XXXIV. Searing Ambition

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Virno woke up, feeling a newfound sense of purpose. Though his ribs ached with every motion, after almost two full days of recovery, the group was ready to move once again. Jargen and Punjo, though still hobbled by their wounds, refused to stay behind. Rel, more mobile but not fully healed, helped guide their efforts.

At the orphanage's entrance, a growing crowd awaited them. The once-quiet streets were now alive with murmurs and whispers of defiance, as word of their fight against Cabdan spread.

Punjo: "Today's the big day, everyone!"

The gathered crowd, numbering around fifty, erupted in cheers. These were the downtrodden and the desperate, people who had suffered under Cabdan's oppressive rule for far too long. What started as a flicker of rebellion had turned into a roaring blaze.

Rel stepped forward, his voice steady but full of conviction.

Rel: "My parents tell me of a time where the people here lived happily and free, without fear of losing their very homes at the whim of some rich tyrant... The very man who once gave us shelter and food at the cost of what little we could provide has now fully turned his back on us, leaving the slums to be pillaged by his goons. Some of us have had enough. Some of us have chosen to rise up against him, and take back what's ours by whatever means necessary. We stand here today to take another step towards that goal: to free our friends, our sisters, the daughters of those who have already lost their lives... We stand here today, the first day of many, at the start of our journey to put a stop to Cabdan's rule. Together. Together, we take back what's ours!"

The crowd roared their agreement.

Rel's father: "That's my boy! I'm proud of you, Rel!"

Rel grinned sheepishly as the crowd clapped and cheered. Virno stepped forward next.

Virno: "I know I'm new here. My mother and I arrived barely a week ago, but in that short time, you've welcomed us like family. I won't let Cabdan -- or anyone -- take that away. These slums are my home now, too, and I'll do everything in my power to protect them!"

As Virno spoke, his mother stood in the crowd, clutching her chest. A bittersweet smile graced her face, but tears streamed down her cheeks. Pride and worry fought for control of her heart.

Jargen cleared his throat, stepping forward. The crowd fell silent, sensing the weight of his words.

Jargen: "I've got no fancy speech for you. Some of you already know—I used to work for Cabdan. I did things I'll never be able to take back, and nothing I do will undo the damage I've caused. I just hope that, today, that weight gets a little bit easier to carry. True, I'm not in any shape to fight... But to hell with that. A broken body won't stop me from giving that rich bastard a good punch in the face. I hope you all share the same motivation... That's all."

Punjo was the first to clap, and also the loudest. The rest of the crowd followed.

Punjo: "A'ight, folks! Soon as we get the weapons 'n armor delivered, we'll head out 'n tear that place down!"

A man in the crowd raised his hand.

Man: "Weapons and armor...? Where're we gettin' all that from?"

Virno flipped Ballo's silver coin in his hand, catching it repeatedly. Each time, it landed tails.

Virno: "We're getting it from someone who wants to see Cabdan fall. We're not fighting this battle alone."

The crowd buzzed with excitement, the hope of outside help igniting their spirits.

Rel: "Uh... Guys..."

As Virno flips the coin higher, a strange shadow blocks out the sun underneath.

Woman in the crowd: "What in the world is that?!"

The crowd looked up as the silhouette of a flying ship descended, its massive form suspended in the air. Hook lines shot down from its underside, digging into the ground. Crates the size of small sheds slid down the ropes, landing with heavy thuds.

Man in the crowd: "They're sendin' something down those lines...!"

The crates hit the ground, their lids popping open. Inside were weapons and armor of the highest quality. The crowd surged forward, marveling at the armaments.

Jargen: "Speak of the devil..."

Rel and Virno noticed one of the hook lines aiming toward the garden. Riding it down was a figure cloaked in armor.

Virno: "Did you guys see that?"

Rel: "Yeah -- let's check it out!"

Leaving the crowd to explore the crates, the four of them made their way to the garden. 

Ballo: "Well, well! That's quite the army you've assembled. 

From behind the containers, they heard a familiar voice. As he walked around one of them, they recognized him: it was Ballo. 

Ballo: "I brought gifts..."

He gestured to the crates and, with a loud bang, their lids fell away, revealing specialized armor and weapons for each of them.

Jargen: "Holy..."

Ballo, pointed to two of the crates.

Ballo: "Jargen, Punjo -- those are yours. Steel-plated armor and warhammers. I figured you'd appreciate something with a bit of weight to it..."

Jargen's dark-blue armor gleamed menacingly, its spiked helmet giving him the appearance of a living weapon. Punjo's red armor, adorned with bull horns on the helmet, suited him perfectly.

Punjo: "Feels like it was made just fer me!"

Ballo opens another container, as he points to Rel.

Rel: "... What's up with my armor?"

Rel's armor was mainly leather, all except for his legs: those were steel.

Ballo: "Yes, about yours... My source didn't exactly have as much time as they wanted to fulfil my order, so they had to improvise a bit... Hope that's alright, young man."

Rel smiled.

Rel: "No, no. Don't worry! I think I like it better this way..."

The steel was surprisingly light, making it so that Rel could deliver fast, but incredibly powerful kicks to his opponents.

Ballo: "And as for you, Virno..."

The final lid falls to the ground with a thunderous thud, revealing Virno's armour. His was also leather, though it was a black set with golden linings. The shoulderpads and boots were adorned with gold plates, engraved upon which was a strange symbol he did not recognize. Upon further inspection, all other armor sets and weapons seemed to share this very symbol -- most likely the maker's markings.

Virno: "Cabdan's not going to know what hit him...!"

The four of them suited up, each feeling a renewed sense of purpose. Ballo stood before them, his own winged helmet gleaming under the sun.

Ballo: "Shall we march onward?!"

Armed to the teeth and backed by a growing army, the slums' rebellion had begun.

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