Double Hit Harry

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It was 11:00. Never felt better in my life! Apparently I'm drunk, but not drunk enough to forget! So happy Niall and I had a great time. I can't believe I have never seen this side of him! I mean, I should have known how he acts normally, but I never thought of him to be like this! Best birthday ever!

"Hey guys." Harry walked over to us. I don't think he notices that we were drunk. Sadly he was holding hands with Little Miss Popular... What the heck did I really just think that? Am I jealous? Of course not....

"Having fun Angel." He said to me. Vicky put her arms around Harry. Someone is insecure. I was clearly annoyed, like that's going to do anything.

"I'm having a fantastic time with Niall!" I said scooting closer to him. Harry looked at me, he knew something was up. He saw a cup in front of me and I guess so did Vicky.

"What is that?" Harry asked reaching for the cup. Before I could stop him he grabbed the cup and put it up to his face. He glared at me, he was not happy.

"What's wrong, Baby?" Veronica asked. She didn't care she just wanted to get me in trouble. Harry still holding the cup started to yell at me.

"Your only 18! You are under age!" He yelled at me. Veronica smiled, she knew I was busted. The only person who is worse than Liam is Harry. People always thought Liam, but Harry did it in secret so no one would know. Harry was the closest to me put of them all.

"Harry, I can explain!" I stood up. I was scared out of my mind. I didn't know what to say.

"Go ahead!" He yelled at me. He was furious. He couldn't be more disappointed me. I was getting ready to explain, but Niall stepped in.

"That's my cup!" Niall said yelling at Harry. Niall took the cup from Harry and took a sip of it. Harry was calm again. Veronica was pissed that I didn't get yelled at by Harry.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have over reacted." Harry said. Veronica started to examine me to see if there was something she could do to get me in trouble. I looked away from her.

"It's cool dude." Niall said walking over to give Harry a bro hug. I think Veronica knew I was drunk, but she didn't say anything.

"Harry, I'm thirsty." She said, giving me one last glare. Harry looked at her. "Sure thing babe." Harry replied to her. "See you guys later."

"That was a close one." Niall said. He came closer to me. "Now, what do you want to do?" He asked me, pulling me closer to him.

"I want more to drink," I said, "but Harry is over there." Niall just gave me a look, I don't think he cared. He just gave me a 'whatever' look.

"Stay here." Niall said. He walked away over to the bar. I sat down looking at Zayn and Perrie dancing. Louis and Eleanor making out. Of course, Liam and Daniella are sitting and talking, laughing having a great time.

In about 5 minutes, Niall was back with more drinks. I swear it seemed like he took the whole bar! I started to drink what I could. Songs went by and our table was full of empty cups. It's amazing how was still conscious!

Niall started to get really loopy, so did I. I sometimes had no idea what I was saying, or what I did say. We just laughed anyway. We sat right next to each other. We also, started to get really flirty.

Niall put his hand on my leg. I didn't move his hand. To be honest I started to like it. He started to rub my thigh. I was enjoying this. I soon leaned over to him and he kissed me. His hand moved from my leg to my lower back.

"Mm" I moaned to Niall, pulling away.

"Is there something wrong, babe." Niall said to me I straightened out me dress and fixed my makeup a bit.

"Yeah." I said, "Everything is fine." I lied. Something was wrong. I saw Liam walking towards us. I had to think of something quick before he saw us.

"Let's go get drinks." I said pulling Niall up. We walked over to the bar trying to avoid Liam. We had more to drink. I think I'm addicted to alcohol.

My song came on. It was my dirty song that I love so much. I never dance to it because I was afraid I would look like a slut. The song was 'Yeah!' by Usher. I dragged Niall to the dance floor. Niall had a drink in his hand and I was dancing all over Niall he pretty much stood there letting me grind on him. I seemed like a stripper without the strip part. I was having a great time. Niall was, too. I started to tone it down and started to swerve my hips a bit Niall put his hand on my hip and raise his drink in the air. Niall started to get a little aggressive. I didn't mind. I went along with it. I soon saw Harry dancing with Veronica or Vicky, same difference.

"Shit!" I mumbled. All of all the noise and loud music Niall heard me. I still was dancing. "Nothing." I said to him. He turned me around. He pressed me up against him.

"That didn't seem like nothing." Niall said to me. He started to seem pissed. Had to think of something quick.

"All I want is you." I said to him. He believed it and kissed me. He shoved his tongue in my mouth. Harry saw and walked over to us. He didn't look happy.

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