twenty six, doin' time

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twenty six, doin' time


Los Angeles, California

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teaspilled sneak peak into the hottest la YouTuber party of the year

user lord if I knew about this party I would've talked in front of a camera a long time ago

user this many YouTubers in one room? Imagine the drama that's gonna come from this
user I can't wait for the tea after this

user Jake isn't a YouTuber so he probably would've been Colette's plus one
user everyone hide your boyfriends
user can we not blame the woman in the relationship? Jake was the one who cheated on Felicity
user are you serious? We hate them both because not only did Colette cheat first, she helped Jake cheat because everyone in the world and their moms know that they were dating

user this will be the modern-day teen creator "hey sisters" moment I can feel it
user this sentence would've single-handedly killed a young Victorian child


Los Angeles, California

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sturniolo.triplets guess where we are

tagged - nicolassturniolo, matthew.sturniolo and christophersturniolo


user I can't wait to see their posts from this party

user everyone say thank you bryant for this Photo Booth pic

user an era

user where are the rest of the film photos
user they're holding back on the other three photos for the sake of humanity

user I have a bad feeling about this party


Matt finally took a seat on the sofa after making the rounds with his brothers. Getting Instagram handles, subscribing to channels, and planning collaborations, all he wanted was to be with Felicity.

Life was cruel because just yesterday he was on a date with her at Venice beach, barely noticing how the hours flew by as they enjoyed their meal. And now? Now he was at a party with people he didn't know.

He thought back to the last party and how he suffered in the same circumstances. His brothers and he separated in the crowd and he was left stranded in a sea of strangers. The last time he was there he had Felicity to keep him company at least. Sighing and looking around, Matt took a sip of his drink and sunk into the cushion.

Being alone got boring and Matt started to venture around the party in an attempt to find his brothers. Knowing them, they'd probably be by the snack table so that was where he was headed.

A light tug on his sleeve stopped Matt and he turned to face a girl.

"Do you know where the snack table is?" The girl asked. Matt replied stating that he was looking for it too so they could go look for it together.

While she rambled on about... to be completely honest Matt stopped paying attention to her after they started walking, with his mind only on the food. One thing he couldn't shake off was why he thought she looked so familiar. It was certainly too late to ask for her name.

They finally found the table but unfortunately, his brothers were nowhere in sight. Thinking it was time they split ways, he said a quick bye and turned away.

"I'm Colette by the way, Colette Barker." She finally said.

Matt froze. Colette Barker, the girl who helped Jake cheat. She was never brought up in their conversations and it was one territory Matt had never thought to enter because if he were in her position, Colette would have been wiped off the face of the internet.

"Matt Sturniolo. I have to go find my brothers." He muttered, trying his best to leave her.

"Sorry, what did you say?"

Matt leaned down to tell her he had to leave but Colette grabbed his face and kissed him.

Click. Flash. The camera went off as Matt pulled away. Wiping his lips, Matt ran off to find his brothers.


We've come to tell you that she's evil,
Most definitely

Evil, ornery, scandalous and evil
Most definitely

because of you - matt sturnioloWhere stories live. Discover now