Chapter 1: London

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After a long journey on getting here... I quickly started looking for a job. I mean how hard can it be really? I didn't bring much to London. All I have on me was a book-bag that had my sketch book, pencils, and a couple of books of course. I wasn't able to bring much with me since I didn't had much back at home...Man I really need to find a job so I can feed myself I said to myself feeling my stomach growl a bit.

Straight away, I started walking down the streets, asking everyone if they were hiring. So far, no, but a couple people wanted me to do a few errands and said they'll pay be back. I only earn 2 pounds, which I'm kind of proud of. At least now I can buy myself some food for this evening.

As I was walking down the street looking for a place to eat, I bumped into someone...great good job y/n..I said to myself. "Oh my, I'm so sorry sir! I wasn't paying attention.." I said to the man. "No worries! Truly not your fault" the man said. I look at the man, and could tell that he seem like someone who knows there way around town, so I decided to ask if he could help me out. "Excuse me sir, but, any chance you know any job openings around here...?" " oh why yes! I believe my boss would be alright to hire you, though he isn't do I say this...uh kind-hearted, sure you can handle a tough challenge?" He said. I thought about it for a sec and was actually excited for a challenge, I needed a job anyways. "Yeah sure I can!" "great! Follow me miss..." "l/n, and you?" I asked the man. "Names Bob, but called me Cratchit, now follow me!"

Once we arrive to the building, Cratchit took me inside. I looked around to only realized that it was just us two. "Where's your boss?" I asked "Ah, he went out, he'll arrive shortly" he told me. "In the meantime maybe you can sit next to me and see how we do things around here" "sure!" I replied. A couple minutes went by, then all of a sudden we heard a door open and slammed shut loudly, which made me and Cratchit both jump. It scared Cratchit more since he spilled some ink on the floor... "Mr. Scrooge! Oh dear.." Cratchit said while picking up the spilled ink, well now I know the guy's name. "Welcome back, sir. There's something I should tell you." "The cost of that ink will be deducted from your pay" Mr. Scrooge said, which I assume was his boss..and might soon to be mine. "What? The ink? Oh. Oh, the ink. Of course, sir,'s just that-" "Do get on with your work, Cratchit." Mr. Scrooge said while turning around facing him. "If it's not too much of an inconvenience-" He pause and I realized he was looking at me, no staring at me, so hard...I also stare back realizing how handsome he looks for an older man... "and who are you?" He asked . I blanked out for a few seconds and answered "the names y/n. Y/n L/n! Sir.." "Yes sir" Cratchit said "I was trying to tell you that she's trying to find a job, and I thought... you would be okay with hiring her...we could use a hand.." Mr. Scrooge was looking at me intensely, making my heart beat really fast. "Fine...but I don't want anymore interruptions, you will teach her how to do things around here.And ofc course, miss y/n, you would not be payed for today" he said while walking to his office and slamming the door. Well that was rude of him, I said to myself.

Ebenezer Scrooge POV:

Blooming Children
I said to myself out loud as I walk into the building. I slammed the door as I walked in, which made Cratchit spill some ink on his desk. What a buffoon. that boy is...

As always he has something to say once I walk in, I tried to get him out of my way by ignoring on what he was trying to say to me by interrupting him at the same time, once I turned around to look at him I saw a young lady right next to him, which made me stare at too hard... I don't know why but for some reason I couldn't take my eyes off her... I don't like this feeling... I got to my senses and spoke up asking who she was, thinking why is she here. Of course, a job, can't Cratchit do his job and finish on his own.

I decided to let her work here since I'm too tired to deal with anyone, I already had more than my fill of people for one day.. I went to my desk and started writing down the payments people own and those who didn't pay on time. Not a moment later, Cratchit walked in asking for his wages...

Back to y/n's POV:

As I was listening to Cratchit about how everything works around here, he check the time and realized that it was almost Six o'clock. "Ah, sorry Miss L/n, but I'm afriad that's all I can help you with today, my shift is almost done and I must ask Mr. Scrooge about my wages" "No worries" I said "I think I understand how things go around here, thank you for your help!" Cratchit nodded and walk over to Mr. Scrooge.

While he went over I had the urge to draw something on my sketch book, so I went across the room to an empty desk across from Cratchit's and began sketching. As I was sketching I was over hearing their conversation..."but sir, I'm owned 15..." "take this as your payment to me" I heard Mr. Scrooge say. "For what sir" Cratchit replied back. "For the ink of course! And the day your taking off tomorrow and the day after." I decided to stop snooping to their conversation, I look back at my sketch and continue. Still un sure what I'm drawing here...just going with the flow. While drawing I realized I had no place to stay for the night! Maybe I could ask Cratchit, I'll ask him about it once he's finished with Mr. Scrooge.

A few minutes went by, I saw Cratchit walk out the door looking down. "Everything alright Cratchit?" I asked him. He look at me and put a smile on "yes, everything is alright, just not enough payment for my family." "Really? How many of you are there?" I asked "6 children and my wife, one of my children is sick and I don't have enough for the medication he needs..." he replied. After hearing that he's already going threw enough I decided not to ask him about staying at his home tonight. "Oh I'm sorry Cratchit" "no need to be sorry, it's how it is, well good day Miss L/N. I'll see you around".

I said goodbye to him as he walked out the building. Now I don't know what to do...I have no where to stay for the night. Well maybe I do, just seems impossible. I thought on asking Mr. Scrooge if I can stay over for one night since he's the second person I sorta know here. I saw him walked out of his office and he turned and look at me with confusion. "What are you still doing here? Go home." He said "Um, about that sir..." I said "I just moved here in London, and I don't have a place to stay for the night" "okay and? What's this supposed to do with me?" He said. "Well...I was thinking that you can let me stay the night?" I said to him "At my house? Ha! Never knew you'd be the funny type. Absolutely not, you think I'll let a random stranger I just met into my home?" He said sounding furious. I stayed silent, thinking on what he said and he's right. I wouldn't let a stranger into my home as well. "That's what I thought" He said. But I really need a place for the night..."please sir, just for one night! You won't even have to pay me for tomorrow. Just let me stay over for one night sir...please" He stared down at me and he mumble something that I couldn't quite hear. "Fine, one night that's it" "Yes! Thank you sir! I really appreciate it." I replied. "Yes yes, now let's get on with it". We both walked out of the building and went towards his house.

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