twenty four, paint me happy in blue

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chapter twenty four, paint me happy in blue


Felicity accepted that from now onwards, she would inevitably be nervous around Matt. Even hearing his name heard her heart race. When she, Finn and Juliette went to have dinner at her parent's house, her mom asked if anyone saw her yoga mat.

Long story short, they had a very awkward conversation about why she turned around rapidly with her eyes wide open.

The term is called having butterflies in your stomach but that brought to mind summer romance and unbreakable promises or whatever crap you'd see in a 90s teen romance. She wasn't that lucky in her past relationships if you couldn't tell from her discography.

Whatever was in her stomach weren't butterflies, they were moths, and it brought her to question to what extent did she actually like her ex-boyfriends while they were dating.

When she hung out with Jake and he'd blow her off to go skate or whatever hobby he had (she couldn't be bothered to care or remember), Felicity would get the same gnawing feeling in her stomach.

Except she'd run away.

It ranged from Juliette's house to New York. Once he was late to their anniversary dinner and instead of waiting, she got on a flight to Paris with her best friends and spent the week ignoring his calls.

It also led her to question how much of her breakups were her fault, but she chose to believe that her patience was like a guitar string. Too much tension and it'll snap. Therefore her spontaneous outbursts demanding to break up were validated.

With Matt, it was different. The moths in her stomach didn't deter her from their date. In a fight-or-flight situation, Felicity was gone before the crisis had even started. This time it was different, this time she'll stay.

After the concierge, Joseph had notified Felicity of Matt's arrival, she sat by the door with her hands on her thighs. Normally, visitors had to tell Joseph a secret code but Felicity had told him to just let Matt in to prevent any delay. Usually, she picked a fictional character, but last time she made Juliette tell him Scooby dooby doo just for the hell of it.

After smoothing the bottom of her black dress and readjusting the straps, Felicity opened the door and was greeted by a bouquet of roses.

"Sorry I'm late, it was impossible to keep these safe while driving." Matt apologised, handing the flowers into Felicity's arms.

"How did you keep these safe?" Felicity asked, mesmerised at the size of the bouquet. Did she have a vase big enough for this?

"Seatbelt and my arm stretched over it the whole drive here."

The pair made their way downstairs and said bye to Joseph. Matt, holding onto the lobby door, paused for a moment.

"I should've told you this earlier but I forgot so I hope you didn't spend a lot of effort on your hair."

"Why? Should I be scared— no fucking way." Felicity's jaw dropped after Matt opened the door. In front of her was a cherry red 1965 Chevrolet Chevelle Malibu with the roof retracted. This was the only car Felicity had ever been interested in and had saved every paycheck for it until her dad scolded her for picking the most inconvenient car.

Never once did she think she'd be able to sit on the leather seats and never once did she think her date would be the one who did this for her.

"How the fuck did you find this car?"

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