Chapter 18: Into a forest and meeting a witch

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- Aidan's Prov
I just want to say... the way back to Nahakra Village was a nightmare for both me and Aphmau because I fell over quite a bit but we managed to make it there to the others and my Aunt was shocked at the fact I got hurt and everyone we were with was concerned about what happened so Aphmau explained everything to the others while my Aunt used Episkey on my ankle after examining it saying it's not broken but it's sprained so she used Episkey on my ankle and she healed me, I would've used Episkey on myself but this wand I was given at The Thieves Guild sometimes resists me, it feels so wrong to hold, it feels like having someone else's hand grabbed at the end of the wand, as if a tug of war between me and some other invisible person so even the simplest spells are much weaker than when I use my Thunderbird wand, I'm going to keep using this wand until I can figure out why it's resisting me and I had my aunt examine it and she says it's made of Yew wood and doesn't know what it's core is but she did say it was outlawed for centuries, so this wand is an illegal one to have but it'll have to do, anyway, I got up and we ran into the forest of HUGE trees, we eventually stopped after a while "Everyone else is fleeing.... I've even seen O'khasis Guards in the commotion... that means... this is really happening" Katelyn told us, "How can O'khasis fall so easily? Books on the place have mentioned it's a great powerhouse here in this region" Travis asked "It is... or rather it was.... I haven't been there in 15 years so I can't say for sure. I have no idea who is in charge now" Katelyn told us "Aidan aren't you from Tu'la?" Travis asked "Yes but I had no idea this would happen, I had nothing to do with O'khasis being invaded" I said trying to defend myself if they're accusing me of being a spy but I'm not! "Aidan, no one is accusing you of being a spy, we were just asking if you knew anything about this" Laurance comforted me, I sighed in relief "Katelyn, I overheard that Lord Garte's in charge, if you wanted to know" Aphmau told Katelyn "Wait yeah, I heard that too, who's Garte?" I asked confused "My father" Vylad said "Your father??" I asked confused "Adoptive father, Garroth and Zane are my half-brothers" Vylad clarified "Oh" I replied, Katelyn and the others started talking about what recently happened while I was looking out into the distance of the trees remembering The Forbidden Forest at Hogwarts, I then wondered how Ben is doing, I haven't heard from him since my expulsion.. he said he lives in Ru'aun, but I haven't seen him yet, I really hope he's okay, we were in the same year together, he was actually jealous that Liam made me go up a grade in the year so I was actually a year ahead of Ben but he's been teaching me everything I missed out on since then before I was expelled from Hogwarts, see, Ben was actually a Durmstrang foreign exchange student who transferred to Hogwarts, I had a little trouble understanding what he was saying because of his accent but I was able to teach him better English in exchange for help if I ever need it and he said that's a fair trade, he was the one who taught me most of the Curses, Hexes and Jinxes I know, but I haven't seen him in nearly a year, it's almost my 15th birthday and I still haven't seen my second best friend, "APHMAU! AIDAN! Are you even paying attention?" Laurance called and asked, I was immediately brought out of my train of thought "Uh, yeah, I-I agree, let's do that" Aphmau replied "Y-yeah, let's do that" I replied playing along because I was not paying any attention "Aphmau? Aidan? You both seem distracted" Katelyn told us "It's nothing" I told them "Just... remembering a moment of school" I told them "Did you say 'school'?" Travis asked "You went to school for wizardry?" Travis asked "Travis I already explained to you Aidan's story" Laurance told him "Yes, I went to school to study magic" I told Travis "Guys, we just need to press on, come on" Aphmau told us and started walking in a random direction?? I followed her close behind "Aphmau! Aidan! Wait! We need to come up with a plan!" Travis called but Aphmau and I ignored him and continued moving "So what was on your mind?" Aphmau asked me "Hm?" I asked "What was on your mind?" Aphmau repeated "It's nothing, really, just something from school" I answered calmly suddenly I saw Aaron?? "Aaron!" I called "AARON!" Aphmau called again as he ran by us but stopped, he then looked us and Aphmau said thank Irene he's safe "Yeah, we were worried about you" I told him walking next to Aphmau "...Thanks. I'm fine" Aaron told us "Did you hear what happened with O'khasis?" Aphmau asked "Yes. People from O'khasis started to flee and used Falconclaw as a way to get through the forest" Aaron explained "We're glad you're safe" I told him smiling "I caught wind of their conversations as they passed by. O'khasis has been invaded" Aaron told us "Good. Then we don't have to bring you up to speed" Aphmau said "Just know that the only way back to Phoenix Drop is... through this forest" I told them while looking through my map of Ru'aun I managed to snag from that place Vylad was burning books from

 through this forest" I told them while looking through my map of Ru'aun I managed to snag from that place Vylad was burning books from

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"...You do realize why effort might be in vain right?" Aaron asked me "Or did someone already tell you?" Aaron asked "Vylad and Katelyn already brought me up to speed on that, the forest is Cursed" I told him "Right. Unfortunately, I can't be of help here. The forest is a mystery to me as well" Aaron told us, great, so we're stuck here, I sighed "It's alright. We'll figure something out, I'm sure" Aphmau told him, "Right. We should be heading deeper in, we are still on the outskirts of the forest" Aaron told us, "Agreed but... won't we get lost?" Aphmau asked "Yeah, I'd rather not get lost in this giant forest, I've already been in a forest this huge, I really don't want to get lost in this one" I told him "You have?" Aphmau asked "There's a giant forest on Hogwarts Grounds called The Forbidden Forest, students are strictly forbidden from entering it because there's so many different creatures such as Centaurs, Acromantulas, Unicorns, Red Caps, Werewolves, maybe even Hippogriffs" I guessed the last one, but the first ones I know for a FACT were in The Forbidden Forest, "There's a clearing I know how to get to without getting lost, after that, I can't say. Follow me, I can take us there" Aaron told us, we agreed then Aphmau called the others and we started following them, we made it to the clearing but then we met this weirdo named Chad and he does NOT know boundaries because he's an idiot, I even used a Stunning Charm on him using this wand I really don't like and I thought I knocked him out but apparently The Stunning Charm did NOT work on him and even my Aunt tried it but even her's didn't work, Aphmau and I chased after Chad so he doesn't get lost with my wand lit with Lumos and SOMEHOW! somehow Chad led us to a house?? I lowered this wand "Nox" I whispered and extinguished the Lumos Charm on this wand, Chad being the moron he is, started yelling around and suddenly spirit Familiars that look like Ents surrounded us then Chad started continuing to be an idiot and saw an elderly woman with a pointed hat, odd looking clothes but I can definitely tell she's a witch but not the kind that went to Hogwarts "What ARE YOU doing in MY FOREST!? Speak your name or else I'll have my Familiars rip you apart" the woman threatened "A pleasure to meet you m'lady witch. My name is Chad G. Augistine Au'Leopold the III" Chad introduced AGAIN! Irene I just want to put a Curse on him, "Hmph... and you?" this witch asked me "Aidan Goshawk, of Tu'la, former student of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, former Gryffindor and former Quidditch player" I told her, she seemed to know the name "Goshawk" from somewhere since I read her mind and she knows something but she must be very skilled in Occlumency because I can't actually read her mind properly "And you?" she asked Aphmau "Uh.... My name is Aphmau, who are you?" Aphmau asked the woman "My name is Hyria, and I'm afraid you've stumbled into a FORBIDDEN part of the forest. Now... what to do with you three...?" Hyria said, okay well we're basically screwed, thanks Chad.....

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