VIII. Tri-Catalyst

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Dawn breaks on the slums and Virno leaves home to head for Cabdan's fighting arena. As he arrives at the place he was instructed to go, he sees an old, run-down building before him. A muscular tall man guards the entrance, and looks down at Virno.

Gorilla: Can I help you, runt?

Virno exhales from his nose with a cocky smile, caring little for the man or his question. He keeps moving forward, but the large individual blocks his entrance.

Gorilla: Look, it's too early for this shit, kid... Get outta here before you lose the chance to.

Virno looks up at him.

Virno: Listen, you dumb fuc-

Cabdan: He's with me! He's with me! Finally... Sure took your sweet time, kid!

Cabdan pushes the man aside and escorts Virno in.

Cabdan: And use your damn words next time...

Virno: I was just about to... Not my fault your goon didn't know I was coming.

Cabdan: Yeah yeah, alright. Here we are!

Cabdan opens a set of double doors, revealing a large, circular arena. People gather around it, from beggars to rich men, all to watch the fight that was unfolding at the centre. 

Cabdan: You're up next, boy...!

Cabdan turns to a man next to the door.

Cabdan: Did she do it yet?!

Man: Almost, any moment now...

Cabdan: Great! Then come Virno, sit here with me and enjoy the end of the show, so you can get a taste for the kind of fighters we have around here...

Cabdan grinned. As he took Virno closer to the edge of the arena, Virno saw a familiar face. The girl he had met the day before was fighting against a man that was clearly older than her...

Virno: Shit... Figures...

Cabdan: What's that? You seen Faya before, have you? She's the best fighter we've got!

The man she was fighting was bleeding from both his ears. His nose hadn't been spared, either. It was clearly broken, and spewing so much blood that if he didn't keep his mouth closed, he could probably choke on it. Faya herself was unscathed, if a bit fatigued.

Audience: Come on Faya! Finish him off! Beat his ass!

Faya approached her opponent. It was a miracle the man was still standing, for if it weren't for the adrenaline running through his system, he would have probably collapsed long ago. As he sees her approaching, the man takes a swing at her. Faya grabs his fist with her left hand. The man moved far more slowly after taking such a beat down, so he wasn't nearly as strong as he hoped. She twists his arm around his back, kicking him in the back of his knee. He loses his balance and falls forward. As his face hits the ground, he struggles to stand back up.

Audience: Here it comes! Here it comes!

Faya takes a lap around the arena, riling people on. They were going crazy, in anticipation for what was coming.

Faya (Girl): Are... You... READY?!

She flips the man around, making him face up. She then expertly positions herself next to his head. As she lifts one of her legs, something shiny and metallic in her heel blinded the audience... She seemed to have some sort of steel piece directly embedded in her boot. The audience screams ecstatically. Once her legs are at a 180-degree angle with one another, she brings her lifted leg down with all her might. The sound of cracking bones and blood gushing fills the arena. Blood spurts everywhere. The man squirmed beneath her foot, with a portion of his skull caved in. The crowd went absolutely wild.

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