CHAPTER 2 - Bright new company!

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Right before my eyes I saw painty's face, was they really... the thief? This doesn't make any sense! Actually, better question...

where am I?

"... Uhh... could you get off? Please...?" Who I assumed was painty said. i snapped back to reality.

"Omga- sorry!" I quickly got off from them, feeling awkward. Painty got up and cleaned the dust off them.

I was about to make a thousand questions about why and how painty was there but I ended up getting distracted with the shiny place.

Painty looked at me, then chuckled. "Looks like you like this place, huh?" They said while I was still admiring the local.

"... Sorry, you're the first one to actually follow me all the way here, I don't really belong to your universe so-" "WAIT YOU TRAVEL DIMENSIONS!?" I interrupted painty as it startled them and my eyes was sparkling from excitement as I looked at them.

"...y-yea, something like that" they answered. I whispered "siiick..." in response!

I noticed Painty grabbed a pink backpack that they apparently was carrying before and they started putting the things they dropped inside this bag... huh.

I grabbed a fallen loaf on the glass-like ground, then looked at everything they dropped.

"You... got a lot of food painty" "yes yes..." painty answered, seeming a bit overwhelmed.

"...Why did you stole it all?" I asked, they looked at me for a moment, then sighed. "First of all I'm REALLY sorry about it, but I needed to do it as quick as possible, I already told you I didn't even belong there..." Painty said frowning.

Really, I should already know that they are NOT MY painty, after all we're talking about dimension traveling... I got some experience with that!

Painty sighed again. "I needed to get supplies as soon as possible, is hard living here when you just want to go back home..." painty said while closing their backpack after grabbing everything.

I tilted my head. "Go back home? Are you... lost?" I asked painty.

"...y-yes, honestly you are lucky compared to me, I mean look! you can just go back to your world with no problem! while I'm completely lost in this weird place..." painty said with a more sad expression, I actually felt bad...

"... You should go back, there isn't much you can do here" Painty told me.

I looked at the entrance and at painty... I grabbed the magic door and closed it, smiling.

"... and you aren't leaving me that soon are you?" Painty said to me.

 and you aren't leaving me that soon are you?" Painty said to me

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Painty sighed when looking at my face. "Well I think I can't do anything about it." Painty admitted defeat. I laughed playfully!

"We should go already if you want to stay with me then, gladly the shelter isn't far away" Painty told me. I nodded.

Painty was walking away expecting me to follow along, but before I made any step I noticed the door had something written there, along with a screen down below, but the template made me more curious...

"Magical Objects?" I read out loud. "Hm?" Painty turned at me. "Why the door's template named like that?" I asked.

Painty went closer to the door again. "Oh- I'm pretty sure this is... the name of your universe." Painty explained to me.

"Assuming by the name, the people there pretty much have some type of magic powers like you..." painty said thinking. "Yep!" I answered them.

"And I'll guess you used your's to catch me and scare the bristles out of me." Painty said as they looked at me while doing the eyebrown thing. "... yep." Not gonna lie I felt awkward answering that.

Painty sighed. "Is fine really, just... don't do that again." They said while hugging themself, not seeming mad as I expect, but rather... nervous? They don't seem to be releasing any anger, is like-

"Lightbulb?" I got startled by painty catching my attention. "Oh sorry! Zoned out for a bit, heh." I said. "Hm..." painty said, worried.

"... We should call each other by different names" Painty said awkwardly.

I was about to suggest some names but I noticed I had no ideas for that, so I started thinking.

Painty looked at me, then sighed. "Don't worry, I also didn't think of that..." Painty said while checking their backpack.

I was looking at my hand, making some sparks come out, thinking... wait.

"OMGA!" Ding! I snapped my fingers as I quite literally lit up with a bright idea! painty looked at me, taken by surprise.

"Painty, I have the perfect name!" I said excited. "Hm? Really?" Painty said curious.

"Mhm!! How about you call me... Spark!"


"Yea Spark! It sounds like a cool name to go with!" I said excited.

Painty looked at me up and down, then smiled at me. "Well, it fits you!" they said, which made me do a bigger smile while stimming with both of my hands.

suddenly Painty grabbed my hand "But we should really go Spark..." They said.

Afterwards we started walking to where painty claims to be the 'shelter'

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Afterwards we started walking to where painty claims to be the 'shelter'.
At this moment, I thought to myself...

Maybe I can get used with this place.

Average number of words: 854
First of all : The scrapped ideas and text are the same size or even bigger than this whole finished chapter
Secondly : This chapter was the reason why the book doesn't have actual cursing anymore
Third but not least : Yes our protagonist like Loafs, why? Idk just a internal joke with myself.
Anyway- thank you for sticking around! I hope next chapter doesn't take too long like this one did, a bye-bye now!

~ Your's truly, Sunny

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