Chapter 3: New friend?

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In the morning...9:00am (still y/n pov)

I woke feeling a warm blanket on me. I was still trying to adjust my eyes to my surroundings. That's when I remember I fell asleep on his chair, but I don't recall of having a blanket on me that night. I look around hoping to find a clock. I found one on the wall and realized what the time was and got up as fast as possible realizing it was 9 in the morning! I was supposed to wake up at 6 and arrive at 7! Why didn't Mr. Scrooge wake me up!!! I ran around going upstairs to my room to get my book bag when I realized there was a note on top of it.

Morning miss y/n, I went out to work. I decided that you won't come to work for today since you didn't sleep well-and I wanted you to have a good nights rest.
Don't worry about not having money for things, I'll buy you some new clothes and food for you. Why not go outside and enjoy London, take a look around. I have some clean clothes in the closet for you, hopefully they aren't too big on you.


So I had that panic meltdown for nothing? I said to myself. I looked at the note feeling butterflies in my stomach. "How nice of him" I said. I turned around to see a huge dog behind me. I jumped with shock and realized that it might of been Prudence. "Uh hello...Prudence correct?" Prudence bark back as for a response. I went up to Prudence with excitement and starting petting her head. "Well it's nice to meet you Prudence! The names y/n". I guess Mr. Scrooge left her here for me, how thoughtful of him.

I got up from my knees and walk over to the closet to find some clothes. I found a nice pair of clothing to wear. (You choose your clothes). I looked at Prudence to let her know I was gonna change and she got the message and walked out. I changed into my clothes and walk downstairs to see if I can make myself some breakfast. I saw Prudence already eating her food, I looked around to find some pastries. I decided to take some for the road, I look at Prudence and asked if she wanted to tag along. She looked at me and wagged her tail and followed me over to the door.

I went and walk into town to explore the place! I found loads of wonderful people. Everyone was so cheery and kind. London is such a wonderful place during the month of Christmas! I went into every store to look around in. Though it was kind of weird because everyone seemed to have odd looks when they saw Prudence next to me. I guess they all know it's Mr. Scrooge's dog. I decided to ignore it and continue my walk in town.

I found a small table in the corner and decided to take a break and sketch what I saw throughout the day. After a while of drawing a tall man came up to me. He look so kind and warm hearted so I didn't feel like I was gonna get threatened or something. "Hello miss, the names Harry! May I ask why is Prudence with you?" The man asked. "Oh, you know Prudence?" I replied, well of course he might know Prudence.."Why yes for course she's the finest lady in all of London! And my uncles dog." He said. Uncle?! I thought to myself, Mr. Scrooge never told me he had a nephew. "Oh, well, Mr. Scrooge decided to let me have her for the day while he was at work, since I'm new to town." "Huh, that's interesting, say I never asked for your name" Harry said. "The names y/n, y/n l/n" I replied. "Well nice to meet you miss y/n, I was on my way to my uncles work shop, want to come along?" He asked. I thought about it for a second and decided to go along. "Sure, I'd love to!" I replied.

We went inside once we arrived. "Wait here for a sec miss y/n I wanna surprise my uncle!" Harry said showing his trumpet then ran towards Mr. Scrooge's office. So I decided to hang back and read the book I had in my bag. That's when I heard Harry playing his trumpet loudly, "Harry!!" I heard Mr. Scrooge sounding surprised and annoyed. Which was hilarious, I kept my laughter inside so I wouldn't disturb them.

A few minutes pasted and I decided to walk in because I've gotten bored. As I was about to open the door to Mr. Scrooge office I can hear their conversation in the room. I decided to just open the door and walk in with Prudence following me. I can see Mr. Scrooge looking at me with a shock face, not expecting me to be here. "Y/n" Mr. Scrooge said "what in the world are you doing here?" "I- um.." "I asked her to come along since I believe you know each other cause she had Prudence with her" Harry said fixing my words.

Mr. Scrooge just looked at me until he said something. "Well Harry, the same answer to the same question you ask me every year, I would not be joining you this evening, Christmas is a humbug. I despise it and all it stands for." I just stood there having no words to say. How could Mr. Scrooge not like Christmas? I mean I guess he has his reasons, but still! "oh, come now, Uncle. Hela and I would just love to have you." Harry said. "Hela? Who's Hela? "You know..Hela my wife" Harry said. How could he not know that his own nephew has a wife?! I said to myself. "Please, at least visit us this evening, some friends and I are gathering to toast the season!" Harry said. "Good day, Harry" Scrooge said looking annoyed, I giggled to the look of his annoyance. "Uncle, I'm all the family you have. Why does it have to be this way?" Harry said. "I think mother would have been so disappointed that you and I spend every Christmas apart" Harry said while trying to place his hand on the table but instead he place it else where. Which made a huge scene making books and coins fly all around.

One book did hit me in the head.. but I didn't really care, I saw Mr.Scrooge look at me with worry then shook his head and got up looking mad...
"Harry" Mr. Scrooge said with an angry voice that gave me chills. "Life is full of disappointments...One such disappointment came on the glorious Christmas Day that you stumbled into this world" He said. Oh man...I knew he was rude and all but this is just gone far, I thought to myself. "The very same Christmas Day your mother, my beloved sister..left it!" Mr. Scrooge continued. "I would not be joining you for Christmas dinner, nor any other celebration of this wretched season, now please leave before I say something you will regret." Mr. Scrooge finished saying. I felt bad for both Harry and Mr. Scrooge, they both lost the same special person on the same day...

I watched as Harry walked out the building saying goodbye to Mr. Scrooge and I. "My offer still stands. You are always welcome, Uncle" Harry said while walking out closing the door beside him. I was shock in the whole thing I saw. I had no words, I only look at Mr. Scrooge writing stuff down on his book, thinking what made him be like this. Prudence gave me a nudge to go and speak with him, but I had no idea what to say to him. So I just decided to leave and return back to his house leaving Prudence with him.

Ebenezer Scrooge POV:

Humbug... Harry thinks I'll ever accept his invite. He's a fool if he think I'll ever accept. I looked up from my book to see y/n walking away towards the main door without saying anything. Great, I did it again. She's obviously mad at me, well who cares. I don't care about anyone, and never will again.

Couple hours past and decided that it was time for me to leave. I walked out the building, with Prudence by my side, to make my way back home thinking y/n won't be there and found a new place to stay since I believe she can't stand me anymore after what happened. On my way back two ladies were following me with a box, which I believe is for donations. I tried to ignore them but they won't shut it. I turned around and looked at them until they got the message to leave me alone.

I finally arrive and unlocked the door, I walked in expecting nothing to happen. I put away my coat and hat and made my way to my room. As I was walking upstairs I can see a light in y/n's room. I took a peak inside and saw her sleeping with a book in her hands, she's still here I said to myself with a relief. I decided to walk in and tuck her in. Before I did, I took her book that had pictures in them. Did she made these herself? I thought to myself. I look through all the pictures till I made it to the last one. I stare at it in shock, it was a picture of me... she drew me? Why me? I decided to put the book on the nightstand she had and tuck her in. I looked at her as she slept, she's so lovely... "what, what are thinking Scrooge!" I said to myself. I went out turning off the light and headed to my room and lay on my bed, "thank goodness I have no work for tomorrow..." I said while dozing off.

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