XLI. Part Of What Lies Beneath

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He looked around, though it was no better than if his eyes were shut. The thick liquid that enveloped him could absorb almost all light. Barr looks above, to what seems to be the surface. Faint yellow lights were his only beacon of hope, yet they remained impossibly out of reach. The very silence in this desolate void seemed to seep into his bones, interrupted only by the occasional, bone-chilling howl-like sound that sent ripples through the thick tar. Try as he might to swim upwards, the tar surrounding him made it impossible to get any closer to the top.

Screeching Voice: Back then, you dreamt of releasing others from their pain... But I have peered into your life since those times. You have stolen. You have injured. You have defiled. Your once pure ambition was corrupted, distorted...

As the voice returns, he felt the encroaching liquid attempting to infiltrate his being, slowly inching its way into his pores.

Screeching Voice: ... But I forgive you. Like all others, you are a flawed product of a flawed universe... Led astray by the only friendly hands that reached out to you. That disgusting human... Cabdan. The embodiment of all that is vile. Had you been strong enough to stand on your own, how much do you think you could have accomplished...?

The tar stops advancing, as the voice quietens... Waiting. It sought an answer.

Barr: Fuck... OFF...!

As he shouts, the tar retreats slightly... Almost as if it was startled by his reaction.

Barr: I don't know what you are, but my past is just that -- it's MINE, and it's GONE. Leave my memories alone. The more they wash away... The easier life becomes. 

Screeching Voice: An easy life... Is that your goal? Your life is anything but easy... I have felt all your pain. Every fight. Every blow. Every maimed limb...

The liquid darkness pressed against him, tightening its grip, threatening to crush him.

Screeching Voice: ... But more than that -- I have felt your pain when you get home every single day and look at him. Drinking his life away. A slave to his addiction... Fuelled by your hand. He could have long since died, if you had just gone your way... You had the coin. But you couldn't leave him. You weren't just too weak to kill your own father... You were also not strong enough to let go of him.

The pressure increased further. He couldn't move his own body anymore.

Screeching Voice: Why...? Why do you prolong his suffering? You know there is no saving him... Especially not if you keep buying him alcohol. Are you scared that he will take his own life if he has nothing to drink...? Would that be so terrible? Wouldn't that... Free you?

Barr: Shut up... Don't fucking say it...

Screeching Voice: Wouldn't all that binds you to this world disappear, then...? You would finally be able to do it... To take your own life...


The darkness halted its advance once more, but it quickly renewed its malevolent push, determined to dig in further.

Screeching Voice: And why not...?

Barr: BECAUSE I'M NO FUCKING COWARD... If life wants me dead, it's going to have to rip me to pieces. I'm not going anywhere...

Screeching Voice: Your torment would finally be over.

Barr: My torment is over when I say it's over. Until then... There's plenty of unfinished business to take care of. Plenty of pigs to bleed, bitches to fuck... Riches to gain. But you know what...? You're right about one thing. I'm too weak. Too weak to put my hands around Cabdan's fat neck... Too weak to... To...

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