The Economy Collapse Pt 2

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Just as Lily was about to leave she was called to Ms Thompson’s office. Quickly, she scampered to the office as she didn’t want to be in trouble.

“Have I done something wrong?” she worried as she plastered a smile on
her face to make a good impression.

“Yes Ms” she put on a quiet, meek
voice trying to sound innocent in a case where she could be blamed.

People weren’t called into her office often, only at the end of the week to get their check. “Don’t be scared dear, come take a seat”.

Hesitantly, she sat in the puffy chair and faced her superior. “I would like to give you the chance of a lifetime”, she said as a smirk spread across her face. “You like the performing arts, right?”.

Lily nodded, unsure what to say. “I’ve made you an alter-ego, a fake ID you can work under to live your fantasy.” She handed her a small platinum card with “Allie Minteur” typed on it.

“You have a flight to get to at midnight to go to Hollywood for an audition, so go!” Lily thanked Ms Thompson profusely before going home, telling her family the good news, and packing her few precious belongings.

Ms Thompson had supplied the newly dubbed “Allie”, all the quality gear she would need to succeed in Hollywood, including access to her own state of the art penthouse.

Equipped with her new iphone she wanted one last stop before reaching her destination. The taxi driver stopped just by the famous Hollywood sign.

In front of the sign she snapped some quick selfies before taking one in mid-air while screaming into the
early morning frosty air,


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