author's note

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If you've made it this far, thank you so much on reading because of you and supporting me and our account. Finishing this story was extremely bittersweet because it began with me just searching for pictures on pinterest for chapter inspo and now it's finally published and complete.

I hope you've grown as attached to Felicity, Juliette and Finn as I have and to everyone who has voted and commented, please know I'm super grateful for your support and that i've read every single comment and would try to comment something witty like felicity would.

Although the story is marked complete and I have no proper plans of writing a time skip or bonus chapters (as of right now), feel free to comment and ask about anything in the story!

Maybe fun facts of the characters or even prompts? I have no clue what to write so it's honestly up to you guys and I'll try my best to answer everything!

Once again thank you so much for reading till the end and hopefully this story doesn't end up in a sturniolo video because I will definitely throw up.

As Lana del Rey would say, signing off bang bang kiss kiss - Brooklyn <3

because of you - matt sturnioloWhere stories live. Discover now