Chapter 2

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**A week later**

Harry and I have been talking for a week now, i've learned alot about him, and i surely told him a lot about me, i feel like i can trust him, he doesnt seem like the type to backstab someone or betray them, i hope im right. i told him things that i never told anyone else, i told him that i trust him not to tell anyone about my secrets. he also trusted me with his cellphone number, he told me to text him just normally and not use an app to talk. he told me that once he come to tour out here he's going to stop in my town, the closest he's coming to my town is Ontario, i live in Manitoba, its not that far, afew hours away. this all still feels so unreal, i cant believe im going to hang out with Harry Styles soon. theyre on tour right now, in about 2 months they'll be on their way to North America

im so excited to  see them ,Harry told me that he wants to bring me out for dinner one of these days. i told him that i'd love to go with him. 

next week is spring break, i cant wait im going to have so much fun, i want to party alot. i still havent told anyone about Harry, i think i should keep it a secret, i dont want people ruining anything or telling awhole bunch of other people 

right now im at school. still waking up early every morning to learn stuff that im probably never going to use when i get out of here, i really hated my school. mostly because of the people, they acted so stupid. and all they did was create drama and lie about each other. i just wish i could get out of here,

everyday i just sit at school being bored, and just listen to my music and hanging out with friends, i get my work done, but i just dont like it. sometimes it gets hard but other times i just dont feel like doing it. when im not at school im usually hanging out with friends or searching up one direction stuff, im a big directioner, when i meet Harry im going to tell him everything i love about him, i got so much to tell him, i hope he doesnt thnk im weird or a bit to obsessed, because that just wont be cute, He had told me before that he had alot planned out already, and its 2 months away, he plans fast, but i'll be more than happy to do what he likes. i'd love to see what things he does.

i was sitting in the caffeteria at lunch, i heard my phone go off, i took it out and i seen the text it was from Harry



Hey babe, 

i had a really long day, im about to go to bed and i just wanted to tell you i cant wait till i can see your sexy body, good night my little cutie. xx


goodnight love, i hope you have a great sleep.


as i read the text i started to blush with a smile, how does he know if im even good looking like yea sure we video chatted but he only saw my face, he doesnt know if im not sexy or not. maybe he's just guessing he asked me to send a picture before but i just didnt feel so comfortable doing that, like he said before he wanted me to send him a pic of my face so the him and the boys can stare at it, so what if they stare at my body, i wasnt sure if he meant naked or not, but i still didnt want to, so i told him that i dont want to, i'd much rather him see it in person. he said it was okay, and that he'd much rather love to see it in person, 

i didnt really enjoy the time differences, it didnt reall give us time to talk because im either always in school, or busy and when im not he's sleeping by then, and when im sleeping thats when he's awake, i dont like it at all, but whenever we find time we can text eachother, im starting to like him alot, i already did, but in a different way, i feel like i can trust him with the things i tell him, he told me that he trusts me not to put his number on the internet or give it out to crazy fans, so im going to keep my word and not give it to anyone. 

after i finished eating my lunch, i got another text from harry telling me that he wants to video chat again before he goes to bed, so i ran home as quck as i could. since my lunch was over at 1:25 i still had a lot of time, its only 12:35. so when i got home, i went straight to my room, i sat down covering myself with my blankets protecting myself from the coldness, i waited for him to answer, 

when he answered, i found myself smiling big, he was smiling too, but it was so adorable. he was walking around in his hotel, he pointed his camera towards a mirror and i seen that he was in only a towel, his hair was wet, so im guessing that he just had a shower, i can tell he's been working out lately his muscles are nicely toned, he put down his phone on so he can get dressed he teased me "unless you want to see"

"styles, just get dressed" i told him with a little giggle.

i heard his deep voice giggle along with mine, he picked up the phone, and he was talking to me while walkng down the hallway of his hotel, he rotated his camera showing me the outside, he was in Paris and you can see the Eiffel Tower, it was beautiful. i was staring at the tower closely then appeared big beautiful green eyes, i smiled. i couldnt control it, i really like this kid, i dont understand what it is but he'd so dreamy, i dont care about the fame or money, i like him for him, he knows how to make me laugh, not much people do. 

"You look beautiful right now babe" he told me

i couldnt conrtol my laugh it just came out, "thank you, your pretty good looking your self"

he was walking back to his room, then he told me "Someday im going to bring you to Paris and were going to have a lovely quiet date in this hotel. so we can have a perfect veiw of the Eiffel tower,"

i giggled "Harry your so flirty"

"i am indeed, but only to women i like" he said with a wink

he was so adorable when he tried to impress me, i would really love going to Paris with him, but i dont think it'll ever happen, he's probably going to adventually forget about me. so i dont want to fall for him, but i'll always be here for him if he needs it. i want to get to know him, he seems like a fun guy, sometimes he can be too flirty but thats okay, i bet he video calls like 50 other girls telling them the same thing, so i shouldnt give my hopes up right away. 

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