thirty three, too much to ask

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chapter thirty three, too much to ask



Felicity Chen

Since the album wasn't clear enough, I'll say it again. Jake and I are over. There's no chance of us getting back together so stop taking everything out of context and frankly I don't owe anyone an explanation

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Felicity Chen

I'm pissed about my songs leaking and that's something I'll talk about another day. Right now I just want to remind everyone that my songs aren't facts or reflections of my real life. Sure I take inspiration from it but some things are fiction. They aren't about Jake or anyone else.

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Felicity Chen

One last thing since we're at it, I'm not dating anyone. I don't like anyone right now. When I do decide on publicising my relationship, hear it from me and not a gossip page. To my fans who didn't take everything they saw to heart, thank you and love you all.

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Everybody hates Chris
Nicky Minaj : Nick
Mega_Met44 : Matt
Adopted : Chris

Matt get the fuck out of the bathroom
I need to pee and you've been in there forever

Nicky Minaj
The rest of us still need to get ready before they pick us up so get the fuck out of there
Felicity has seen your face before so stop trying to look good

I'm not in the bathroom I'm at the airport

Nicky Minaj
What the fuck

I'm going home

Nicky Minaj
Is it because of the teaspilled post?
Because you know how they twist shit up and try to ruin everything like when they posted you and Colette with the wrong context
Just talk it out it'll be fine

It's not just that
I was going to wait to talk about Felicity after they picked us up but then there was the teaspilled post about her unreleased songs
And then she tweeted about how she doesn't like anyone right now at all

What unreleased songs

Someone leaked her songs and I wasn't going to listen to them until I saw the comments and they were talking about how she wrote them about Jake and they're right
I know she tweeted that her songs aren't meant to be about her life but our conversation previously goes against it

In meet me in the pale moonlight she's basically dating this guy but they're not official because of a girl and she asks when he's going to leave her because they're meant to be
That's clearly Jake and Colette

Playing dangerously is about how love is dangerous and destructive and this is just like in Ultraviolence when she's in love with her abuser

Same with tv in black and white because the guy's a prisoner and in Florida kilos it's about prison

Yes to heaven is her saying she's got her eye on someone and I don't know who else but Jake and her wanting him back

Last song is Because of You and it's how she goes mad because the guy she loves leaves her

These songs are about Jake

Fuck dude
Did you analyse all these songs?

How could I not

Nicky Minaj
I'm sure there's an explanation for this but we're coming to the airport
Can you get us tickets for your flight we can leave right now

You guys stay and go to universal
Get me a wand or something
It's kinda my fault anyways
Pursuing her knowing she just got out of a relationship
She needs time and so do I
I want to be alone for a while and think about everything that has happened

You sure?

I'll just see you when you get back

Nicky Minaj
What do we tell them?

Just say I'm sick and I went home to Boston
I love you guys I have to go, I'm about to board


"On this B-side to Fluorescent Adolescent, Alex [Turner] sings about the despairing moments before a breakup with someone who's fallen out of love with him."

because of you - matt sturnioloWhere stories live. Discover now