LXVIII. Obsidian Heel

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As the beast sluggishly approaches Punjo and gets close enough to him, he wastes no time and delivers a powerful punch to one of its exposed ribs. The room is flooded by a loud crack as soon his fist makes direct contact with the bone.

Punjo: Nghh...!

Punjo recoiled in pain, his hand revealing two broken and dislocated fingers from the impact. Despite the apparent agony, it was evident this wasn't his first encounter with such injuries. With practiced ease, he instinctive grabbed the dislocated fingers with his other hand and pulled them back into place.

Dmitri: HAH...! You think you're fighting another human being?! The bone density of my creation far surpasses that of your average human...!

The monster retaliates, carelessly swinging one of its arms towards Punjo. Anticipating the blow, he raises his arms to deflect it, but as it strikes Punjo's defense, it hits with the unexpected force of a raging bull. He staggers back a few steps, nearly losing his footing under the sheer strength of the seemingly haphazard attack.

Punjo: Aye, no doubt 'bout it... This ain't nothin' like fightin' a person.

Punjo crouches down, adopting a different stance.

Punjo: ... Which means I don't have ta worry 'bout playin' fair.

He jumps taller than anyone of his build and stature has any right to and, with his index and pinky fingers extended, he jabs them straight into the mutant's eye sockets. They pop like balloons, opening the floodgates to a torrent of darkened blood that begins to spew forth.

Dmitri: What do you think you're doing?!

Punjo: Shut up... I've half a mind ta' do it to ya next.

As the opponent stumbles back, wailing in pain, Punjo seizes one of its legs with all his might and pulls it toward him, in an attempt to perform a takedown and topple the enemy. Unable to maintain its balance, the massive mutant falls over and loudly smashes against the floor, the sound of bone meeting stone echoing through the laboratory.

Dmitri: S-top... STOP!

As the monster struggles to gather its bearings, Punjo advances towards its head. He crouches down and performs yet another jump, tucking both his legs in mid-air and extending them with full force as he descends towards the mutant's skull. Both of his heels crash straight into its forehead, caving in the top half of his skull. Blood and pus spew forth from the open cavity as the monster squirms, but soon all fight leaves its body, leaving only a large motionless husk on the floor.

Punjo: 'Ight.

Punjo turns to Dmitri, who couldn't muster a single word. A horrified expression consumes his face.

Punjo: Dun' blame yerself. Raw potential alone can hardly beat decades of experience...

Dmitri: You're right...

Once more, Dmitri's face contorts into a grin of overconfidence, sending a shiver down Punjo's spine. He suddenly feels something cold and slimy wrap itself around his ankle.

Dmitri: Luckily, with every movement you make it learns more and more from your experince...!

An overwhelming force pulls Punjo's leg, causing him to fall face down to the ground. As he looks down his leg he sees a black tendril coiled near his foot, leading back to slithering mass of tentacles erupting through the monster's half-destroyed skull. Like a puppet moved by strings, the tentacles seemed to be burrowing into the beast's skin, controlling its limbs with ever-greater precision.

Punjo: What the fuck...

Punjo tries to kick his slimy fetters off, but to no avail. With the hulking creature now fast approaching, he digs his fingers into the space between his leg and the tentacles, attempting to pry them off. Gripping them with all his might, he pulls his hands away from each other managing to tear them apart, albeit with much difficulty.


The beast raises its four arms high overhead, its hands grasping each other forming a deadly mallet of flesh and tar. Without delay, it brings its fleshcrafted hammer down on Punjo, who barely has time to roll away from danger before the creature smashes the very ground where he lay just moments ago, crushing the stone beneath. Leveraging the momentum from his roll, Punjo stands up but keeps his distance from the enemy, buying himself some time to reassess his options. All the while, Tyssa and Rel watch helplessly as the fight becomes more and more one-sided...

Tyssa (hushed): W-we have to do something!

Rel (hushed): What can we even do...? That thing isn't human, if even Punjo is struggling what chance do we have?

They peer through the door's slits, witnessing Punjo's increasingly labored movements.

Tyssa(hushed): Maybe we won't be of much help... But there's at least one other person who should be. 

Tyssa turns around, ready to head down the corridor and through the entrance they came from.

Rel (hushed): Tyssa...! You don't even know where they are!

Tyssa (hushed): They're somewhere in the upper floor... I'll manage somehow. Stay put, I'll be back soon!

Rel (hushed): Dammit... Wait for me, you can't go alone!

Tyssa comes to a halt, her footsteps stopping in their tracks.

Tyssa (hushed): I have to... It'll be more discreet if only one of us goes. And, to be honest... I really can't sit still as Punjo dies in front me. I couldn't live with myself...

Rel furrows his brow in anger, his frustration channeled through his tone.

Rel (hushed): So where does that leave me?! I sure as hell am not going to sit idly by as that thing murders him, either! In fact...

Rel's eyes widen as he observes the monster approaching Punjo, his breath catching in his throat at the sight of its increasingly controlled and human-like movements.

Rel: ... I think I'm going in there.

Tyssa turns around in shock.

Tyssa: What?! You'll be killed!

Rel: I can take care of myself. Plus, my plan's just to buy Punjo enough time 'til you come back... Don't have to worry about me.

An air of unease gripped her, as she fought herself to decide whether to go or not.

Rel: That thing is getting faster and more nimble every second... Without another distraction, Punjo doesn't stand a chance. I'll be fine... Just hurry up, alright?

She clenches her fists tightly, before begrudgingly turning around and continuing her advance down the corridor.

Tyssa: Alright...! I-I'll see you soon...

As soon as she closes the door behind her, Rel takes a deep breath and barges into the laboratory.

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