Chapter 21: Finding out the Yew wand's core and saving friends

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- Aidan's Prov
We've been walking for a while now and suddenly Michi just sat down, I didn't command her to sit down?? did she resist The Imperius Curse I placed on her?? "Hey! Get up! This is no time for stopping!" Aphmau demanded "B-But... Michi is so tired... Michi didn't like that Curse the wizard boy used on her" Michi whined, "Well you should've thought about that before you kidnapped us AND Aphmau's sons!" I yelled "Aidan..." Laurance said, I don't want to hear it, "Hmph, I didn't know they were your sons..." Michi told Aphmau smugly "That doesn't matter! That doesn't make it right! Just get up!" Aphmau demanded "Please... I'm tired..." Michi whined like a little baby, "We don't give a damn about that! We aren't at the bandit camp and until we are, you're walking!" I bellowed at Michi pointing the Yew wand at her "Aidan!" Laurance yelled "I swear if you've been leading us in circles and resisted Aidan's Imperius Curse the whole time, I won't hesitate to let Aidan use The Cruciatus Curse on you" Aphmau threatened, I now know what that witch at the Thieves Guild meant when she said having the desperate NEED for these Curses to work properly "I HAVEN'T! I SWEAR! I RECOGNIZE THIS AREA! IT'S JUST FARTHER FROM METELI! NYA!" Michi yelled, so she knows what Cruciatus is... interesting... "I don't believe you at all!" Aphmau yelled "I've had just about enough of this hussy" I told them then I raised this Yew wand "Crucio!!" I roared while having the desperate NEED to make Michi suffer and she laid on the ground and started screaming in pure agony and thrashing around in her bonds while I still pointed the Yew wand at Michi, she NEEDS to suffer for what she did to us! "Aidan stop! You're torturing her!" Aphmau yelled in shock that I just performed a successful Unforgivable Curse, suddenly Laurance ran at me and pinned me to a tree with my wand arm above my head cutting off the spell "STOP IT!" Laurance yelled "WHY ARE YOU HOLDING ME BACK?! SHE'S GOING TO GET AWAY!" I yelled at Laurance struggling against him "No she isn't, can't you tell?... She's completely dehydrated and tired, now she's hurt from that Unforgivable Curse" Laurance told me "Why should I care Laurance?!" I yelled still struggling against Laurance "...Because the Aidan, Aphmau and I both know would care" Laurance answered "You don't know a thing about me!" I bellowed "To you, I'm just some sad poor orphan boy who had a miserable life with his abusive uncle and you took pity on me so you just let me stay with you guys!" I roared at him, he had a shocked look on his face at what I said.... It's true... I've been thinking that since I met them "Aidan, that is not true" Aphmau told me coming to Laurance's left side "We do care about you" Laurance told me "Aidan, you're my best friend and I won't let you throw your life away like this" Ben told me coming to Laurance's right side "If you actually cared then why is Liam still alive?!" I bellowed, they stayed silent at what I said... I looked away from them "Aidan... please... look at us" Laurance told me... I looked back to him "I know that... you have gone through a living Hell your whole life with Liam... we'll get him... I promise" Laurance started "But you are not a cruel person to others" Ben told me "Ever since we met you, you've done nothing but help us as best as you can" Aphmau told me "And we don't want Liam being the reason as to why you're starting to become like this" Laurance told me.... "Laurance.. Aphmau.. Ben..." I said, not knowing what to say as I was beginning to calm down "You're not completely gone... you just need someone to be your anchor and help you when you need someone" Laurance told me.... He's right.... "I'm... I'm so sorry..." I whispered "I-I shouldn't have used The Cruciatus Curse on someone.... I'm just absolutely livid with Michi!" I exclaimed "Don't you understand what she's done?! She took Aphmau's children!" I told them "She even took you, Katelyn, Aphmau and myself" I told her "Just once, why can't I be mean to her for that?!" I demanded, I want to know why I can't be mean to her when they know she deserves it "Because I don't want you to become like Liam" Laurance answered.... he's right..... I am becoming more like Liam.... I swore I would never do that... "Aidan, when we find Levin, Malachi and Zoey and bring them back home safe..." Laurance started "We'll go straight to the Ministry of Magic and file an arrest on Liam for child abuse and kidnapping and frameup" Ben told me, mainly because Laurance couldn't figure out what to do, Laurance then comforted Aphmau after he let me go and talk with Ben, I then went to Laurance "Thanks Laurance... I appreciate you looking out for me, I really do" I told him "And I'm sorry for being a total jerk this whole journey" I apologized "It's not your fault, your aunt told you not to use that wand too much, remember?" Laurance asked and wrapped his arm around my neck and pulled me close then started ruffling my hair, I chuckled and managed to get out of his iron grip and fix my hair "Laurance she's getting away!" Aphmau yelled after, I looked and saw she's running! I raised the Yew wand "oh no she's not! Locomotor Mortis!" I yelled flicking the Yew wand at Michi and a purple jet of light shot out of the Yew wand and hit Michi's back and suddenly she fell on her face with her legs locked together "Leg-Locker Curse... very impressive" Ben commented, I then turned to Ben "You taught me how to cast it" I told him smiling, he did teach me The Leg-Locker Curse, second year, Laurance then sprinted to Michi and pushed her down as she tried getting up "What a coward move" Laurance said to Michi in disgust, she then tried flirting with him.... AGAIN! which is still disgusting, he then turned to me "Good thinking on stopping her Aidan" he complimented me "Thanks, Ben taught me that in second year" I told him "It's a Leg-Locker Curse, it basically ties the victim's legs together with an invisible rope" I explained "Very clever teaching that to him Ben" Aphmau commented "Well, Ben is a really good teacher" I told them and he blushed a little bit flattered that the credit for me using The Leg-Locker Curse goes to Ben for teaching it to me "Ugh... I'm starting to regret everything I just said to Aidan and Aphmau" Laurance told us, oh sure, NOW he gets it that she can't be trusted "Come on handsome! Just forget them and get with a cutie like me!" Michi said, I sighed "Your personality is FAR from cute" Laurance retorted, oooohhh!! "How dare you?! You had enough energy after all!" Aphmau yelled "Laurance! Let me tie her up more!" Aphmau yelled pulling out more rope, I gladly let her since she did a good job with her hands, suddenly she covered basically her WHOLE body?! That is... terrifyingly accurate "Uh... wow! Nice job tying her up" Laurance commented "Yeah, I mean I have never seen more amazing job at tying people" I commented "Eh... I could do a better job" Aphmau replied "No... that's... freakishly good" Laurance replied "It really is" I commented "Definitely" Ben commented, as we examined Michi tied up "Whatever! The point is, she's tied up. Now let's keep moving. Tired my butt, you were just lying so you could get away" Aphmau exclaimed "HMPH! Fiiiiine... this way" Michi said, okay I've had enough of her annoying voice, I pointed the Yew wand at Michi "Silencio!" I yelled flicking the Yew wand at Michi, then when I thought nothing happened, Michi started talking but she was just flapping her lips, but no sound came out? I didn't think I'd mastered The Silencing Charm yet! We continued walking and saw a bandit camp "There's so many bandits here..." Aphmau whispered "Yeah I don't think we can take them all on, not just you, Ben, Aphmau and me Laurance" I told Laurance "I mean we could, but it would be an excessive bloodshed and... I don't want that to happen" Aphmau told us, I then looked to Michi "Finite" I said and did a Counter-Charm for The Silencing Charm I placed on Michi "So what exactly did you do with Levin, Malachi and Zoey, Michi?" I asked her while kneeling to her as she was sitting against a tree "I already told you! I sold them to the leader of the Bandit Camp! I don't know what he's planning on doing with them!" Michi exclaimed, explaining what she did, I turned to Aphmau for some help with this "Well if that's the case, go talk to the bandit leader and, get them back!" Aphmau told Michi, Aphmau went on to talking to Michi for information on anything about Levin, Malachi and Zoey, Laurance and Ben both told us they'd distract the bandits while Aphmau and I go save Levin, Malachi and Zoey, "I made you both a promise that I wouldn't use my Shadow Knight form. Now we need to move" Laurance told us, I already informed Ben on Laurance being a Shadow Knight and I made him swear not to say a word to anyone, I made him take an oath of secrecy about it "Right" Aphmau said "What about Michi?" I asked them both "W-WAIT! What about Michi?! You can't just leave Michi here all tied up! SHE CAN'T SIT BACK UP!" Michi exclaimed, yeah, as if I believe that, "Heh, you think that we're going to fall for your tricks??" Aphmau asked "No. You're going to stay here to the tree tied up until we get back out. And then we'll figure out what to do with you later" Aphmau told her, I smirked at what she decided "WHAT?!" Michi exclaimed shocked, oh please, she knows what she did and doesn't feel bad about it even if she wanted, "Laurance, Ben, are you both sure you're okay with this?" Aphmau asked both Laurance and my best friend "Yes, we could wait for the others, but there is no time. We need to act now before... Irene knows what" Laurance told us "We'll keep them busy so you two can get Lord Levin, his brother Malachi and Zoey out" Ben told us, I turned to Ben "Be careful Ben" I told him, he's my best friend, in fact, him and Sean? They're my brothers and I care about them, "Alright. Let's do this" Aphmau told us, I then pointed the Yew wand at Michi "Fulgari!" I exclaimed and a flash of white light bursted out of the wand and I didn't have to put so much effort into casting The Hand-Binding Charm, I don't know why now, anyway, the flash of white light hit Michi's hands and her bonds Aphmau tied to her hands behind her back vanished and were replaced with white luminous cords and tied her arms behind her back to the tree, I smirked because only the Counter-Charm can negate it, I learned that one from Aunt Rebecca, she's been teaching me much more advanced spells as well as teaching me Fourth-Year magic, I told her I was about to have my O.W.L examinations but she told me when I'm 15 and finished what Fourth-Years know, she'll have me take O.W.L exams, it's DEFINITELY not my ambition to become an Auror, but it's actually my ambition to become a Wandmaker as well as maybe a teacher, especially a skilled duelist, Aunt Rebecca thought it might not be a good idea for me to become a teacher since I don't go to school anymore but I told her I have a plan for why I want to become a teacher but I'm not really ready to share that just yet, anyway, after I bound Michi to the tree, Aphmau and I got in position as Ben and Laurance went to distract the bandits, I then saw one of them has a wand?? I used my Legilimency on Ben so I can telepathically warn him about some of these bandits being wizards and witches, he told me he can handle them, he was the best duelist at Hogwarts next to me, so was Sean, in fact, our Charms teacher taught me how to duel and I taught Sean and Ben how to duel, they said I'm a really good teacher, I appreciate them complimenting me that 'You'll be fine' I said to Ben through telepathy 'Of course I will, you trained me' Ben replied through telepathy, I smirked, I then saw Laurance throw eggs at the bandits "Sternius!" I heard Ben yell flicking his wand at one, then a green cloud appeared around one and the bandit started sneezing, I smirked at that Jinx Ben taught me, you see, because he went to Durmstrang, the school he came from has a reputation for teaching Dark Magic, that definitely got all the bandits' attention, as all of them ran after Ben and Laurance, Aphmau and I both got up and came out of our hiding spot and she drew her diamond sword, I drew the Yew wand, the sword Sean gave me, I haven't had an excuse to use it, plus, I don't even know how to use a sword, I never had any formal training so I need someone to train me and teach me how to use a sword but I'm still nervous about asking for lessons, so my weapon of choice is my wand for now, Aphmau and I climbed up a steep hill and went into a cave "What is that?" Aphmau asked, I looked at what she's looking at, but I can't really see it, I raised the Yew wand "Lumos" I whispered and conjured a ball of light

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