Ch80 Heartbeat

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I stood on the balcony of our bedroom, looking at the sky. The stars are so bright, and the surrounding area is so calm. It's true that life is hard, but also that nothing is possible if you only believe in God. My life was totally mess before I met my wife, the woman who holds my heart, the woman who completed my dreams and made them come true. I believe that there are two kinds of karma, and even though I used others to start building my dreams, I still earned good karma at the end to make my dreams stable and stronger.

Y/N is my karma.

I was startled when an arm suddenly snaked around my waist from behind, but when her sweet smell hit my nose, I immediately calmed down.

"Why are you still awake?"

She leans her head on my back, and her sleepy voice makes her sound more cute, like a baby.

"I can't make myself fall asleep."

"What are you thinking?"



I turned around to face her and pulled her so our bodies are locked against each other, leaving no space. I wrap my left hand around her waist and caress her back with the right one as she wraps her hands a little tighter around my waist. I slowly sway my body from side to side, asking hers for a sweet dance, and thankfully she immediately follows the rhythm of my body.

"Wanna know what I'm thinking?"

"May I?"

"Of course."

"Then what are you thinking?"

"I was thanking the heavens for giving me you and the kids. Because of you, I found love, which I didn't intend to find. Because of your love, I became the Jimin I wanted to be. Because of your presence, I am able to do things in the right way, as they were supposed to be done. Because of you, I found myself drowning in pure happiness. Because of you, I became a better person."


"If only I had met you earlier then that day, maybe I wouldn't have stain my life history. But because I have you now in my life, I already deleted that chapter of my life. I dampened that part of my life and never had plans to look back on it anymore."

"You're doing a great job with your life, Jimin, but I think meeting me earlier than the day you saw me is not me right now. If we met before I met Yoongi, then you didn't become the Jimin you wanted to be. I dated Yoongi, even though I know he is a few years older than me, but I can say Min Yoongi brings out the best in me. The Song Y/N before she met Min Yoongi is a sweet but impatient girl, loving but arrogant, silent but stubborn, friendly but greedy. That's the Song Y/N before she met Min Yoongi. Yoongi makes my good and bad sides better."

"And I can prove that."

"Thank you too, Jimin. Thank you for finding me and for accepting me and my daughter. Thank you for loving her like she's your own. After Yoongi's death, I never dreamed of dating again, but one day after getting to know you, I felt something different. I get jealous over small things and became so defensive. I don't want to admit it at first, but my feelings for you goes deeper and deeper every day, and now there's only one thing I dream of, and that's to be with you until my last breath."

"My HEARTBEAT's only for you, Y/N, and I promise to stay and be with you, baby, until the very last beat of my heart."

"I love you, Jimin, ah."

"I love you more, Y/N."


A/N: Thank you to all of you, my lovely readers. Thank you for the love and support you gave me and my work. Thank you for patiently waiting for all the updates I made. Please do support my upcoming books as well. I will try to make something as different as I can.

I will start to update THE TRUTH UNTOLD soon and yah, HEARTBEAT is coming too.

I will start to update THE TRUTH UNTOLD soon and yah, HEARTBEAT is coming too

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