001. ━ dojos and karate belts

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chapter one ━ dojos and karate belts( season one, episode one )

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chapter one ━ dojos and karate belts
( season one, episode one )

❝It's like somebody talks to me and I
instantly go red in the face and I
become... well, a blubbering idiot.❞

𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐎𝐍𝐈𝐂𝐀 𝐁𝐄𝐂𝐊𝐄𝐑 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐀 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋 who liked structure. Many people—herself included—would find her habits annoying, but it was how her brain worked. She needed structure to ensure that she could make it through the day—it was her coping mechanism.

And, whenever something—or someone—interrupted her structure, it usually caused her to crawl back into her shell and not socialize for the rest of the day.

She was an extremely school-oriented person; she always had straight-As. She did any and all extra credit she could find. If she kept her grades up, she had no one to disappoint. That was the last thing she wanted to do; disappoint somebody she loved.

She hadn't always been a girl who needed structure to survive. In fact, she had been a 'rebel' as her father would describe her. She didn't care what life threw her way; she would figure it out on the way.

Until she wasn't.

Until her mother's car was struck by a drunk driver and killed while on the way to school to pick up her only child who had gotten sick.

Until her father, who was in the Army, was deployed overseas only four months after her mother's funeral and Veronica was forced to move cities to live with her uncle who had been made her legal guardian following her mother's death.

Until everything Veronica had ever known was taken from her and she was forced to start anew.

The brunette was shaken out of her thoughts when she felt herself collide with another human being. Standing in front of her—and keeping her from falling to the floor—was a boy her age with a lighter shade of brown hair and a mole on his cheek.

"Uh—sorry," Veronica muttered, her cheeks turning a dark red.

She wasn't the most social person to exist; and whenever she did socialize, she never knew what to say.

"Don't worry about it," the boy replied and she briefly looked up at him.

Veronica felt a pair of arms wrap around her upper body and she turned her head, finding her best friend smiling at her. "I've been looking for you everywhere!" Kim Crawford exclaimed before seeing the boy who was still standing in front of them. "Hi," she said with a smile. "I'm Kim, and this is Ronnie."

"I'm Jack," he replied, his eyes still on Veronica who was happy to let her friend lead the conversation. "I'm new."

"Yeah, I can tell," Kim said with a chuckle and Jack finally tore his gaze away from the brunette. "You still have that new guy smell. And I can see that you've met Ronnie already."

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