(I) 4 - Untied Knots

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Great Harmonic Crossing
Chapter 4 - Untied Knots

"Why did you just let her be like that!?" Akagi asked (or exclaimed) to Nagato who did not liked it at all

"Watch your tone when speaking to your superiors, Akagi." Nagato warned Akagi "Not everyone is as forgiving."

"Grrrgghhh…" Akagi groaned in annoyance

"Yes, I know this is risky, but this is a gamble I'm willing to take." Nagato explained to Akagi "You saw her, if we manage to gain her favour, we could gain a possible ally, and you saw the power she could possess, Azur Lane does not know about her, so we could also use that lack of information for surprises."

"But we could also be hosting a possible threat!" Akagi pointed out a flaw to Nagato's reasoning

"You heard her claims, do you think she even knows what she is and the power she possesses?" Nagato asked Akagi

"And what if she was lying about it?" Akagi asked, once again pointing a flaw

"Akagi, try to remember her tone and body language and tell me she was lying." Nagato said to Akagi which got her to be silent for a few minutes "And the one time she lied, her body language revealed it almost immediately."

"Even still, then what are you gonna do after you gain her favour? You said it yourself, she probably doesn't even know that she's a kansen, what are you going to do about that? Teach her how to be useful as one? You could be teaching a potential threat about the actual power she possesses!" Akagi once again refuted

"Akagi, if you look at it that way, then we could argue that everyone around us is a potential threat." Nagato said

"But we know who those 'everyone else' are but not her." Akagi argued "We don't know anything about her, and that alone is a threat! Like what you said, she could be with sirens and we're hosting her here!"

"And just like what you said, we don't know anything about her so the 'threat' we are talking about could possibly not exist in the first place." Nagato argued back

"And that's no-" But as Akagi argues back, she was interrupted by someone

"Then what do you want? Raising a potentially great ally despite its potential threat? Or actually making that potential threat our enemy?" Nagato asked Akagi, finally having enough of her disrespectful attitude

"Or we could put down that potential threat before it even develops as one!" Akagi replied with a different option

"And completely lose our chance for a potentially great ally?" Nagato asked

"This is too risky." Akagi replied

"Hence why I said that this is a gamble." Nagato replied back "So, if you're done arguing with me, let's start the actual purpose of this meeting, about the claims of our guest."

"I thought that the most likely option was that her memories were altered?" Myoukou who was quiet all throughout the argument between Akagi and Nagato (Along with Kaga) now talked

"No, that was only possibility, there are a few more options that are as likely as that such as that what she was saying was the truth or that she is with the sirens and is purposely manipulating her own body language so that we would start assuming that what she's saying is the truth." Nagato answered

"... But don't those two options seem more unlikely than her memories being altered?" Myoukou asked, genuinely confused

"At first glance, yes, but remember that the sirens appeared out of nowhere through portals and disappeared through that same portal, the chances that the other side of those portals are other worlds are highly possible." Nagato answered

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