Chapter 6

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Ebenezer's POV:

Humbug! I said as I slammed the door leaving y/n with the Cratchit's. I laughed at the scene, "do they really think they can treat me that way?" I said to myself. I decided to leave, y/n can find her way back. I made my way back home. I opened the door to find Prudence waiting for me. "What is it that you want" I said while passing her. She walked beside me and barked. "What? What have I done now?" I said, she just barked again, so I decided to ignore her. I went to my sitting room and started the fire. I sat down admiring the quietness around me and studying the fire.

A couple minutes past and I realized it was getting late. Y/n is sure taking her time I said to myself. I got up and was about to make my way back to my room till Prudence jumped in front of me and barked. "What is it you want Prudence, I don't have time for your games" I said trying to go around her but she wouldn't let me pass. Then she was pushing me with her head against my legs toward the main door. She barked once again. "I am not going out there, I don't wanna deal with anyone" I said going around her. Then she barked again, I turned to see her waiting at the door. "What? You need to go outside?" I said. She barked in response, "fine then". I said as I grabbed my coat and hat. I opened the door and Prudence ran outside like she saw a squirrel, making me about to fall "Prudence!" I said as I watch her run away. I decided to follow her so she wouldn't get lost. I ran as fast as I could to catch up with her. "Prudence!!" I said "come here now!" But she didn't listen she just kept running. That's when I realized we were getting close back to Cratchit's house.

I finally caught up with Prudence and she stopped infront of Cratchit's house and decided to bark loudly. "Prudence! Come here girl, and quit your yanking!" I said trying to make her to stop. That's when I saw the door open...humbug... I saw Cratchit at the door. "Prudence? Oh! Mr. Scrooge, I- what are you doing here?" He said. I looked up at him confused, "well y/n did kick me out didn't she?" I said. "Oh, yes but she left minutes ago!" He said. "I beg your pardon?" I said walking up to him. "I- yes um she left, I thought she was with you.." he said. "What do you mean she left!? It's been more than 20 minutes! Where could she be!" I said grabbing  Cratchit's clothes pulling him close to me. "I- I don't know Sir!" He said sounding afraid. I dropped him back down fixing him up. "Where was the last time you saw her?" I asked him. "Here, she excused herself out, I didn't see which way she went" he replied.

I gave Cratchit a signal goodbye while I ran around looking for y/n. "Y/n!!" I said while walking around "y/n!!!!" I said once again but couldn't hear anything. It was getting dark and it was freezing like crazy. That when I heard a bark, Prudence..."Prudence!" I said hoping she found y/n. Prudence came back running to me and turned around quickly running another direction, I quickly followed her and arrive where she wanted to lead me to. That's when I found y/n on the ground freezing. "Y/n!" I said running to her, I got on my knees and picked her up. "Y/n!" I said hoping for her to wake up, but she isn't. I quickly picked her up in my arms, she was shivering like crazy.

I tried to walk as quickly as possible to get home. But the wind was too strong it was pushing me back. I look down at y/n and saw her eyes open, though she wasn't saying anything. "It's going to be fine y/n, I got you" I said while grabbing my top hat and putting it on her, I know it wasn't much but it covered her head. After fighting with the wind I made it home, I barged inside and heard the door closed because of the wind. I brought y/n near the fire, placing her on my chair, I ran to get blankets and covered her. Good thing the fire was still on I said to myself.

I watch as y/n slept, I didn't want to leave her side so I sat on the ground beside my chair and laid my head against it. Still feeling my heart beating fast, I thought I was gonna lose her as well. Prudence came up to me and curled herself into a ball and slept next to me. I pet her head to make myself calm down, then I dozed off to sleep.

In the morning...

Y/n's POV:

I woke up to the sound of fire crackling. I slowly open my eyes and adjusted myself to be familiar with my surroundings. I was at the sitting room, I tried to remember what happen and how I got here but couldn't. I was about to get myself up but out of nowhere I started coughing like crazy like I couldn't breathe anymore, I couldn't stop myself....

Ebenezer POV:

I woke up to the sound of coughing, without a thought I knew right away it was y/n. I got up quickly as possible trying to adjust my eyes and move up to y/n. "Y/n! Breathe just and out.." I said has I hold her shoulders. She finally stopped coughing, thank goodness. "Are you okay?" I said has she stopped coughing. "Does it sound like I'm okay?" She said looking up at me. I just laughed, "I'm just glad your awake" I said. "What happened?" She said sounding confused. "Oh, well Prudence and I found you fainted on the ground last night" I said knowing it was my fault she's like this. "I fainted? I don't recall" she said then started to cough a bit.

Y/n's POV:

I really couldn't remember much...I mean I remember going to the Cratchit's leaving them the gift, while that was happing a fight sort of happened with Ebenezer and Emily, then I left to find no one outside waiting for me... "You left me! I remember! Why did you leave me??" I said sounding shock. "I- I- thought you would know your back, plus I was annoyed of the Cratchit's that I didn't want to be around anymore" he said "but I didn't mean for any of this to happen, are you sick or something?" He said coming closer to me. "Probably, maybe just a cold or something" I said coughing. I look up to see Ebenezer's eyes looking very worried "that's good, I hope it goes away very soon" he said "aww you do care" I said laughing "I hope it goes away soon so you can't work for once, why else did I hired you? To just stay at my house, of course not!" He said turning red of embarrassment then got up. "Well I'm going out to get you medication" he said while grabbing his coat and the top hat I gave. "I'll be back as soon as possible" he said walking towards me giving me a kiss on the forehead. "Oh ok." I said while feeling myself blush. I watched as Ebenezer left the house.

I look back at the fire crackling and noticed Prudence still sleeping beside me. Did my coughing not wake her up? I said to myself, what a strong sleeper she is. I wanted to get up but couldn't. "Great, this is gonna be boring..." I said, since there was nothing to do I just tried to go back to sleep.

Ebenezer's POV:

As I was walking down into town getting medication for y/n I realized that Cratchit is working today. Bah...humbug, that means I have to check on him. I made my way to get medication, but that made me think of Cratchit's child, he did told me he was sick and need medication as well. Very well then I'll buy 2 medications, I have to make it up to them because of y/n...

Once I finished getting the medication I made my way to work. I believe y/n will be okay for a few hours, Prudence is with her, she'll be fine. I arrived and went inside closing the door. "Mr. Scrooge! I thought you will never arrive heh...I-" Cratchit said as I turned and face him not realizing I was giving him an annoyed face expression "I- um have you found y/n...?" He said nervously. "Yes, yes I did, she's at home sick. I bought her some medication" I said. "Well that's great news! I hope she'll feel better soon" he said "yes..thank you" I said has I walked into my office and started to work.

A few hours pasted and I decided to let Cratchit leave early since I wanted to see y/n..
I walked out of my office holding a small bag with medication inside for Cratchit's boy. "Here" I said handing the bag over to him. "What's this?" He asked "don't worry about it, your free to leave early if you like, I'll be leaving to go check up on y/n" I said while he grabbed the bag. "Oh, okay thank you Mr. Scrooge" he said has he opened the bag. Humbug...I didn't want to be here when he opened it. "Mr. this medication?" He said looking up at me "why yes, for your boy of course" I said feeling uncomfortable be here "have a good day" I said as I walked back to my office to tidy up. "Thank you so much Mr. Scrooge!" I heard him say as I closed the door. I watch him through the window making his way out happily. "Well that felt nice" I said has I felt happiness for Cratchit's boy cover me. Now I gotta go and check up on y/n, hopefully she's alright.

Okayyyy so uh, yeah, I ran out of ideas. And lost some motivation. If y'all have any ideas, you can comment down, maybe I'll get my motivation back with y'all's support! But for now this is the end of the story.

Hopefully the story was good enough for y'all. Thank y'all so much for everything, adios ✨🫶

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