L. Gateways

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Driver: That's it, we're stopping at the next inn!

With the moon high overhead, the driver's frustration grew due to Ballo and Virno's refusal to stop moving until they received clearer instructions of their destination.

Ballo: Not yet... We need to know more.

Virno's eyes were closed shut, surrounded by a multitude of wrinkles that signified just how hard he was committing to focus. Despite this, it seemed to yield no results. He hadn't managed to establish contact with the voice since his initial, almost effortless attempt.

Driver: Look at him, he's been trying for hours now...! Maybe all he needs is a bit of rest. Not to mention we can't keep going on endlessly, there's only so much energy inside this thing's tank... If we get stranded, you can be sure I'm not gonna be the one that pushes this massive hunk of metal all the way to the nearest inn!

Ballo joins his hands together, producing circular, glowing glyphs that emanated magic.

Ballo: Fuel is no problem. Where is the tank...?

Driver: What the hell do you think you're doing?! You'll blow us up if you get that anywhere near the energy source! You can't just throw random magic at it and expect it to work, this is a science, there are ratios to consider, different elements at play, there's no chance you can ju-

With each flick of his wrists, the glyphs on his hands change hue. The grey particles give way to burning flames, then to droplets of water, then to gusts of wind.

Ballo: I can get as specific as we need. As for the ratios, I'm sure you can help me figure those out...

The driver was caught completely off-guard with Ballo's mastery over multiple kinds of magic. Still, it wasn't enough to deter their intention to make a stop soon.

Driver: L-look, maybe you can make more fuel by just waving your fingers around, but we're not machines -- that includes you. I myself am getting tired, and if I'm passed out sleeping, who's driving this thing then? Whether you like it or not, we'll have to rest at some point...

Virno opens his frustrated eyes, slamming his fist on the dashboard of the vehicle.

Driver: HEY! Break anything here and you can be sure Clavia will break something inside your body in exchange...!

Virno turns around to face Ballo, defeated.

Virno: He's right, Ballo. I can't reach it again... We're just driving blindly at this point. Maybe sleeping wouldn't be such a bad idea...

Ballo shakes his head.

Ballo: We're sitting ducks if we stop... There is no telling where we are and aren't safe. We should keep moving!

Virno: Don't be stubborn, old man... When were you planning to stop? When we're all passed out from exhaustion in the middle of nowhere...? You said it yourself -- there's no telling how far this place is.

Ballo clenched his teeth, not wanting to relent to Virno's points.

Virno: We've been riding since noon, just the three of us. What are the odds anything is following us? Can they even track us somehow...?

Ballo: No. Well, at least they have no means of tracking us that I can think of... But that doesn't mean they can't do it, or that they can't encounter us by chance. Our enemies have plenty of agents spread across the world.

Virno materializes the silver sword in his right hand, holding it sideways in front of his face.

Virno: So we'll dispatch them before they get the chance to do anything. We're not defenceless, even if you're blind, I can still fight. Plus I'm sure you have a couple of tricks up your sleeve we can use...

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