Chapter 6: Looking for Aphmau and fighting shadow creatures

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- Aidan's Prov
I woke up to Laurance shaking me awake "What?? What's wrong???" I asked groggily sitting up "You need to take down the enchantments you put on the door, now!" Laurance yelled "Why??" I asked confused "Aphmau's missing!!" Laurance yelled, I immediately looked for my wand "Wait... where's my wand?!" I yelled concerned then Laurance handed it to me

I took it by the handle "Thanks" I thanked him and pulled the blankets off and got up to my feet, I then pointed my wand at the door and removed the Protective Enchantments "Alohomora!" I exclaimed pointing my wand at the door and we all heard the...

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I took it by the handle "Thanks" I thanked him and pulled the blankets off and got up to my feet, I then pointed my wand at the door and removed the Protective Enchantments "Alohomora!" I exclaimed pointing my wand at the door and we all heard the door's lock click again and I immediately opened the door "Let's go" I said and put my shoes on and immediately ran outside, not really caring if I'm still in these underclothes "Aphmau!" I called looking around while the others went searching "I got an idea" I called over to everyone "And what's that?!" Kaitlyn called "Accio Aphmau!" I yelled flicking my wand in front of me but after a solid 10 seconds, nothing happened "What was that supposed to do?" Cadenza asked curiously "Summoning Charm, it's supposed to pull objects towards me, but I thought I could use it on Aphmau but apparently not" I explained "Watch" I said then pointed my wand at Laurance "Accio Laurance's Sword!" I exclaimed flicking my wand at him as a white ball of light just sparked on the tip of my wand and suddenly Laurance's giant emerald sword flew out of his hand and flew towards me and I caught it by its handle, I then saw the shocked look on most of their faces then I tossed Laurance his sword back and he caught it by the handle, I continued looking around "Homenum Revelio!" I exclaimed pointing my wand forward at the forest in front of me using a Human Presence Revealing Charm but I couldn't sense anyone "Nothing over here!" I called over "You got anything over there?!" I called to Kaitlyn "Nothing!" Kaitlyn called "Laurance?!" I called "Any luck?!" I called "Nothing here!" Laurance called, where is she????? Suddenly Emmalyn came running out and told Cadenza that she found Aphmau! I went to tell the others as Emmalyn guided Cadenza to Aphmau back at Cadenza's house, I told everyone about that and Laurance went to Aphmau, I just waited outside by Cadenza "So, Laurance says you went to a school of magic?" Cadenza asked "How do you know that??" I asked astonished "Laurance told me" she answered "So there's a school of wizardry here around here??" Cadenza asked curiously "Yeah, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry" I said "It's only THE best wizard school I have ever been to, it's like a paradise there, minus the bullies there" I told her "Bullies?? You mean you were bullied there??" Cadenza asked shocked "Yeah... I was bullied since First-Year, but I could handle it" I reassured her "I'm so sorry, no one should ever be bullied" she said "Thanks" I replied, "So Laurance said you took something called Charms and Defence Against the Dark Arts?" Cadenza asked "They're a required class for all students until they're Sixth-Years, then we're allowed to change our classes" I explained "We have more than two classes, I was top of my Charms and Defence Against the Dark Arts Classes" I explained "Really? you were the top of your two classes??" Cadenza asked astonished, I nodded "Are there any things students need there?" Cadenza asked "Quite a few actually, a robe, for school uniforms, a set of books, a cauldron, brass scales, vials, a telescope and one wand" I answered "Where did you get your wand?" Cadenza asked "I bought it" I half lied "You bought it??" Cadenza asked "There's shops for students to buy their school supplies" I explained "People who make wands are called 'Wandmakers', they're the ones who craft wands for witches and wizards, I've actually been practicing making a wand but I don't actually know how to do it right because I didn't have anyone to teach me" I explained "I'm sure you'd make an amazing wandmaker" Cadenza encouraged "Thank you my lady" I smiled "Oh! that reminds me!" Cadenza exclaimed then handed me a bag "What's this?" I asked "Temporary change of clothes until your out of style clothes are cleaned" she answered, I have to admit, I never really liked the clothes I wore, so I went to hide to change, I changed into a long sleeved shirt, a pair of brown pants, put the belt on, then a pair of brown leather boots, and then a brown coat and to my surprise, Cadenza must've put a wand pocket in it because there's a small pouch in the jacket that my wand fits perfectly in! I then put my satchel on after putting the underclothes I was given in the bag and came out "Very nice" Cadenza commented "Thanks, I actually really like these clothes" I replied and handed her back the bag "I put the underclothes in here, so I don't exactly know what to do with this" I told her "Oh! That's quite alright dear, here, I'll take that" Cadenza reassured and took the bag, then suddenly an adorable husky pup came up to me and wanted me to pet him "Aww, hi boy" I cooed at the puppy, "Who's this little man?" I asked Cadenza "His name's Crumb, he's my dog" she answered "He's so adorable!" I said while rubbing the puppy's belly, much to his delight as he started shaking his leg which caused Cadenza to giggle at the puppy's cuteness, then Aphmau came out in new clothes in a beautiful dress, I was still playing with little Crumb as Aphmau was talking to Cadenza, then cooing at little Crumb, then talked to Laurance, then Cadenza's head guard, and then Katelyn, I picked up a stick from the ground and played fetch with Crumb as he kept coming back for me to throw the stick again which was very adorable for a one year old pup, then I heard Aphmau mention building a new village settlement, I didn't think anything of it, I went looking around and saw Aphmau talking to a man with red eyes, that's odd, I have never met anyone with red eyes, I went to the docks and just started practicing some of my spell casting casting some Dueling Spells, but I made sure no one heard me using a Muffling Charm, after a bit I waited outside Cadenza's place waiting for this meeting to be done, I was reading a book on The Patronus Charm reading up a lot about it, but it doesn't say anything about HOW to produce a Patronus, so I can't do it, but I was immediately taken out of my thoughts by hearing yelling and swords clanging together??? I closed the book I'm reading shut then put it in my satchel then pulled open the coat I'm wearing and pulled my wand out of the pouch in it then ran to find out what is going on and saw... shadow like creatures are attacking the village?! I instinctively pointed my wand at one "Stupefy!" I exclaimed flicking my wand at one and shot out a Stunning Charm at one but it barely did anything?! I then ran to Laurance fighting one "Laurance what are these things?!" I yelled then pointed my wand at the one he's fighting "Depulso!" I yelled sending a Pushing Charm at the creature and it got BLASTED away from him but slowly began to come back "SHADOW SOULS! WHAT THE HECK ARE THEY DOING-" Laurance was yelling, Shadow Souls?? That's what these things are called?! "THE NETHER PORTAL HAS BEEN OPENED!" the guy in front of Aphmau yelled "HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT?! PETRIFICUS TOTALUS!" I yelled pointing my wand at another Shadow Soul but apparently it did NOTHING on it?! I suddenly heard a woman screaming and immediately spun around AND TWO OF THEM TOOK CADENZA!! "CADENZA!!" I screamed shocked then saw Aphmau and two guards running after her so I sprinted after them and eventually caught up with them and apparently the blond guard's name is Cloud and the pale black haired man with red eyes name is Vincent "What do we do?" I asked and Aphmau was shocked I followed them "Aidan you need to go back to Meteli, it's not safe here" Aphmau told me "I'm not afraid of these things, Cadenza is a good person and I won't let them hurt her, I may not know her as well as you three do, but I'm going to help as much as I can" I told them confidently so they eventually agreed and somehow Vincent knows about the Nether Portal "I'm going with Aphmau" I told them so they know who I'm going with and Cloud is actually very socially awkward and very shy, that's okay though "It's okay Cloud, being shy is nothing to be ashamed of" I told him trying to comfort him and he blushed a little then we started looking around "Lumos" I raised my wand and conjured light to see better and apparently Cloud scared us from a Turkey, but then Aphmau went running to something "Nox" I whispered and the ball of light I conjured shrunk then faded away, we then saw a Shadow Soul and started attacking it "Diffindo!" I yelled swinging my wand like a sword and did a slashing motion and I actually hurt the creature quite a bit! But it recovered way too quickly AND MERLIN'S BEARD THAT THING IS LIKE LIGHTNING FAST!!!! I pointed my wand at it "Immobulus!" I yelled flicking my wand at it and it froze, then Aphmau finished it off, we investigated a campsite it was at and found two dead bodies and Aphmau looked into a chest but it was empty, which is fine "These guys have been here for a few weeks..... They were just.... Killed..." Cloud said "What?? how fast are these things??" I asked absolutely confused and they both shrugged and Aphmau told us to continue on before the same thing that happened to them happens to Cadenza, we eventually found a weird looking portal opened "We need a plan of attack" Aphmau said "We need a plan" Cloud said "I'll give you my Golden Lasso, you and Aidan can go and grab Cadenza, Aidan, you can protect yourself just fine on your own, so I don't need to worry" Aphmau said "What about you?" I asked "I'll go and distract them while you do that and then you two just get her to the safety of the village" she said "Alright, as soon as you get their attention, Aidan and I will grab Cadenza and get her back to the safety of the village. We'll rush on your mark... please be safe m'lady" Cloud said "Yeah Aphmau, please stay safe" I told her worriedly, I can't say she's my friend but I've grown quite fond of her and her friends, Cloud and I began to sneak around after Aphmau gave us the Golden Lasso "Are you ready?" Aphmau asked us, Cloud looked to me and I nodded with my wand ready, he nodded at Aphmau, she then drew her silver like sword and the second she attacked, Cloud and I sprinted to get Cadenza "Depulso!" I exclaimed flicking my wand at the one coming at us and I sent it flying back quite a bit, then Cloud used the Golden Lasso on Cadenza and she just vanished?? the lasso started shimmering so she must be in it, "CLOUD! AIDAN! GO!" Aphmau yelled to us, Cloud then grabbed my arm and we started running away back to Meteli but then I heard Aphmau scream?! I immediately stopped in my tracks and saw a Shadow Soul about to kill her!! I ripped my arm out of Cloud's grip and sprinted back to her "AIDAN! GET BACK HERE!" Cloud yelled, I didn't listen and continued running to help Aphmau "APHMAU!" I yelled and pointed my wand at the Shadow Soul and I don't know what I was thinking but I just felt so much rage and pointed my wand at the Shadow Soul "Crucio!!" I bellowed and a ruby red light just bursted out of my wand and slammed into the Shadow Soul which made it flee away from the improper Cruciatus Curse, I then got in front of Aphmau "Impedimenta!" I yelled flicking my wand at it and a turquoise jet of light erupted out of my wand and hit the Shadow Soul and it started coming at us in slow motion a little, basically just human like speed running, but it knocked me over! "Ugh!" I grunted landing on my back "Aidan!" Aphmau yelled scared for me "Stupefy!" I yelled flicking my wand at it trying to stun it but it did nothing! "Ah!" I yelped scared as it was about to kill me! suddenly Vincent ran out of nowhere and was in front of me protectively and slashed the Shadow Soul killing it but he was glowing red??? I sat up a little bit shocked that Vincent was able to save our lives from a Shadow Soul, he turned towards Aphmau and I "Vincent!" Aphmau said delighted to see a friendly face "You came just in time!" Aphmau exclaimed "Yeah, thanks Vincent" I thanked him "You were fools to take on those Shadow Souls alone" Vincent said to us still glowing red, why is he glowing red?? "Vincent you're... you're glowing red... you're a..." Aphmau started "A what?" I asked confused "I'm a Shadow Knight" Vincent said simply, wait what?! I thought Shadow Knights are one of the deadliest creatures known to the world?! if Vincent is a Shadow Knight then why did he save us?! "Now, Cadenza is safe?" Vincent asked us "Yes, yes Cloud took her to the village" Aphmau stated "I heard Aphmau yell and I saw she was in danger and I couldn't just run away, so I got out of Cloud's grip and came running back and I... I....." I stated but couldn't say what spell I had just performed "You've never used an Unforgivable Curse, so you didn't do it right, rage alone isn't nearly enough to successfully perform The Cruciatus Curse" Vincent explained "You have to truly mean it, you have to want the person under it to suffer, rage alone will only make it hurt for a second" Vincent explained how The Cruciatus Curse actually works, wait, how would he know what it is and how to do it?! "I asked Aidan and Cloud to get Cadenza out of here, and I faced those things alone until Aidan came and tried to protect me" Aphmau explained "It wasn't their fault, I was the one who made the plan" Aphmau said taking the blame for us basically abandoning Aphmau, but I came back because it was the right thing to do, "Did you give this child here permission to attempt an illegal Curse?" Vincent asked "What??" Aphmau asked confused "What is he talking about Aidan?" Aphmau asked "You want to explain kid?" Vincent asked "I-I didn't mean to! I don't even know what came over me! I just saw Aphmau was in danger and I didn't know what to do so I panicked! I didn't even think I could've done an improper Cruciatus Curse" I explained "From now on kid, never use that spell ever again, unless you have no other choice" Vincent said "You promise me" Vincent told me, in a bit of a scary voice, I nodded "Say it" he told me intimidating me "I promise I'll only use that Curse if I have no other choice" I told him quickly not wanting to get on his bad side and he sighed "Good. You were brave to put others before yourself" Vincent told Aphmau "And you were just as brave to come back when someone needed help, you did the right thing" Vincent told me encouragingly "However, using an Unforgivable Curse whether improper or not, is no excuse, you could've gotten arrested for using dark magic" Vincent lectured me "I know... I'm sorry.." I said looking down disappointed in myself by attempting to use an illegal curse on a creature "Your apology is accepted, just don't use it anymore okay kid?" Vincent told me and I nodded "Yes sir" I replied "But you were very brave to try to help" Vincent said wholeheartedly, he then turned to Aphmau "But please... this is not something you both should be fighting alone. Now come, let's head back to the village" Vincent told us both, I then struggled getting back up a bit because of a pain in my arm, Vincent then held out a hand so I grabbed his hand and he helped me up "Thanks" I thanked him and brushed the dust off me, then helped Aphmau up but before we started to go, Vincent stopped us "Wait, before we go, we need to break this portal... do either of you have a pickaxe?" Vincent asked "Yes I do, a diamond one, which I hope will be good enough for this" Aphmau said pulling out a diamond pickaxe, then going towards this portal "Good" said Vincent "I can try using a Reductor Curse on it to destroy it?" I suggested "No, The Reductor Curse won't do much on this portal" Vincent told me, so Aphmau broke a piece of the portal breaking it closing the portal and apparently it was made of Shale??? Shale is a type of rock made of mud? So the portal was made from mud???? "That should stop the Shadow Souls from coming nearby, let's head back to the village" Vincent told us, I nodded after Aphmau put out the fires on the pillars "Let's get out of here" Aphmau told us and we started heading back to Meteli.

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