CHAPTER 3 - We're just starting

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As painty holded my hand and leaded the way, i was looking at the whole place, it feels like... dreaming, is such a weird feeling, is that even real? But to being able to see painty's face after so long... i don't want to get out of this dream.

Painty suddenly stopped and i bumped into them. "Oh sorry-" Painty quickly apologized, "We arrived!" They say while we looked at a big house...

 "Oh sorry-" Painty quickly apologized, "We arrived!" They say while we looked at a big house

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"OMGA!" I said. "I think you'll like it here- oh." painty was speaking but i was already entering inside the place.

I started to run and spin around like a child as i explored the house by how excited i was, maybe it has something to do from how long i was stuck in the competition grounds...?

As i looked around i suddenly heard... loud static noises? I can't EXACTLY describe it but when i turned around to the table in the kitchen i saw a person standing up there, they was a short robot with blue screen eyes, and they looked really mad.

"Uhh... hello?" I said trying to be friendly, but the little fella yelled more weird radio screeches at me, i don't know what they're saying but i'm sure is not compliments...

"Droid please calm down-" Painty tried to talk it out but- "ഒ ᯅꕤ﹅⊹ ๑ꕤꮺ ଘꕤᯅ ᯅꕤ ✦ǂഒଘꗃ ꕤᯅ⋈⋆ǂ𓍼!" The robot screamed more angry robotic noises that i couldn't understand.

Suddenly the robot got down the table and grabbed painty's hand, walking to another room with them, then the robot closed the room's door with force...


... well, i guess is just me and my thoughts huh...


... i can hear them both, why the robot didn't like me...?

Was i unwanted?

Was i not supposed to be here?

Was i seen as a... threat?


Was i?


*Self Slap!*
Don't go that far Lightbulb! You're just trying to cheer up everyone!...


... i'm worried i might start talking to myself more often here.

I went to the kitchen to clear my head, looking at the window and the outside for a moment, then i looked at my hands... "... My journey starts here, So i should do it right! Like i'm supposed to..." ... i said to myself, frowning a bit with the last part.

... but i wonder, how the others at home doing? Hope they're not thinking i got kidnapped! Hahah... okay maybe i shouldn't be joking about it- BUUUT i'm curious, how long i'll be here? does time even exist here??

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