CHAPTER 5 - Walking Garden

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Ugh... where am I? It's so... dark...

And I feel so... numb...

But despite that I can still walk...

I took small steps inside the dark place, feeling like I was stepping on water...

I was starting to get more and more tired, just wanting to finally rest for some moments, but I found a group and...

they were my team...

the thinkers.

"Oh-...Ohohohoh! How I missed you all! How have you been-" I tried to reach for someone from the familiar team, but...

they all vanished right in front of my eyes.

"... o-oh, of course, I should have expected that..." I told myself as my hopes were buried once again.

I really screwed up my sense of reality since that incident, didn't I? Just like people say: ignorance is bliss...

That made a little tear escape my eye... with everything that happened, why still bother hiding my feelings...?

... there was no point staying in one place, I should get moving by now.

I was retreating to somewhere else, but...

I took a wrong step

And I stumbled and fell into a deep abyss

Making everything slow down for a moment...

That... That's how I go? falling to my demise while in deep grief? Oh how funny... This is certainly not a fancy end for a prince like me.

And then...

everything started to speed up...



I pulled myself awake as I looked around, realizing I'm safe and sound.

That... was just a bad dream.

I sigh from relief and recollect myself to look at my surroundings, seeing that everything was... unfamiliar.

I was sitting on a big mattress inside a room that was entirely made of wood... or at least most of it, the window frame and the doorknob were both made of metal.

I wonder why I would be in such a strange room... Did someone bring me in?

I got up from the mattress, but suddenly I hit my head on the ceiling from simply standing up. "Ow!" I said in the moment, feeling weird by how that happened... I know I'm tall, but not THAT tall!

ESCAPING REALITY [An ii fanfic about AUs]Where stories live. Discover now