LX. A Serpent's Kiss

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Eager to draw first blood, Syl takes a confident step forward, only for Jargen to stand steadfast in his way, pushing him back disdainfully.

Jargen: Hell do you think you're gonna do?!

Syl grins defiantly, seemingly unshaken by Jargen's combative stance.

Syl: Heh... No witnesses, Jargen. Remember?

Teeth bared angered by Syl's eagerness to unnecessarily spill blood, Jargen attempts to find an alternate solution.

Jargen: Can't you convince him to leave? Fill in for him or something, just get him away from the door for a while... You're known around here, aren't you? So find a goddamn way to do this without bloodshed... Don't make this more difficult for us than it needs to be.

Syl ponders briefly, resting his chin softly on the tip of his dagger. He then lifts it while waving the weapon in the air in a back and forth motion, acknowledging Jargen's cunning idea.

Syl: My my Jargen, that's not a bad plan at all! Look at ya go, turns out there's somethin' inside that hollow head of yours after all. Stay put, I got just the perfect idea...

Stowing his knife away, Syl turns the corner and confidently strides towards the unsuspecting guard. Almost instantly, his eye-catching gait draws the guard's attention.

Guard: Who the-

Before he had time to properly examine the intruder that had suddenly entered his cone of vision, Syl intercepts his speech with a sharp silver tongue.

Syl: BUV! Long time no see old friend, they told me I'd find ya here...

The guard's eyes widen, seemingly acknowledging the identity of the daring trespasser.

Buv (Guard): Syl?! Hell're ya doin' here you crazy bastard? An' ya didn't bring me any booze or anythin', get the fuck outta here!

Syl opens his arms, bracing for a hearty hug coming from his jolly comrade.

Syl: Hahah, I've come here just about that! Why don't you come join us downstairs...? 

Buv gives him a strong hug, firmly patting him on the back several times before letting go of his friend.

Syl: Boss is out and the night's as calm as ever, no reason for you to be up here all alone...

Buv: I'unno about that, Syl... Dmitri made it pretty clear we should keep the office guarded. Said the whole house could be turned upside down for all we're concerned, but the office can't be touched. Not 'bout to upset him man, sorry...

Syl: Ahh to hell with that crazy freak, heck's he gonna do? Turn you into a lab rat?

Buv didn't laugh... In fact, his mood soured with Syl's comment.

Buv: Too soon, Syl... Too soon.

Syl: Huh? I-I'm not sure I get ya...

Buv's melancholy gaze drifts toward the floor, as his head hangs slightly lower.

Buv: That's exactly what he did. Last guy who decided he didn't need to follow his orders... He locked him in there with him, Syl. Doing who knows what to the poor fella... Sometimes, we heard his screams. Heard 'em for hours on end... Until they stopped. We don't hear a peep anymore.

Eavesdropping on their conversation, Jargen worried for the safety of his friends who were about to come face to face with the sadistic scientist.

Jargen: Shit, guys... Hope you're alright...

Upon hearing this, Syl clenched his teeth lightly, his concerns regarding Dmitri becoming aggravated.

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