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In the midst of the bustling household, RV found himself lost in a moment of introspection, his thoughts drifting back to the stern words of Dadu echoing in his mind. He imagined Dadu's wise counsel, reminding him of the importance of treating Poorvi with respect and dignity, regardless of their tumultuous past. RV scoffed at the notion, questioning Dadu's perception of him as a divine figure untouched by wrongdoing.

RV: "Do you take me for a saint, Dadu? I may not have wronged her yet, but the past cannot be undone."

As the figment of Dadu's presence faded away, RV was left grappling with his inner demons, haunted by the specter of his past mistakes. But before he could dwell any further, he was jolted back to reality by the arrival of his Chachi, her facade of happiness masking the simmering tension beneath the surface.

Chachi's forced cheerfulness grated on RV's nerves as she made her rounds, her feigned interest in Poorvi's talents ringing hollow. Poorvi, caught off guard by the sudden request to sing, stumbled over her words, only to find herself reluctantly complying under Chachi's persistent gaze.

As Poorvi's melodic voice filled the room with the soothing strains of "Om Jai Jagdish Hare," Monisha's unexpected appearance sent shockwaves through the gathering. Dadi's tense demeanor betrayed her apprehension as Monisha's arrival threatened to unravel the carefully constructed facade of harmony.

Monisha's eyes bore into Poorvi's veiled visage, her anger palpable as she confronted RV with accusations of betrayal and deceit. RV's attempts to explain fell on deaf ears as Monisha's rage intensified, fueled by the revelation of his clandestine marriage.

Monisha: "How could you do this to me, RV? We were engaged, and yet you dared to marry another woman behind my back!"

RV's jaw clenched with frustration as he struggled to justify his actions, his voice tinged with bitterness as he revealed the truth behind his marriage to Poorvi.

RV: "She is not just any woman, Monisha. She is Khushi's sister, and I married her for revenge."

As the weight of RV's revelation hung heavy in the air, the fragile bonds of trust and loyalty threatened to shatter under the weight of his vengeful intentions. And amidst the chaos of conflicting emotions, the true cost of RV's vendetta became painfully clear – a heart torn between love and retribution, with no easy path to redemption in sight.

In the shadows of a dimly lit room, a mysterious figure loomed, his voice dripping with a sinister edge as he addressed the photographs of Poorvi and Monisha before him. With a chilling certainty, he spoke of forgotten memories and hidden agendas, weaving a web of intrigue that promised to unravel the very fabric of their lives.

Mysterious Figure: "So, you've returned, Monisha. And with you, the key to unlock the truth that has long been buried. You may have lost your memories, but make no mistake – you are a player in a game far greater than you can imagine."

With a calculated gleam in his eyes, the mysterious figure spoke of hidden power and untapped potential, painting a portrait of Poorvi as a formidable force to be reckoned with.

Mysterious Figure: "You are no mere pawn, Poorvi. You are a lioness, capable of unleashing devastation with but a single glance. Let RV bask in the illusion of his own mastery, for soon he will learn the truth – that he is but a pawn in a game far beyond his comprehension."

A chilling laughter echoed through the room, sending shivers down the spine as the mysterious figure reveled in his dark machinations. With each sinister chuckle, the promise of revenge hung heavy in the air, a harbinger of the chaos yet to come. And as the shadows closed in around him, the stage was set for a showdown of epic proportions, where secrets would be revealed and destinies would collide in a blaze of glory.

As RV's sinister plan took shape, he confided in Monisha, revealing his intention to use Poorvi as a pawn in his twisted game of revenge against Khushi. Monisha's eyes widened in disbelief as she processed RV's callous scheme.

Monisha: "You can't be serious, RV. Using Poorvi to hurt Khushi? That's despicable."

But RV's resolve remained unshaken as he laid out his plan with chilling certainty.

RV: "I'll take her to pagphera, and then I'll abandon her there – forever. Khushi will suffer, knowing her sister is lost to her."

As Monisha and RV departed from their clandestine meeting, the tension hung heavy in the air, the weight of their deceit threatening to suffocate them both. Returning to the hall, they were met with Poorvi's innocent inquiry, her confusion palpable as she gazed upon Monisha's unfamiliar face.

Poorvi: "Who are you?"

Monisha's lips curled into a cruel smile as she delivered the devastating blow, shattering Poorvi's world in an instant.

Monisha: "I am your sautan, Poorvi. Your rival for RV's affections."

Poorvi's heart plummeted as the truth sank in, her mind reeling with disbelief and betrayal. In that moment, the fragile threads of trust that had bound her to RV unraveled before her eyes, leaving her adrift in a sea of uncertainty and pain.

As the echoes of Monisha's revelation reverberated through the hall, the stage was set for a confrontation of epic proportions – where loyalties would be tested, alliances would crumble, and the true cost of revenge would be revealed in all its bitter glory.

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