Khushi intervened with a generous offer of her own. She extended an invitation for Poorvi and her family to shift to her flat, a gesture of solidarity and support in the face of adversity.

Yet, Prachi was adamant that they should not cower in fear or succumb to the pressure of their neighbors' malicious gossip. She urged them to stand their ground and dismiss the hurtful words, reminding them that their neighbors were also like family. She assured them that silence would prevail once RV arrived, confident that his presence would put an end to the gossip.

But when Khushi disclosed that RV was unlikely to visit, Prachi couldn't help but inquire if there was something they were hiding. Poorvi reluctantly admitted to their recent argument, prompting Vishaka, Divya, and the others to caution against discord within marriage.

Khushi, however, remained skeptical of RV's imminent arrival, expressing doubts that he would show up at all. Yet, just as her words hung in the air, RV made a sudden appearance, his unexpected arrival catching everyone off guard.

RV's presence cast a shadow over the room, his gaze searching for answers amidst the uneasy silence. As all eyes turned to him, the tension in the air thickened, leaving the room fraught with anticipation for what would unfold next.



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