Prologue - One Final Battle

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A/N: The amateurs drawing of Yamato and the book cover belongs to me since I made it after all

But anyways, guess who's back? Me, shocking, but anyways, the first two segments are mostly untouched (other than a few things added and grammar and misspellings fixed), but the third one, yep, a complete rewrite just for the lolz

The main purpose of this rewrite was on Chapter 1-3, and not the Prologue, hence why a lot of this are mostly untouched in case you're wondering, but the main edit of this chapter was adding more personality on the MC and other background characters that will probably never appear again in the main story

Actually, that's the whole purpose of this rewrite not that I think about it, to give the MC a more solid and consistent character and not whatever I did on the first iteration

One last thing, any and all criticisms and correction in grammar is welcomed, it's quite hard (and a bit of a waste of time) looking for mistakes alone when you've written so much


Great Harmonic Crossing
Prologue - One Final Battle

"This mission is futile and is just a waste of resources! Can't you see it!?"

"These are the Emperor's orders! Are you opposing his orders?!"

"The Emperor's? Fine, if the Emperor thinks this is the right way, then I shall do so by his will."


"Vice Admiral, We have spotted two planes trailing us, What are your orders?"

"Turn around and then commence firing! Order Yahagi to do the same!"


"Vice Admiral, we have lost sight of the planes!"

"Cease firing and continue the mission and sail towards Okinawa, we can do nothing about that."


"Vice Admiral! A large formation of aircraft has been detected at bearing 180 heading northwards and is now splitting into two groups!"

"Order all ships to increase speed to 24 knots!"


"Vice Admiral! The message we have received has been decoded! It came from the Kikaigashima Island lookout station, they reported that they saw 150 carrier planes heading northwest."

"It's too late for that."

"Sir!! Eight Hellcat fighters have been sighted and have begun circling our fleet!"

"Commence firing and order the fleet to do sharp evasive manoeuvres!"


"Vice Admiral! The Air Search group has reported 'two groups of aircraft, ranging 44 miles, closing at high speed'."


"Vice Admiral! Radar has detected that the two aircraft groups have begun coming towards us!"

"Resume the evasive manoeuvring!"


"Vice Admiral! A lookout has spotted a large formation of American planes! Elevation 8, range 4,375 yards, moving to port side!"

"Into your stations! Load the Main guns with Sanshikidan shells! All ships, prepare for combat!"



"Vice Admiral! The Yahagi has been hit on their engine room and has completely stopped!"


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