CHAPTER 1 - I thought I was alone?

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Paintbrush was sleeping in that abandoned house since they didn't had any other place to go besides there... is okay! they can reform this little place... hopefully.

Suddenly, a unknown little figure walked closer to Paintbrush, then when they opened their eyes...

"WAAH!!" They got startled by a little robot.

The robot was similar to a bow, but their body was made with a white metal with the screen being black and the eyes cyan blue, their mouth seemed like a speaker

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The robot was similar to a bow, but their body was made with a white metal with the screen being black and the eyes cyan blue, their mouth seemed like a speaker.

The robot tilted their head... or their whole body. "UH- I THOUGHT I WAS ALONE???" The brush loudly said confused towards the robot figure.

That little robot tried to speak, but only broken noises came out from their... 'mouth'. "Uhh... what?" Said the brush, the bot seemed frustrated.

Paintbrush was trying to process what was happening. "Gosh this is so confusing..." they eventually reached to a certain conclusion. "Wait, you... can't talk?" The brush asked and the bot nodded.

"I guess that explains a bit..." the brush thinks for a bit. "... were you always around here?" The bot nodded "Oh." the brush said, feeling blind.

after a quick awkward silence, the brush got up "okay sooooo do you know how the doors outside works? Or what even are those?" The brush went to a window and opened it, looking at the doors outside.

"I'm kind of lost in this whole place and... I'm just curious how things work around here" the brush continued then looked back to the bot, which nodded.

the bot then grabbed the brush's leg, trying to led them somewhere. "Woah hey hey buddy!" The brush laughed in a playful way. "You want to show me about the doors outside?" The bot nodded, the brush made a quite surprised face, then made a smile. "Alright, let's go!" The brush and bot left the house.

Now with both of them outside, the bot went straight to the nearest door and started searching for something "hm? What are you looking for buddy?" Bot showed Paintbrush something special...




I was relaxing down a tree, admiring the nature... and my friends training.

you know, in a world filled with magical people, you gotta train to be strong and defend yourself! For my friends is not different, but the system in this whole place is a mess... well, it's just how we live in this crazy world.

While the training was ongoing, I was thinking... where's mephone? I didn't see him for a while now, I wonder what happened...

I should get something for my friends to eat, there's a little street market around here!

I got up and spoke for the small group training. "Hey! I'll go to the market here! You guys want something?" They all said or showed they didn't want anything specific. "alright! I'll be back" I ran to the market.

I got there and I saw several tents selling things in the middle of the streets as usual! Now I'll get some stuff and- wait...

Suddenly I spotted a cloaked person walking between the people buying from the tents, the person was quite suspicious with their cloak being a dark blue color and their face being hidden.

I saw them walking around the tents and looking at them, then I noticed that after they passed a certain tent with the seller distracted, a item from the tent disappeared! Did they- did they just steal it?! I gotta stop this thief right now!

I ran to the thief's direction, they noticed me and grabbed most food products of someone's tent in a desperate rush and ran away, some items ended up falling and the tent's owner got mad of course. "DON'T WORRY IM GETTING YOUR STUFF BACK!" I said while running after the thief.

It was quite a long run, we jumped, we slid, we bumped into people, but the thief was surprisingly good at parkour, I wish I could do some of their tricks without having to use my magic ability...

At some point they got cornered by a dead end, then they looked at me and shortly after jumped though the two buildings like it was a videogame and got to the top of a building. oh you won't get away with that! now's my time to shine!

with my energy powers I made a spring from magic matter, I jumped on top of it and made it throw me in the air!

I saw the thief... going inside a door up there? it looked like a white metal door, but not important.

Mid air I made another spring and I positioned myself in a strategic way, then I LAUNCHED myself to grab the thief!


The cloak person entered the white door and got inside the bluish place with other white doors that you are already familiar, maybe we'll call this place... the AU Hall, capisce?

They believed they finally got a breather, but the moment they turned around... they got SNATCHED by the person who was following them! This made the hood from their cloak fall, revealing their face.

"GOTCHA!" said the person who was running after them, tired and sweating from the limbs, but then when both of them finally got a good look at each other's faces....



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Average number of words: 883

CLIFFHANGER HEHEHEH, we're starting to get a look on the main cast and other AUs! Sadly only 4 out of the 6 from the original main cast will be present for changing of plans and lore (at least in this book)

~ Your's truly, Sunny

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