(I) 3 - Veiled

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Great Harmonic Crossing
Chapter 3 - Veiled

Nagato, Kaga and the other two whom the white haired woman doesn't know the name of just yet have entered the room

'Finally...' The white haired woman thought to herself as she sees them

"You weren't bored for too long, weren't you?" Nagato asked the white haired woman

"No..." The white haired woman said despite the opposite actually happening

"While I appreciate your effort at being polite, I prefer not being lied to." Nagato said to the white haired woman, easily catching her lie

'She's a good liar, enough to fool a normal person, most people would look at the tone to catch a lie and she has that covered masterly, but her body language gives it away, she becomes twitchy which she wasn't when we were questioning her earlier.' Nagato thought to herself as she analyze the white haired woman

"..." The white haired said nothing in return as she blinks in a mix of shock and nervousness 'Oh great... More reasons why they should suspect me... Those two foxes are looking at me intensely now... Especially Kaga... I'm so great aren't I? So great at digging my own grave...'

"S-Sorry..." The white haired woman apologizes so she could at least save some face

"No need." Nagato said as she waved her hand dismissively to indicate that she wasn't affected by it "That lie was harmless, but I still prefer the truth instead of white lies."

The white haired woman nodded in acknowledgement to at least show she heard what Nagato said

"While this small talk has been refreshing, it's best we finish this 'business' of ours as soon as possible." Nagato announced in which the white haired woman nodded again, this time in agreement "Which faction built you?"

'Faction...?' The white haired woman thought to herself in confusion 'Is she referring to alliances? If it is, then...'

"The Axis." The white haired woman answered which got some weird faces from the interrogators

'Though, a bit weird that I consider myself more as I was 'built' instead of 'born' right now... Not as weird as all of what's happening though... Also, how the heck is this related to me trespassing?' The white haired woman thought to herself

Now it's the interrogators' turn to be confused, usually, when somebody talks about the Crimson Axis, they say the full name and not just 'The Axis', and not just that, the fact that this woman claimed to be made by that faction when she's directly talking to one of the commanders of said faction is unbelievable

"Stop lying to us and just tell the truth!" Kaga shouted at the white haired woman being already fed up by her 'lies'

'There are many possible answers but all of which seem unbelievable themselves, I doubt the Azur Lane has the technology to alter one's memories, and I very much doubt that she's a spy that's lying, not only that all of her claims would just lead to her being more suspicious, but she seems to not even have the necessary skills to lie through me, maybe, she's an experimentation of the sirens? After all, as much as the world wants to believe that the sirens have finally been defeated, we merely just drove them out and not fully defeated them, they could come back any moment if they so wanted to, but that makes everything more complicated than it needs to be.'

'And even if that is the case, why is she here? Did she escape or... Is she with the Sirens? Maybe a plan of them to destroy us within perhaps? But wouldn't it be easier to replace all the world leaders with a clone versions of them instead of this? And why now and not before when we were still at war? Or even before that.' Nagato thought to herself but stops

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